Chapter 475 Retribution!It's your turn too (5)

But after giving him time, two full years passed.Qi Yuan couldn't sit still after all.In the past two years, she had been in frequent contact with Lin Aohui, hoping that he would remember her promise as soon as possible.

Finally one day, Qi Yuan made a cruel move.

She poisoned people, poisoned Cheng Fengrao's daily meals, and forged evidence that Lin Aohui had poisoned her.

She wanted Lin Aohui and Cheng Fengrao to turn against each other.

She will never forget that Cheng Fengrao actually doesn't love Lin Aohui at all.Because of that subtle gaze on the day of the wedding, Qi Yuan already understood everything.

Next, she killed Cheng Fengrao in a very cruel way, and made Lin Aohui hate Cheng Fengrao.

In fact, when she saw Lin Xi, she was moved with compassion.That little girl was so cute back then.Especially those little eyes...

Qi Yuan was only the mother of a two-year-old baby girl at the time, so she didn't hold back and didn't kill Lin Xi.

When she thought about it later, she realized what a wrong thing she had done at that time.
Qi Yuan came back to her senses and looked at the furnishings in the house.

It is said that everything here is operated by Cheng Fengrao.The plants and trees outside the door were all planted by Cheng Fengrao alone.

These things all have Cheng Fengrao's shadow!

God knows how Qi Yuan came here for so many years and tens of thousands of days.

But she doesn't blame herself at all.Because as long as it was something that Qi Yuan snatched from her, no matter how much effort she had put in, it would be excellent.

What's more, Cheng Fengrao really doesn't like her.

But now, the man she had worked so hard to earn was already in prison.

He has been harmed by her and has embarked on a path beyond redemption.

And her daughter, being schemed and entrapped step by step by her, went completely insane.

Speaking of which, the saddest thing is Lin Siran.

She was cultivated by Qi Yuan so hard, and she is the best candidate to climb high!

A pawn that she has relied on for so many years, a pawn that she has carefully cultivated, was completely destroyed overnight!
All ruined!
A hint of cruelty suddenly flashed in Qi Yuan's eyes, she never thought that she could be forced to such a point.

Now, she had no choice but to use that method again.

Lin Xi, you forced me to do this!
Now, I want to get back everything you owe me.

Therefore, Qi Yuan planned for two full days.

During the period, she also received a call from her younger brother, saying that Lin Aohui's matter would basically be fine.

It is not denied that the reason why Qi Yuan wants to keep Lin Aohui is because she really has feelings for Lin Aohui.

Since Lin Aohui is currently being tried and his status is quite special, no one is allowed to visit him.

Because this incident was too shocking, it directly alarmed the higher-ups.The higher authorities specially sent someone to interrogate Lin Aohui.
For the past two days, Mo Liunian has been staying in Gu Nianchu's office, paying attention to the progress of Lin Aohui all the time.

"You are too accurate." Gu Nianchu said lightly, with a hint of accusation.

If Mo Liunian's shot hadn't hit Lin Aohui's wrist, it wouldn't have left a wound.

If it just happened to rub against the skin, it would be easier to deal with.

When the higher-ups come down to interrogate, they will definitely see the wound on Lin Aohui's wrist.

But several days passed without any news.

(End of this chapter)

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