Chapter 477 Retribution!It's your turn too (7)

But isn't Mo Liunian worried that no one will be his girlfriend?No matter how much he disagrees in his heart, he still has to have a good talk with An Sishui.

Xu Mo Liunian finally figured it out, he raised his head, looked at An Sishui, and kept his voice calm: "Xiao Shui, can we talk?"

An Sishui was stunned for a moment, and seemed to understand what Mo Liunian wanted to talk to her about.

But she still had a gentle look on her face, she pursed her lips and smiled, and took the lead in admitting her mistake: "I didn't figure it out for a while, and cooperated with Lin Siran. I'm sorry for Lin Xi, and I'm even more sorry for you."

"So at today's press conference, I can help you."

Mo Liunian was first shocked by An Sishui's first admission of his mistake, and then he was a little pleasantly surprised to hear An Sishui's next sentence.

"Okay." Mo Liunian nodded, "I hope that Ms. An can pretend to be my girlfriend and play a scene with me to clean up the matter between Lin Xi and me."

Hearing this, An Sishui didn't change a bit on his face.Because Mo Liunian couldn't tell, An Sishui's eyes were stained with a trace of sadness.

But An Sishui still nodded obediently.

"Pretending?" An Sishui said suddenly, looking at Mo Liunian with a hint of indifference.

She pushed a lock of hair from her temples behind her ear.

Then, he shifted his gaze to Mo Liunian: "Mo Liunian, if you pretend, the reporters will see it right away. Moreover, they will know that you are cheating after a little investigation."

"I'm afraid when the time comes, the news that comes out will be even more ugly, right?" An Sishui still looked careless, and glanced at Mo Liunian slightly.

Mo Liunian paused slightly. While feeling that An Sishui was being unreasonable, he also felt that An Sishui was more interesting than when he was in high school.

"Well. Then tell me, what should I do?" There was a warm smile on the corner of Mo Liunian's mouth, and even Mo Liunian didn't realize that there was a trace of warm pampering in his voice.

Seeing Mo Liunian like this, An Sishui suddenly smiled.

Seeing An Sishui's inexplicable smile, Mo Liunian didn't look strange, but there was a trace of inquiry in his eyes.

"It's simple, let someone go get the certificate now." An Sishui spoke slowly. Although it was an extremely flat voice, Mo Liunian still read a little bit of excitement,

Mo Liunian paused, got the certificate? ...

An Sishui naturally saw Mo Liunian's hesitation, and she said bluntly again: "Of course, if you want to separate, you can apply for a divorce certificate at any time."

"After all, our fake marriage is just to deal with your flowers and plants?" An Sishui looked at Mo Liunian, with a slight smile on his lips.

Flowers and plants?

The corner of Mo Liunian's mouth curled up, and then he looked at An Sishui's pure and flawless face, and suddenly said, "Okay."

So, the two of them immediately called someone to send the household registration book, which saved some unnecessary procedures, so soon, two red books were released.

In this way, the two of them acted as a couple logically, and sprinkled dog food well.


Forget it, at least he has a marriage contract, so he should give her a call.

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard An Sishui's anxious and reproachful voice: "Mo Liunian, where have you been these few days?"

(End of this chapter)

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