Chapter 689 "No More" (14)

His heart reached his throat, lest he miss a line of the lyrics.

After a prelude, I finally heard the lyrics clearly: "I don't exist every day, I don't know what to do. The past is like quicksand, and I can't bear to give you back."

Gu Nianchu was silent, and a trace of pain flashed in his eyes.

"I was walking, and in the middle of the night in the early morning, the quiet moonlight shone on my figure, like a baby who couldn't find a home, and you were no longer in the phone."

He choked for breath, and began to feel sorry for Lin Xi.He knew that the reason why Lin Xi chose this song must be because a certain line of the lyrics represented her current mood.

In his heart, he must hope that Lin Xi will be well...he also doesn't want Lin Xi to be so depressed every day.After all, after all, Lin Xi is pregnant now...

"I'm never mad at you again, I've never kept any secrets from you, and I've decided I'll never love you again, because your heart is no longer here, no longer here."

As the lyrics came to Gu Nianchu's ears one after another, his heart also rose and fell.

I decided I would never love you again because your heart is no longer here...

Not anymore.

There is no other person in life worthy of Lin Xi's love, but you, Gu Nianchu, will never know again.

Gu Nianchu also has no one to love anymore, he has been alone from the beginning to the end.

Lin Xi will never know how much he has done for her.

They both love each other so the point of giving up, to the point of despair.

Malatang was served quickly, Gu Nianchu's eyes seemed to flicker.Probably because he was hungry, he still took a bite or two.

Tastes good...but without her.

In the future, she will never eat with me again.

He froze slightly, but still heard the people on the table next to him talking.

"This song sounds good. This girl must be desperate for that man, right?" A girl on the next table spoke softly, but Gu Nianchu could hear it clearly.

"Yeah~ I wonder if that man betrayed the girl, and the girl feels sad. Sigh, there are really fewer and fewer girls marrying love now." The other girl seems to be the best friend of the person who just spoke.

After finishing speaking, she still didn't forget to add: "The title of the song is "Never Again". The girl is really heartbroken..."

"no more"?Gu Nianchu suddenly stopped eating and remembered the title of the song.At the same time, a bitterness spread from the bottom of my heart.

It was only then that he remembered that the phone ringtone he heard in the apartment today was also this song - "Never Again".

The singing didn't stop, it was always in a loop.

He didn't know how long he had been sitting here, and there was only one line in his mind: "I can't bear to give you back every little bit."

If there is a future, Gu Nianchu will definitely cherish it...

But ah, there is no future.

"Lin Xi, I love you so much..." Gu Nianchu murmured, only the melody of this song remained in his mind.

I love you so much, always have loved you...

Gu Nianchu's voice was choked up, his eyes were sore, he quickly took out a piece of paper and wiped his face.

Soon, he took his things and left the store.

He staggered a little, and suddenly thought of the rap part of this song: "I am always confident in the tolerance I give you. I would rather choose to let myself go and let you go at the same time."

Let yourself go, let you go...

(End of this chapter)

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