Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 644 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream

Chapter 644 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream (14)

Because of Ye Qingqing's words, Gu Nianchu paused slightly, and then a look of disgust appeared on his face, he looked at Ye Qingqing, and smiled ironically: "Okay! You can stay as long as you like!"

After leaving this sentence, he left his villa directly.Even when he went downstairs and saw Mrs. Li was about to enter, Gu Nianchu immediately let her go home.

Ah!This Ye Qingqing is really a slap in the face, does she really take herself too seriously?Do you really think that you can do whatever you want if you are your fiancée?

Gu Nianchu didn't have much expression on his face. When he walked out of the door, he drove his own car. When he arrived at Gu's, Zhang Wen couldn't see anything.

He was still working as usual, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.The more uncomfortable he was, the more he worked, without saying a word, looking at the piles of documents on his desk.Because Gu Nianchu is busy recently, the pace of the whole company has become faster...

Although everyone in the company was a little bit dissatisfied, but because of Gu Nianchu's face, no one dared to say anything.

So when he got busy, no one bothered him at all.In just one morning, he had two meetings, each with a different content.

But today, he was a little distracted.For some reason, he always felt a twinge in his heart in the morning, as if he had lost something important...

Gu Nianchu was very surprised by this feeling in his heart, but even if he was feeling uncomfortable, he let himself feel uncomfortable, and still held the meeting in a serious manner.

"Mr. Gu, your coffee." After Zhang Wen finished speaking, she put the coffee in front of Gu Nianchu's table.As usual, Gu Nianchu ignored people. Just as Zhang Wen was about to leave, Gu Nianchu suddenly cleared his throat.

Zhang Wen seemed to realize something: "Mr. Gu, what's the matter?"

Gu Nianchu paused for a second or two, looked at Zhang Wen, opened his mouth, but didn't say a word for a long time...

Gu Nianchu struggled twice, a slight irritability flashed in his eyes, and he quickly said, "Go and see the current rumors about Ye Qingqing, and where is she now?"

He said these words out of nowhere, and let Zhang Wen leave without giving her a chance to stay here...

But this time, Gu Nianchu didn't continue to work, he just stared out of the window in a daze...

Why did he feel so uncomfortable?Why does my heart hurt so much all the time?But why is this so unreal?

Is Lin Xi suffering?What happened to Lin Xi, where is she now?
Didn't the Cheng family and Liang Qichen take good care of her?
Did they wrong Lin Xi...?
The more he thought about it, Gu Nianchu felt more depressed in his heart, and finally angrily threw all the documents on his desk to the ground...

Maybe it was because Gu Nianchu was upset, so no one knocked on the door and came in to pack things.So this afternoon was Gu Nianchu's busiest and idlest afternoon.

What's busy is that Lin Xi is all in his mind, and his thinking has always been active, thinking about all kinds of possibilities for Lin Xi.

What's free is that he didn't work all afternoon, and he kept thinking about others in his mind, so he didn't turn his attention to work.

Gu Nianchu took a long breath, looked at the computer in front of him, and there was a big time displayed on it - before he knew it, it was time to get off work. I am afraid that only Zhang Wen is left in the whole company now?
(End of this chapter)

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