Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 646 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream

Chapter 646 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream (16)

The man was as indifferent as ever, but now, even his eyes were stained with emotion.For some reason, Zhang Wen always feels that men today are more indifferent than usual, and it is harder than usual to talk.

She sighed, but luckily Gu Nianchu had nothing to do at night.

"Mr. Gu, go back and rest first, everything in the company is fine now." Zhang Wen couldn't bear it, and began to persuade Gu Nianchu.

He nodded slightly, his eyes were slightly blurred, he kept looking out of the window without blinking, and never looked into the room again...

Gu Nianchu took a long breath, until Zhang Wen also left the company, he finally calmed down.

The night was very dark, but Gu Nianchu didn't turn on the lights, he was alone in the office, only the computer screen glowed faintly.He hasn't had a good appetite lately, so he's getting hungry easily now.But today, he suddenly wanted to punish himself and didn't want to let himself eat.And now he always has a premonition that Lin Xi is back.

But he didn't know where she was, and didn't know if she would like to see him now.All he knew was that Lin Xi also seemed very sad now.

He didn't dare to say affectionately that Lin Xi was sad because of him, but he can assure you that Lin Xi is definitely not feeling well now, maybe she is raised somewhere...

When he feels bad, it's like drinking.There was a faint sound of several bottles of wine outside, he went out and brought them all in at once.

He took a few more cups and came indoors.

Baijiu was bitter, but just after taking a sip, his throat began to feel uncomfortable.It seemed that something was blocked, making him unable to breathe.

But fortunately, this sip of spicy wine was like a warm current, almost flowing all over his body, even if he stayed indoors, he didn't feel that cold anymore...

Gu Nianchu took a long breath. In the dark room, his eyes were bright, but the disappointment and helplessness in his eyes could be seen at a glance.
For a whole day, Lin Xi lay on the hospital bed without moving.Cheng Fengyue and Liang Qichen avoided unnecessary things and stayed by Lin Xi's side almost all day and all night.

But she hasn't woken up yet...

Finally, the two of them ate dinner in turn, and Cheng Fengyue hesitantly placed his hand on Lin Xi's wrist.

Although the Cheng family exorcises ghosts, they still have a lot of research on Chinese medicine.However, these researches are only spread in the Cheng family, and have never been passed out.

Cheng Feng breathed a sigh of relief, Lin Xi should be fine now, why didn't he wake up?
He paused for a moment, and hesitantly transferred the invisible spiritual power in his hands, invisible to the naked eye, to Lin Xi's stomach.

It so happened that Lu Jinwen came in at this time, and after seeing Cheng Fengyue's actions, she subconsciously wanted to stop Cheng Fengyue...

However, when Cheng Fengyue saw that Lin Xi's face had finally recovered a tinge of blood, he breathed a sigh of relief, and continuously sent her spiritual power into Lin Xi's body.

Although his spiritual power is not as pure as Lin Xi's, it still nourishes the body very much. After a while, Lin Xi's body is not so cold anymore.

Did he force Lin Xi to wake up?
But Lin Xi didn't seem to want to wake up at this time, her eyelashes moved slightly, and fell asleep again.

It's just that she is not so cold anymore.

At any rate, it had some effect, Cheng Feng took a long breath, felt Lin Xi's pulse nervously, and then felt relieved.

 Pay off, go to bed~

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(End of this chapter)

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