Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 467 It's over, it's time to surrender

Chapter 467 It's over, it's time to surrender (11)

"I know that you are all looking for him recently, so I called him directly. I knew he would kill Lin Xi, so I took a gun just in case of inconvenience. Of course, I had already thought that I would use a gun. "

Mo Liunian spoke again, a look of deepness flashed in his eyes.He had already thought of a way out for himself.

"If I didn't help you today..." Gu Nianchu pondered for a moment, then asked again.His eyes met Mo Liunian's.

Hearing this, a flash of determination flashed in Mo Liunian's eyes: "Then I will surrender. What's more, I still have a bigger secret in my hands. Although it is not as thorough as your plan, I can ensure that I am not imprisoned for life. .”

Mo Liunian at this time is completely different from the gentle and gentle him on the screen.

Gu Nianchu's eyes were full of inquiry, as if he was also wondering what the bigger secret about Mo Liunian was.Hearing the second half of Mo Liunian's words, he felt that Mo Liunian's brains would definitely be as good as his when it came to business.

Gu Nianchu smiled: "Could it be, have you already guessed what my plan is?"

Seeing Gu Nianchu's smile, Mo Liunian's mouth twitched slightly: "I don't know."

Next, Mo Liunian looked ahead and raised a smile: "But I know, it must be better than my plan."

Gu Nianchu suppressed his smile, it was the first time he felt that Mo Liunian was so scary.His mind is not so meticulous.

"First of all, thank you for saving Lin Xi." Gu Nianchu pursed his lips and said slowly.

Mo Liunian shook his head, saying that this is what he should do.

"Secondly, I want to tell you the best solution to this matter."

"Of course, it has something to do with the secret you hold, I think. If you are going to turn yourself in, say that the gun went off. Don't admit that it was your gun. Try your best to separate the gun from yourself and deny it. He didn't shoot himself."

"I believe that with your ability, you should be able to do this. I will also help you behind the scenes, so you don't have to worry."

"Then you can tell your secret as a matter of course, and maybe you can be kept."

"Remember, don't let yourself get involved with the gun." Gu Nianchu finally confessed, looking at Mo Liunian.

Mo Liunian smiled wryly and nodded.This is the best way, and this is the only way to do it, coupled with Gu Nianchu's help behind the scenes, maybe it will really make him feel better.

"I didn't expect you to like Lin Xi so much." Gu Nianchu smiled, and suddenly spoke again.

It's just that his smile is full of loneliness and desolation.

Mo Liunian frowned, and subconsciously said, "No, I didn't do this for her."

When Gu Nianchu heard this, he was slightly puzzled.If it wasn't for Lin Xi, how could he use a gun to deal with a person?
Gu Nianchu was puzzled, looked at Mo Liunian, and listened to his explanation.

"I'm for myself." Mo Liunian took a deep breath, and slowly uttered these words.

After speaking, Mo Liunian left here first, leaving behind Gu Nianchu who was slightly shocked.

Wasn't he for Lin Xi?

Wasn't it for Lin Xi?
Gu Nianchu suddenly felt a little excited at the moment, and then he thought of the matter that Mo Liunian had just admitted in a high-profile manner to An Sishui.

He smiled wryly at the corner of his mouth. I'm afraid Mo Liunian may have something to hide this time.

(End of this chapter)

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