Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 638 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream

Chapter 638 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream (7)

An Rushui quickly poured them a glass of water.Now there seems to be no one in the villa, only An Sishui's busy voice can be heard.Lin Xi and Liang Qichen looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

"Xiao Shui, don't be too busy, I'm here to see you." Lin Xi frowned, looked at An Sishui who was messing around in the kitchen, and said.

"Lin Xi, drink some water first, and I'll be there right away." An Sishui's tone was numb, and she didn't know what she had experienced during this time.

Not long after, An Sishui came out with a plate of desserts.This is Lin Xi's favorite flavor of matcha. She looked at An Sishui in disbelief: "Xiao Shui, you made this? It must be delicious if it looks so good."

Lin Xi smiled, looked at the cute food on the small plate, and smiled.

An Sishui still had a numb smile on his face: "That's good, Lin Xi, you can try it!"

Lin Xi nodded, and looked at Liang Qichen calmly.What she meant was that Liang Qichen was not allowed to eat anything safe, including the glass of water just now.Although Liang Qichen didn't know why, he believed what Lin Xi said unconditionally.

Seeing that Lin Xi didn't move, An Sishui didn't force her, she said slowly, "Lin Xi, why did you hang up when I called you today?"

An Sishui seemed to speak inadvertently, with a hint of puzzlement in her tone.

Lin Xi paused, it seemed that she still didn't know about Qiao Yi occupying An Sishui's body?

Lin Xi pondered for a while, looked at An Sishui: "I was on the road at the time, maybe the signal was a bit bad."

An Sishui didn't have any doubts, she seemed to understand, and didn't ask the bottom line.

An Sishui seemed to have something to say to Lin Xi, but she looked at Liang Qichen who was sitting next to Lin Xi.The meaning is obvious, I want Liang Qichen to avoid it first.

Lin Xi immediately understood, and looked back at Liang Qichen: "Qichen, why don't you go out and wait for me, I have something to tell Xiao Shui."

Liang Qichen was naturally unwilling to leave, after all, the atmosphere here was slightly weird.

Lin Xi immediately made a face at him, and Liang Qichen pursed his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but he still swallowed it all into his stomach.

Seeing Liang Qichen close the door, Qiao Yi's voice sounded: "Do you really dare to let him leave?"

Facing this ghost, Lin Xi didn't have any extra nonsense at all, and made a trick with both hands, and hit Qiao Yi all at once.

Qiao's expression changed, and he took Lin Xi's blow abruptly.

He just wanted to fight back, but found that his strength seemed to be passing away bit by bit, so that he couldn't use any strength at all...

"You are crazy! This is your friend's body, and you actually hit her!" Qiao Yi clearly felt that the seal on his body had become stronger, and he stared at Lin Xi.

Lin Xi calmly picked up the glass of white water on the table, used her spiritual power to go through it and found that there was no poison in it, and then she took a sip: "Don't worry, I only use this method on ghosts. It won't Hurt An Sishui."

Qiao Yi seemed unconvinced, but he seemed to have thought of something, and the corner of his mouth twitched.Today, Lin Xi is destined to fall into his hands.

Even if one's own seal is stronger, what's the use?As long as she doesn't die, Lin Xi will definitely not escape tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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