Chapter 484 For You, More Than Just One Like (2)

Cheng Feng said slowly, the love in his voice did not weaken.He just spoke with a slight smile.

"Oh?" Lin Xi was slightly surprised. She thought that things went so smoothly this time because the Cheng family was behind the scenes.

It turns out there really isn't one?

"Of course, Lin Xi. It's just that you have to plan carefully about Qi Yuan's affairs. She is a terrifying person. She was able to push my sister to such a point back then..." Cheng Fengyue said slowly. The name, there was a hint of coldness in his voice.

Lin Xi paused. After Cheng Fengyue obviously mentioned Qi Yuan's name, he seemed to recall some memory, and his tone of voice trembled unconsciously.

"Okay uncle, I will definitely take revenge." Lin Xi said, firmly promising.

"Okay! Lin Xi, when you pass the test of the Cheng family's elders, I will definitely pick you up to the Cheng family. I want everyone to know that Lin Xi is the most precious daughter of the Cheng family. She is the little niece that Cheng Fengyue dotes on." Cheng Fengyue Proudly speaking, he said these words, although they were very loud, but Lin Xi couldn't hear a trace of bragging.

Lin Xi paused before saying hello.

But she suppressed the coolness in her heart and looked at the road ahead.

Hmm... When she passes the test, Wangcai will be gone.

Mo Liunian is also in prison.

An Rushui has to wait for Mo Liunian.

By that time, there was no one around her.

So what's the point of this Cheng family if she can't go back?
Ok? -
"How is she?" The man's cold voice sounded, he said the first word a little hastily, as if her figure appeared in his mind, he began to feel uncomfortable.

The group of bodyguards standing in front of him were all the bodyguards he sent out to protect Lin Xi.

After he heard that Lin Xi had gone to the Lin family, he hurriedly asked the bodyguards to follow him.

"Mr. Gu, Miss Lin Xi just came out of Lin's house." A bodyguard said, after thinking for a while, looking at Gu Nianchu: "Mr. Gu, just a very strange thing happened."

Gu Nianchu's hand holding the cigarette case suddenly stopped, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

"What?" Gu Nianchu still said two words lightly, but there was a trace of nervousness and worry.

The bodyguard told about Qi Yuan's plan to kill Lin Xi in the Lin family.

Word by word, the conversation between the two of them, and the strange things that happened to Qi Yuan, this report speaks out every word.

"Then what are you eating?" Gu Nianchu's voice suddenly became extremely indifferent, and his eyes swept over these people.

As soon as he said a word, the hearts of several people present trembled, and beads of sweat appeared on their foreheads.

"No, Mr. Gu, we were going to go up to rescue Miss Lin, but there seemed to be some force blocking us. We couldn't go forward at all." The bodyguards quickly explained, facing Gu Nianchu's cold appearance, they were all afraid up.

I don't know how many people have heard of Gu Nianchu's reputation.

There was a smile on the corner of Gu Nianchu's mouth, but this faint smile, just looking at it, was like being in the cold winter months.

Several people quickly lowered their heads.

Fortunately, Gu Nianchu did not delve into this matter, and did not ask any more questions.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xi actually mastered the spiritual power of the Cheng family?It's so powerful!
Not only blocked Qi Yuan, but also blocked the bodyguards he trained himself?
 four shifts

  tired good night
  I'll be more energetic in a few days, and I'll definitely have more

  Fight for this month and finish the first half
  Then about a third of the
  Not much more, thank you for accompanying me here
(End of this chapter)

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