Chapter 482 Retribution!It's your turn too (12)

Qi Yuan didn't speak, but the smile in her eyes faded quite a bit.In just a few seconds, her eyes were full of coldness, and she looked at Lin Xi with a trace of regret.

"Hmph! Do you know? The thing I regret most back then was just poisoning you. I thought that you would have that birthmark on your back for the rest of your life. I never expected that you are so capable now?" Qi Yuan Looking at Lin Xi, his eyes were full of viciousness.

She wanted to strangle Lin Xi to death, but in the end she held back because of the Cheng family behind Lin Xi.

Lin Xi didn't speak, but looked at Qi Yuan with a mocking smile on her lips.

"Damn girl! You change my husband, my daughter!" Qi Yuan suddenly said harshly, rushing to Lin Xi's side recklessly.

She rushed so suddenly, Lin Xi didn't react at all.But after Lin Xi saw Qi Yuan's reaction, she paused, and then quietly said a word to Wangcai in her heart.

But don't forget, she still has Wangcai in her hand, which exists like a cheat.

Wangcai understood immediately, and seeing a dagger in Qi Yuan's hand as he rushed over, Wangcai secretly used his spiritual power to make Qi Yuan less than half a meter away from Lin Xi, forcing her to stop abruptly.

Then, there seemed to be an invisible wall between Qi Yuan and Lin Xi, and Qi Yuan couldn't touch Lin Xi no matter what.

Even though Lin Xi was less than half a meter away from her, she was right in front of her eyes.

Qi Yuan shouted: "You monster, you are the one who caused me!"

Qi Yuan poked at this transparent barrier with a dagger, but she still couldn't cross the gap.

"Oh! Retribution!" Lin Xi smiled and said unhurriedly, looking at Qi Yuan's eyes that wanted to tear her skin off, "Now, it's your turn to get retribution!"

"Ah! Bastard, you actually used sorcery!" Qi Yuan shouted, looking at Lin Xi.

She knew that she had rushed towards Lin Xi with a dagger just now, which was her only chance.If she can't succeed, then she may never be able to stand up again.

Lin Xi frowned when she heard the word "witchcraft", looked at Qi Yuan, and said with a little disgust: "Witchcraft? Please understand, this is the technique of our Cheng family. It only treats bitches like you." .”

Lin Xi spoke lightly and looked at Qi Yuan without any strange emotion in her eyes.

As for Qi Yuan, she wished she could go to hell to apologize to her mother immediately.

But after thinking about it carefully, Qi Yuan couldn't let her mother's samsara path be dirty.

Qi Yuan has done a lot of bad things, if one of the things she did is revealed, Qi Yuan will definitely die.

Qi Yuan's eyes darkened. She obviously didn't expect that Lin Xi would find the Cheng family so soon after leaving the Cheng family, let alone that Lin Xi had already learned the Cheng family's spells.

"Smelly girl! Monster!" Qi Yuan still didn't give up and yelled.

Lin Xi was clearly right in front of her eyes, but she couldn't hit her no matter what.

This feeling made Qi Yuan extremely uncomfortable. Looking at Lin Xi, she wished she could kill her right now.

"Whatever you say." Lin Xiwu said so-called, anyway, she has nothing to say to Qi Yuan at all.

Then, Lin Xi brushed the broken hair on her sideburns, looked at Qi Yuan: "Are you going to surrender yourself now, or should I sue you?"

Hearing this, Qi Yuan burst out laughing suddenly: "Haha! Lin Xi, you are still too naive. Do you think the case decades ago will be retracted now?"

(End of this chapter)

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