Chapter 677 "No More" (2)

He was very accurate in timing, and the courier just happened to be delivered after he regretted the marriage.

What happened that day made the Gu family very angry, and the Ye family trembled all over, wanting to ask Gu Nianchu for an explanation.

Here's the thing.On the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, the Gu family and the Ye family didn't call their so-called relatives and friends, they just planned to take a family photo and post it on Weibo.Directly announcing the wedding of two people is not so troublesome at all.

But none of the Gu family and Ye family dared to call Gu Nianchu on the eve of the fourteenth day of the first lunar month.I had no choice but to edit a text message to Gu Nianchu on the fourteenth day of the first lunar month.Tell Gu Nianchu to come to a private room in Tingfeng Club.

Because of the unhappiness a few days ago, Ye Qingqing didn't even wear her wedding dress today.However, the Ye family and the Gu family have already discussed that they will not hold a wedding after they get married.After all, now is a special period, and Gu Nianchu has such a bad temper.

They arrived at the private room early in the morning, holding an iPad, choosing the style of the wedding dress and the location of the honeymoon.

Because they all felt that Gu Nianchu and Ye Qingqing had already cooked rice, even if Gu Nianchu disagreed, they had to come and get married obediently.

They didn't wait long, and Gu Nianchu arrived in the private room.

Gu Nianchu walked in indifferently, and glanced at these people.

Very well, these are the Cheng family and the Gu family, no one else.

When he came, Gu Nianchu had already seen the trending searches on Weibo that Ye Yinghou was engaged.She was still engaged to Gu Nianchu.

Netizens were very shocked. They did not expect that the two people after the scandal were really together.Still getting married.

For a moment, the entire network exploded.Gu Nianchu didn't have time to read those comments, but there seemed to be a cloud of anger in his heart.

Driving along the way, almost hit someone.He threw down a card impatiently, and hurried to Tingfeng club.


Gu Nianchu walked aside, not planning to sit with them at all.

At this moment, there was no sound in the lively private room.They first took a look at Gu Nianchu, then hurriedly withdrew their gaze.

Several people looked at each other, and finally it was Mr. Gu who said, "Nianchu, today is the day."

Gu Nianchu was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "I know."

He only said two words, but it made some people with bad psychological quality break out in cold sweat.

Of course, Mr. Gu would not be afraid of his own grandson, and smiled stiffly on his face: "Today is your wedding with Qingqing, but it's too wronged and affectionate. So how about having a big one after a while?"

Gu Nianchu didn't answer.His ambiguous attitude made them break into a cold sweat.

A few seconds later, Gu Xietian continued: "Yes, Nian Chu. You can't be wronged and love such a good girl."

Gu Nianchu still didn't answer.

They all felt that Gu Nianchu had acquiesced.

So they got bolder, and Yin Ya continued to speak: "Nian Chu, you can choose the place for your honeymoon. After all, you will live your whole life in the future, so don't make the relationship between the two of you too rigid."

Ye Qingqing didn't speak, just looking at the man's current appearance, her heart began to throb.

It was all because of her that Gu Nianchu let go of the person he loved the most.It's all because of her that makes Gu Nianchu feel so uncomfortable now.

She was about to speak, but was stopped by Gu Nianchu's indifferent words.

(End of this chapter)

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