Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 648 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream

Chapter 648 You and New Year's Eve Are Both A Dream (18)

Just as Cheng Feng was about to speak and say a few words to Lu Jinwen, Lin Xi on the bed suddenly moved.Lu Jinwen paused, she just hit Lin Xi, she didn't intend to wake her up at all, at least... At least she will continue to sleep!

How could it be possible for her to wake up inexplicably after hitting her?Lu Jinwen looked at Lin Xi on the bed in disbelief.

Cheng Fengyue gave up talking to Lu Jinwen, walked quickly to Lin Xi's side, and held Lin Xi's hand: "Mengmeng, are you okay?"

Lin Xi's eyelashes trembled slightly, and the next second she opened her eyes, seeing that the person next to her was Cheng Fengyue, she opened her lips lightly: "Noisy!"

After uttering a word, Lin Xi turned over and continued to sleep.Of course, when she turned over, she broke free from Cheng Fengyue's hand, and she only left behind her uncle.

Cheng Fengyue: "..." What's going on?Did Lin Xi come here to be funny?Doesn't she know that her children are gone?Still...still sleeping?

But soon, Cheng Feng raised his head and looked at Lu Jinwen coolly, his eyes seemed to say that fortunately Lin Xi is fine now, if there is a next time, you will definitely die.

At this time, Lu Jinwen really knew how much Cheng Fengyue doted on this little niece.Holding it in his hands is not enough, Lin Xi needs to stand at the top.

Lu Jinwen didn't speak, but poured a glass of water and put it on the bedside table.

Soon, she stopped bothering Cheng Fengyue and Lin Xi and walked out.

Because of Lin Xi's waking up, Cheng Feng was slightly more relaxed when he was worried.After all, Lin Xi woke up, right?

He was afraid that Lin Xi would not be able to accept the fact that the child was gone for a while, so he didn't fall asleep all night.

The accident happened at three o'clock in the morning...

Cheng Fengyue was very glad that he didn't fall asleep that day, and was always looking at Lin Xi.Otherwise, he really thought that he would never see that person in his life.

But between this incident, there was another small change in Gu Nianchu's side.
Gu Nianchu didn't know how much wine he drank, he only knew that his head hurts very much... He drank like this only once since he was a child.

He was alone in the dark, without turning on a light, just drinking the wine on the table glass by glass.

After a while, he heard rustling noises outside, as if someone was coming.Gu Nianchu frowned, not realizing who would be coming at this time.

Probably because his office was not lit, so it looked like no one was there.

After the man outside called his name a few times, he left.

Gu Nianchu let go of his drinking hand, and the glass in his hand fell to the ground.

There was not much movement, but enough to be heard by the people outside the door.

It's Ye Qingqing...

For some reason, when he heard Ye Qingqing's voice at this time, he suddenly thought of last night, the two of them were on the bed and went to Wu-shan together...

The two are intertwined, and she blooms under him...

Gu Nianchu seemed to have planted marks on her body, and the red kiss-marks looked even more alluring.

That night, he asked her three times... Oh no!

Gu Nianchu frowned, he couldn't remember what happened next.The memory behind it was very vague. After he thought about it, he always felt that he was hindered by something, so that he couldn't remember anything.

Just at this time, Ye Qingqing walked outside his office door, with a hint of crying in her voice:
(End of this chapter)

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