Chapter 480 Retribution!It's your turn too (10)

Mo Liunian smiled helplessly and nodded.Then, with a smile in the corner of his eyes, he looked into the eyes of the so-called King team.

He majored in psychology in college. Although he has not reached the level of being able to read people's hearts, he is already very good.

He can tell what emotion is in that person's heart and what the expression on his face means.

Wang Dui suddenly smiled: "You want to retract your confession."


Wang Dui's smile deepened, and he looked at Mo Liunian: "You have a case on your body now, and it will be a bit difficult to retract your confession."

Mo Liunian smiled indifferently, and looked at Team Wang: "Of course I won't admit to things I haven't done."

Just when Team Wang was about to say something, a policewoman suddenly came in outside.

The aura behind her is domineering, like the aura exuded by someone who has been in a high position for a long time, and people can't help but stand behind her silently.

As soon as she came in, she first nodded at Team Wang, and then looked at Mo Liunian.

"Are you Mo Liunian?" This one asked slowly, looking at Mo Liunian.

"It's me, Bureau Yao." Mo Liunian had a slight smile on his lips, maybe it was Wenxin who found the Qin family.

The person who came now is the warm mother, Yao Ning.She is the chief of the police station, so she can get to this point, her own ability should not be underestimated.

Then Yao Ning waved his hands at the people around him: "I'll interrogate this person, you go out first."

After finishing speaking, the others walked out without saying a word.

Yao Ning left a recorder.

"It's really not you?" Yao Ning said slowly, looking at Mo Liunian.

Mo Liunian still shook his head: "Ju Yao, believe it or not, this gun really doesn't belong to me."

Bureau Yao smiled: "I can check the fingerprints."

"It can't be helped, the murderer should be wearing gloves. Oh yes, I also wore them when I saw it." Mo Liunian spoke impeccably, looking at Yao Ning, a little indifferent.

"Okay." Yao Ning smiled, "Although there are many loopholes in your words, I still choose to believe you."

"Remember, for the crime of disturbing public order, uh... shut down for seven days first." Yao Ning said slowly to the recorder beside him.

The recorder was from Yao Ning, so naturally he didn't say anything more, but silently recorded what Yao Ning said.

Then, Mo Liunian smiled: "Ju Yao, what then?"

Yao Ning looked at Mo Liunian with a serious face: "Then? If Lin Aohui is not satisfied, I can't help it. After all, his wound was a gunshot wound."

"I want to sue him. Sue him through legal means." Mo Liunian also looked serious, looking at Yao Ning.

"Forget it, you can't protect yourself now, and you still want to sue Lin Aohui. If you hate him so much, aren't you afraid that you have gone too far?" Yao Ning looked at Mo Liunian and smiled.

After she finished speaking, she told the person next to her to arrange a single place for Mo Liunian and let him stay first.

Just now, I received a call from my precious daughter, Qin Huai.

Qin Huai told the police station that an actor Mo had come, and asked Yao Ning to release water for Mo Liunian.

Yao Ning agreed, because she knew very well that even if Qin Huai didn't call her, the matter of Mo Liunian would be easily suppressed.

After all, Gu Nianchu was quietly manipulating this matter behind the scenes.

But the limit of what she can do is to make Mo Liunian's case less miserable. For the rest, she really has nothing to do.

 Okay, okay, I have a good temper, chapter six.

  still dizzy

  good night
(End of this chapter)

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