Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 714 The years are quiet and the world is stable

Chapter 714 The years are quiet and the world is stable (4)

But now it's good that the two of them are still together.Will be happy, right?
Lin Xi smiled, and her eyes fell on those people who were teasing the little milkshake.Little Milkshake, who has always disliked being hugged by men, is now smiling happily in Ji Mochen's arms.Lin Xi felt suffocated, she seemed to have discovered something.

Little Milkshake has a sense of familiarity with everyone related to Gu Nianchu.But those who Gu Nianchu doesn't like, she also has a tendency to reject them.For example, Liang Qichen.The little milkshake could hardly be hugged by Liang Qichen, and every time she was in Liang Qichen's arms, she would cry.

But as long as it involves her father, Gu Nianchu, she will be very obedient.Lin Xi didn't dare to think about it anymore, after all, Little Milkshake is a spirit body with a different physique from everyone else.She is very smart, Lin Xi thinks she is no worse than those precocious children in ancient times.

"Wow~ Little Milkshake's name sounds nice, Miss Lin Xi, how did you come up with it?" Wen Xin teased Little Milkshake for a while, then turned her gaze to Lin Xi, and asked in disbelief.

Lin Xi was silent for a moment... This name was not what she thought of at all, it was Gu Nianchu.She didn't want to leave regrets for Gu Nianchu, so she asked Gu Nianchu to name the baby.I don't know why he suddenly asked himself if he wanted to eat a milkshake, so he named it Little Milkshake.

Although it was a bit casual, Lin Xi felt that it was not simple.Little milkshake, Lin Xi.The last word is homophonic "xi". Apart from this, Lin Xi can't think of anything else.

"Well... I just wanted to eat a milkshake at the time, so I thought the name was good." Lin Xi smiled and looked at the little milkshake.

Little Milkshake has been playing for a long time this time, and there is no trace of tiredness on his face.She seems very happy to be in Ji Mochen's arms, is she rubbing against Ji Mochen?

"So casual?" Wen Xin was a little surprised, looked at Little Milkshake, then at Lin Xi, "That's not right...Lin Xi, Little Milkshake...well, there are 'xi'!"

Wenxin repeated the names of the two of them several times, and guessed such a conclusion.

"Sister Lin Xi, have you thought about your name?" Wen Xin teased Little Milkshake, suddenly thought of something, and asked again.

"No, I haven't thought of that yet." Lin Xi shook her head, she didn't know what to name the little milkshake.

"Your mother-in-law didn't get up? Your husband didn't get up? Your uncle didn't get up? Oh my God! Lin Xi, why did the name-naming all fall on you?" An Sishui bit her lip and tapped her temple, Can't help feeling terrified by Lin Xi's current situation.

Lin Xi squinted her eyes, she wasn't a child of Liang's family, why did she name them.As long as they are willing to accept the small milkshake, she, Lin Xi, will not expect the Liang family to do more.

"I don't want them to bother." Lin Xi said casually, turned over lazily, changed positions, and watched them play.

An Sishui: "..."

Warm: "..."

Ji Mochen: "..."

After teasing Little Milkshake for a while, she seemed to be really sleepy, and fell asleep after playing.When he fell asleep, there was still a slight smile on his face.

"Sister Lin Xi! I want to name the little milkshake. Okay?" Wen Xin looked at Lin Xi expectantly, hoping that Lin Xi would agree quickly.

Lin Xi nodded without hesitation, now she wished someone would give Little Milkshake a name.Alas... Anyway, she can't think of it now.

I knew I would have asked Gu Nianchu at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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