Chapter 697 Silence (6)

Without asking why, Liang Qichen took out his mobile phone, but for some reason, the mobile phone suddenly showed that there was no signal. "Mengmeng, there is no signal." Liang Qichen spoke slowly, with a hint of impatience flashing in his eyes.

Lin Xi quickly found her mobile phone. She didn't have Lu Jinwen's number, but after opening it, there was still no signal.Her eyebrows were almost frowned, so one of them outside is a ghost?

Still a very powerful ghost!Lin Xi took a long breath, looked at the direction outside the window, and unconsciously felt a touch of worry in her heart.

Liang Qichen thought it was Lin Xi who was afraid of something wrong with the baby, so he could only comfort him: "Don't worry about Mengmeng, there are many people in the Liang family."

Lin Xi paused...he was right.But this time I could feel the sound of fighting, so how could those masters of the Liang family hiding in the dark not feel it at all?Now the movement is getting louder and louder, but there are always only these two voices.

Liang Qichen quickly thought of this, and he also frowned: "Mengmeng, don't you have the sound transmission talisman of the Cheng family?"

Lin Xi paused. She didn't have one, and even if she had one, she couldn't use it... because the so-called sound transmission talisman also requires spiritual power.

She'd already lost a little milkshake, and she'd never let herself lose a second.

Lin Xi took a deep breath, forgive her selfishness, she just wanted to keep the last trace of her relationship with him.

Liang Qichen didn't speak, but stood beside Lin Xi, giving Lin Xi some comfort for no reason.

But at this moment, Lin Xi suddenly heard a muffled snort from someone outside.

Lin Xi's heart tightened, that person seemed to be hurt by this ghost.She was so scared, so afraid that that person would get hurt.

She was worried, looked outside, and frowned.

I don't know why, but she is very worried about that person outside now.But she didn't know who that person was at all, she only knew that that person needed her own worries.

Lin Xi frowned, she had never felt this way before.

Liang Qichen originally wanted to open the door to make a phone call outside, but the door was locked at some point.Even with his hand attached to the door, he felt a little cold.

He wasn't stupid, and he felt something was wrong.

He stood by Lin Xi's side, looking out of the window worriedly.

Lin Xi shielded her body with one hand, and pinched her cell phone with the other.

When she had to, she had to use spiritual power.

At the same time, she smiled wryly. It seemed that the Cheng family and the Liang family had a lot of enemies, and even those enemies could attract ghosts to deal with her.
When Gu Nianchu saw that "figure", he stepped forward to stop him in time.

He carried a dagger with him, and he moved very quickly, directly pressing the dagger against his neck, just as he was about to say something, the "man" stretched out his hand and grabbed Gu Nianchu.

He has been very sensitive to ghosts since he was a child. After realizing what happened, he suddenly withdrew his hand and stabbed the dagger in the back of his heart.

But this ghost's body was like iron, Gu Nianchu couldn't pierce through it at all, and he wouldn't get hurt at all.

Gu Nianchu frowned, realizing the difficulty of the matter.

This ghost is very powerful...not counting Joey at that time.

Joey can cause hallucinations, so of course the ghost in front of him can.

He quickly let out a breath of black air, covering the entire villa.

It seemed that the next moment, he was going to turn this place into a slaughterhouse.

(End of this chapter)

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