Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 707 1 Live up to the country, 2 Live up to Qingqing

Chapter 707 Live up to the country, live up to Qingqing (6)

Her mouth is like jelly, which can be broken by blowing bombs.The little milkshake in her sleep, with her mouth pouted slightly, looks very cute.

Even the corner of Gu Nianchu's mouth couldn't help but twitch a slight smile.But then, he felt a little melancholy again.Because Little Milkshake never opened his eyes, he couldn't see her whole picture.

But I should be satisfied, seeing so much, I should be satisfied.Gu Nianchu smiled, looking at Little Milkshake with a hint of pampering in his eyes.

Little Milkshake, if Uncle can come back alive, you must be his beloved baby.Well, I just don't know if your mother will give me this chance.

Next, Little Milkshake seemed to feel Gu Nianchu's heart.She suddenly opened her eyes, and looked at the handsome "uncle" in front of her without warning.

She didn't seem to have seen such a good-looking person... Of course, she hadn't seen anything.But those people who hugged her in the operating room today are not half as good-looking as her father!
Gu Nianchu felt a little surprised, and looked at the little milkshake for a while, but there was no reaction.

I saw Little Milkshake staring at Gu Nianchu without blinking her eyes as bright and clear as black grapes.This world is very novel, and the daddy in front of him is very beautiful.

Milkshake suddenly grinned, revealing her toothless gums.

At this moment, Gu Nianchu's heart was about to be melted by the little milkshake.I don't know why, but he really wants to hug Little Milkshake, especially wants to pet Little Milkshake.

"Hey, uncle... If I come back, I will spoil you." He originally planned to call himself uncle, but when he said this, he felt a little strange, so he changed it to "I".

Well, it's easier to say this way.

Little Milkshake seemed to understand Gu Nianchu's words. When she just woke up, she didn't cry or make trouble, and even smiled at Gu Nianchu.

Then, Little Milkshake's eyelashes flickered twice. After all, it was a newborn baby, and its favorite thing was to sleep.But she seemed a little bit reluctant, looking at her daddy, she pouted unconsciously, showing her displeasure.

Gu Nianchu smiled, and touched Little Milkshake's face through the incubator: "Good boy."

His voice was so soft and unreasonable, and the smile on his face was intoxicating.

Little Milkshake blinked, and finally couldn't resist the drowsiness, and fell asleep again.

Unknowingly, eight or nine minutes had passed, Gu Nianchu didn't want to embarrass Dr. Cheng, looked at the little milkshake reluctantly, and finally left.

Milkshake, here I go...

You have to be obedient in the future, just like today.Don't be angry with your mother, let alone make your mother angry.Otherwise, if I come back, I will definitely beat you.

What's more, little milkshake, you have to grow up obediently, and let your mother, a foodie, take you to eat it all over the world.
When we left the hospital, it was already dark.Gu Nianchu looked at the sky and suddenly felt a little happy today.

But then, this joy was shattered by the tension and sense of mission about joining the army.

It's July, it's July now, he may enlist in the army at any time, and he can't be notified anywhere.

Seeing Little Milkshake and accompanying Lin Xi to give birth, he is already complete, isn't he?
Gu Nianchu finally looked at the hospital with reluctance, and finally made up his mind and drove away in his own car.

When Gu Nianchu returned to the apartment, he realized that he hadn't eaten anything for such a long time.

Maybe it was because he had seen Little Milkshake, he was so happy and silly, he went to cook directly.

(End of this chapter)

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