Chapter 668 She Is My Lifelong Dream (2)

"Mother, why didn't I know when I had another cousin?" Liang Qichen turned his head, looked at his mother, and reminded him kindly.

Liang's mother immediately understood, and directly called people to throw the family out.Dare to bully his son's daughter-in-law?Dare to bully her daughter-in-law?She had to give the family an explanation.

Isn't it just that a daughter in the family married into the Liang family, otherwise how could the Liang family associate with these market people?
After that, no one dared to say anything about Lin Xi. Lin Xi smiled the whole time, but there was a trace of oppression in the smile.Don't forget that Lin Xi is from the Cheng family, and the Cheng family is a practitioner of spiritual power.Although the threat to Lin Xi is very small, but people!Who hasn't done anything wrong?Whoever is not infected with one or two lonely souls and wild ghosts, if Lin Xi asks these things for help, then they will die without proof.

Therefore, no one dared to speak to Lin Xi in the end. Lin Xi had a leisurely time, and after eating something, she left on the grounds that she was not feeling well during pregnancy.

No one in the Liang family knew that Lin Xi and Liang Qichen were married in a fake manner, and they all thought that the child in Lin Xi's womb was Liang Qichen's child.So for Lin Xi, it can be regarded as taking good care of her.

But Mother Liang, who had always had a good relationship with Lin Xi, knew.

But Liang's mother knew that Lin Xi would not hang her son, so she was very relieved that her son would marry Lin Xi.In addition, Lin Xi was the only one who could save her son, so Liang's mother would never make fun of her son's name.

Even though Liang's mother was very satisfied with Lin Xi, she would open her mouth several times intentionally or unintentionally, implying that Lin Xi would marry into Liang's family well and have a beautiful wedding.

But every time Lin Xi calmly refused.

After refusing, Liang's mother usually stopped mentioning it for a day or two, and then started talking in Lin Xi's ear again after a few days.

But Lin Xi was not moved at all, except for getting along with Liang's mother on weekdays, she would not give Liang's mother any chance to persuade herself.

Lin Xi was pregnant at the end of October, that is to say, in August and September next year, Little Milkshake will be born.

But fortunately, the baby in Lin Xi's belly is not big yet, and Lin Xi still has enough time to get through this troubled winter day.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, Lin Xi returned to Cheng's house.

The Cheng family was naturally very happy. They welcomed Lin Xi with great fanfare and welcomed Lin Xi into their home.

In addition, many members of the Cheng family gave Lin Xi presents.Some were given to Lin Xi, some were given to Little Milkshake, and of course, some were given to Liang Qichen.

Lin Xi recruited all of them correctly, and released them all.

So, these people didn't have any dissent at all, and they were very happy when Lin Xi came.

Especially Cheng Yizhen and Cheng Fengyue, after Lin Xi and Liang Qichen got married, they doted on Lin Xi even more.

Almost as if Lin Xi was going to be lifted up to the sky, supplements were sent every day.

Coming back this time, Cheng Yizhen and Cheng Fengyue were naturally very happy, welcomed Lin Xi into Cheng's house, and asked Cheng Fengyue to cook.

Needless to say, Cheng Fengyue's craftsmanship, he quickly cooked many dishes that Lin Xi liked and Cheng Yizhen liked, and served them.

Lin Xi was pregnant, and Cheng Yizhen pampered Lin Xi even more. After eating, he used his spiritual power to walk around Lin Xi's body, fearing that something would happen to Lin Xi.

In order to please Lin Xi, Cheng Yizhen even asked Cheng Fengyue to perform.

(End of this chapter)

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