Chapter 611 Returning to Sioux City (9)

"I have to stay at Cheng's house for a while, I'm sorry..." Lin Xi's voice became smaller and smaller, until finally, her voice turned into a small sob.

Gu Nianchu suffocated slightly, she didn't expect Lin Xi to say such a thing.After a long time, Gu Nianchu said slowly, "Okay, come back, I'll pick you up."

There was a trace of pain in his voice, but he still tried his best to suppress the impatience, upset and sadness in his heart.

"Okay, don't cry." Gu Nianchu said softly, comforting Lin Xi.

Lin Xi began to hold back her tears: "Okay, I won't cry anymore, when I come back, remember to come and pick me up."
S city

Gu Nianchu was sitting by the window, holding a phone in his hand, staring out the window blankly, wondering what he was sitting on.He was like a statue, not moving at all.

Even though the ringing of the phone in his hand kept ringing, he remained motionless and looked out the window.

Lin Xi, what happened to you that the Cheng family detained you?
What happened, that the Cheng family would treat you like that?

What the hell happened that you dare not even say?

What happened that made you cry?
Gu Nianchu still didn't move, even though his wrist was numb, there was still no movement.

"Mr. Gu?" Zhang Wen also called Gu Nianchu a lot, but Gu Nianchu didn't answer them all.I don't know how many times she knocked on Gu Nianchu's door, but all she knew was that after she told Gu Nianchu that Lin Xi had called him, Gu Nianchu called him back, and it was always like this.

Without saying a word, without sadness or joy.It makes people look, but feel distressed for no reason.

Of course, this time is no exception, Gu Nianchu still didn't make any movement, and I don't know if he heard it or not.

As the setting sun slanted to the west, Gu Nianchu stayed there for a whole afternoon like a statue.

Zhang Wen knocked on the door again: "Mr. Gu, tonight's dinner between you and Mr. Liang."

She didn't hold out much hope and was ready to cancel this activity, but she was caught off guard and Gu Nianchu pushed the door open.

There was a slump on the man's face, but his outline was still indifferent, but it was still perfect and outrageous.

He is like a god, standing in front of Zhang Wen, making people look a little unreal.

Gu Nianchu came out?

Zhang Wen blinked her eyes, and then she came to her senses, and said cleverly, "Mr. Gu, is it still the original time? Apogee?"

After speaking, she looked at Gu Nianchu.There was no change on the man's face, but she knew what Gu Nianchu meant, so she continued, "Well, go down first, I'll drive."

Gu Nianchu pursed his lips, and gave Zhang Wen a neutral look.

Zhang Wen only felt that her heart was trembling, but she still tried her best to stabilize her mind.

"You go back first, I'll go by myself." Gu Nianchu said slowly, looked at Zhang Wen, and lowered his eyes.

Zhang Wen paused slightly, but still nodded: "Okay, Mr. Gu, you handle it alone, I'll leave first."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Gu Nianchu in disbelief, and then hurriedly took her bag and left as if she was afraid that Gu Nianchu would change her mind.

Gu Nianchu, on the other hand, drove the car to the place agreed with Liang Qichen.

What happened to Lin Xi this time must have something to do with Liang Qichen.

 4K first, I'm outside today, I have something to do.

  Come back later and update it
  The new article has been published, it is not because of the new article that there are fewer updates~
(End of this chapter)

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