Chapter 616 Goodbye, old times (5)

His enemy?Apart from the Liang family, he really couldn't think of anyone else.

First of all, Gu Xietian and Yin Ya are absolutely impossible.The two of them knew about the engagement between Gu Nianchu and Ye Qingqing, so they naturally wouldn't post something on Weibo just to find something to do.

Secondly, it was Liang Qichen, he could still sit beside him calmly and talk to him now, Gu Nianchu also felt that this person was not Liang Qichen.

He paused, and suddenly thought of the Qi family.Yes, that is Qi Yuan's mother's family.The trouble made him very unhappy with the Qi family now.So, it is very likely that the Qi family did this matter?
So, it's not enough for the Qi family to offend the Gu family, but also to offend the Ye family?Really great.Gu Nianchu hooked the corner of his mouth, and a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

"But you look a little gloating." Gu Nianchu said quietly, his eyes fell on Liang Qichen, and there was something flickering in his eyes.

"Of course I'm happy. You are rumored to be having an affair with other women. Mengmeng is not stupid. I'm afraid she already knows about you and that woman. Tsk tsk, but that Ye Qingqing is really good." Liang Qichen complained casually, watching Gu Nianchu smiled slightly.

This sentence successfully made Gu Nianchu's heart tighten.

Even though he knew in his heart that he and Ye Qingqing had nothing to do, Lin Xi didn't necessarily know.You must know that when he and Ye Qingqing appeared at the same time that day, it happened that he didn't go home.He also told Lin Xi that he had gone to a very important dinner.

In other words, he not only concealed his relationship with Ye Qingqing, but also deceived Lin Xi...

Gu Nianchu suddenly felt that he had dug a hole and buried himself in it.

"She's not bad, so you marry?" Gu Nianchu gritted his teeth and spit out six words, "If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

He felt very uncomfortable now, and left the room quickly.

Liang Qichen looked at his back, and the corner of his mouth twitched.The schadenfreude in his eyes couldn't be restrained anymore, Gu Nianchu's running back looks really good...

Then, Liang Qichen took out his mobile phone, and saw that Weibo had already become the number one most searched.Even some lace news has already made it into the top ten hot searches, but the popularity still hasn't gone down.The entire Weibo comments were discussing who the person who had the night party with Ye Qingqing was.

However, Ye Qingqing's studio did not respond, and at some point, the mysterious man was caught off guard because of Gu Nianchu's affairs.
Cheng Jia
Lin Xi is naturally bored. When she is free, she likes to check the hot searches on Weibo.She also prefers to read the last few hot searches, because she prefers to grab the hottest comments.

On this day, after dinner, she was still checking Weibo on the bed.

This time she saw a long-lost name: Ye Yinghou.

Ye Yinghou had a private meeting with a mysterious man?

Lin Xi read it out word by word in her heart.She suddenly had a bad premonition, which made her frown.

She clicked on that Weibo.

There were two photos that came into view. The first one was a photo of Ye Qingqing's back. It looked very temperamental. At a glance, it was recognized as Ye Qingqing's photo.

But the second photo made Lin Xi subconsciously hold her breath...

That man... that mysterious man who had a secret meeting with Ye Qing... is Gu Nianchu?
She would not admit it wrong, it was Gu Nianchu's back.

(End of this chapter)

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