Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 465 It's over, it's time to surrender

Chapter 465 It's over, it's time to surrender (9)

"Afterwards, I never touched a gun. Think about it, the sound today seems to be really a gunshot." After An Sishui finished speaking, she lowered her head slightly.

Having said so much, she still had one last sentence in her mind that she could not utter.

She swallowed the words.Because according to her speculation, the person who shot should be Mo Liunian.

She said how when holding Mo Liunian's arm, she always felt that there was a hard place on his body.At that time, An Sishui felt that this thing seemed a bit complicated.

But I never expected that it would be a pistol.

Lin Xi came back to her senses, looked at An Sishui intently, and asked again: "By the way, how did you and Movie Emperor Mo get together?"

When asked here, the expression on An Sishui's face completely froze.She looked at Lin Xi and didn't have the courage to tell the truth for a while.

She didn't say much, but just looked in Mo Liunian's direction.

What just happened faintly, all the reporters present were all driven away, and the ones who stayed were all the insiders of the crew and people with dignity.

Lin Xi looked around the room, and saw Gu Nianchu casually sitting on a bench, with Team Yang sitting next to him.

They seemed to be discussing something, but most of them were Dui Yang who spoke. Gu Nianchu listened expressionlessly, and he would say a few words from time to time.

Lin Xi took a long breath, looked at An Sishui, and knew that she was unwilling to speak.In this case, she will respect her and stop asking.

"Lin Xi, do you know the punishment for holding a gun in China?" An Sishui's eyes suddenly dimmed, and he tugged at the corner of Lin Xi's clothes, and asked slowly.

Hearing these words, Lin Xi's eyes flickered slightly.

"As far as I know, if you have a gun, your illegal gun will be confiscated and you will be charged with a crime of disturbing the peace. This is the lightest."

"Secondly, committing a crime with a gun. If it's not bad, you should be shot. It's useless even to find a relationship. At most, you will be imprisoned for life." Lin Xi finished speaking slowly, and looked at An Sishui.

An Sishui's face turned completely pale.

A few key words flashed through my mind: "shooting" and "imprisonment for life".

There seemed to be tears in her eyes, but she couldn't cry.

Fighting back tears, she nodded.

Lin Xi seemed to understand something, but in the end she still didn't say anything.
Dui Yang also looked at Lin Xi, until Gu Nianchu came back to his senses and saw Dui Yang also staring at Lin Xi, there seemed to be a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

He glanced at Dui Yang with a slightly chilly gaze.

Dui Yang retracted his gaze in shock, and looked at Gu Nianchu.

Gu Nianchu's half-smile made Yang Dui quickly change the subject: "Mr. Gu, do you want to ask me about guns?"

Dui Yang acted like he was doing business, but Gu Nianchu unexpectedly said again: "Xiao Yang, you don't need to be so formal in private."

With that said, Gu Nianchu picked up a cup of tea from the tea table in front of him and handed it to Dui Yang.

Dui Yang was flattered, but he did not forget the fact that he was staring at Lin Xi just now.

Goosebumps appeared on his body, and then he looked like he was about to cry, and took the wine glass from Gu Nianchu's hand with a smile.

"Brother Chu, what do you want to ask?" Team Yang wanted to cry, but obediently opened his mouth to discuss business matters.

Gu Nianchu looked at Dui Yang with genuine winking eyes, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"As far as today's gun situation is concerned, what is the lightest sentence?" Gu Nianchu said slowly.

 five shifts

  good night~

(End of this chapter)

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