Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 710 1 Live up to the country, 2 Live up to Qingqing

Chapter 710 Live up to the country, live up to Qingqing (9)

Lin Xi didn't know the situation of Mo Liunian and Gu Nianchu at all, she only knew that she had a dream on the day of delivery, that Gu Nianchu had come.He said he was late, and he told Lin Xi to pinch him if it hurts.

Lin Xi remembered that in her sleep, she really pinched Gu Nianchu.But giving birth was too tiring, not to mention she was born prematurely, so after giving birth to the little milkshake, she fell into a deep sleep.

When she woke up, it was already late at night.But the Cheng family and the Liang family all stood by and did not go to sleep.As a result, Lin Xiwei felt a little embarrassed, looked at the people in the room, and just wanted to get up, but felt a burst of pain.

She frowned, bit her lower lip: "Uncle, Grandpa." She looked at Cheng Fengyue and Cheng Yizhen, and spoke slowly.

Then she looked at the people on the other side of the two families, and hesitated for a moment: "Parents, Qichen."

After calling, Lin Xi smiled: "I'm fine... By the way, where's the child? Where's the little milkshake?"

Cheng Feng looked at the nurse behind him, and motioned for her to bring the little milkshake over.

Liang's mother was very happy. After Lin Xi woke up, she couldn't wait to serve a bowl of porridge. She wanted to feed Lin Xi herself, but Lin Xi was not used to it.He had no choice but to let Liang Qichen feed himself and drink some.

"Mengmeng, she's a girl, very cute." Liang's mother had obviously seen Little Milkshake, and she spoke with a hint of excitement.

Lin Xi nodded, pursed her lips and smiled.

The smile on Liang Qichen's face could not be concealed: "Indeed, Mengmeng, the little milkshake is really cute... well, just like you."

Lin Xi didn't speak, but when she thought of the little milkshake, she couldn't help but smile.

Cheng Yizhen didn't speak all the time, but there was something brewing in his eyes, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Until Little Milkshake was brought over, Mother Liang hugged her lovingly and let Lin Xi take a look.

Is this your own little milkshake?Lin Xi pursed her lips, how ugly!
But babies are like this, right?
It may be that Little Milkshake noticed that her mother disliked her, so she cried with a whoosh.

Lin Xi had no choice but to hold the little milkshake in her arms—in fact, she couldn't do it either, but when she actually held the little milkshake, she felt extremely proficient.

"Little Milkshake, don't cry." She hugged Little Milkshake with a loving expression on her face.Her little milkshake is so cute, and her father's genes are so powerful, how could she be ugly?
After coaxing Little Milkshake for a long time, she calmed down.The child seemed to be spiritual. Before going to sleep, he was still grinning.

She has no teeth in her mouth. When Lin Xi saw her gums, she immediately felt that her little milkshake must grow up to be a cute little thing!

Everyone in the room liked Little Milkshake very much, and they didn't discriminate against her just because Little Milkshake was not born to the Liang family.

At this time, Cheng Yizhen spoke suddenly, and said something that no one understood: "This child is a spirit body, so he needs to be nurtured properly."

When the word "spiritual body" came out, everyone was confused.

Only Cheng Fengyue, slightly suffocated, looked at Cheng Yizhen in disbelief.

Obviously, he knows what a spirit is.

"Spiritual body?" Lin Xi was slightly surprised, but she seemed to feel that it was related to the Cheng family's spiritual power, "Grandpa, I can't let Little Milkshake practice spiritual power."

"There's no way, even if she can't learn, there will be a steady stream of spiritual power pouring into her body. From the moment she was born." Cheng Yizhen's tone was a little heavy.


  I don't want to change it anymore, I'm exhausted.

  Mom sells batches.Lost manuscript today, Woj.


(End of this chapter)

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