Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 717 The years are quiet and the world is stable

Chapter 717 The years are quiet and the world is stable (7)

Then, An Shishui's hand uncontrollably peeled off the candy and sent it to the mouth of the little milkshake.After finally eating the candy milkshake, he snorted arrogantly.Want to bully her?You have to practice for 50 more years!

An Sishui wanted to cry, but said dissatisfiedly: "Little Milkshake! You can't be like a normal baby! Let me tease you."

Little Milkshake raised her beautiful eyebrows, looked at An Sishui with big black grape-like eyes, and turned around, as if wondering what a normal baby is?Is she abnormal?she is so cute!How could it be abnormal?
But Little Milkshake can't speak... She thought for a while, and relayed her words to Linghe beside her.Soon, An Sishui heard what Linghe told her: "Aunt Xiaoshui~ What should a normal baby look like?"

An Sishui smiled helplessly, and explained to Milkshake: "Normal babies will cry when they don't get candy! But you, not only can't, but also bully auntie!"

When Little Milksha heard this, she suddenly grinned, and she thought to herself: An adult would be bullied by a child like me.naive than me...

But completely unaware that this sentence has been completely relayed by Linghe to An Sishui's ears.An Sishui smiled helplessly, and stared at Little Milkshake with wide eyes.she!To be called naive by a milk doll...

For a moment, there seemed to be tears in her eyes, she looked at Lin Xi: "Your little Milkshake bullied me again..."

She looked at Lin Xi dissatisfied and pouted.

"Xiao Shui, you are already 26, and you are still pretending to be a little girl to be cute?" Lin Xi joked slowly, and then her eyes fell on Little Milkshake, "And you! It's okay to mess around, don't tease me You are Aunt Xiaoshui."

"It's hard to take a vacation, the two of you can't let people have a good rest." Lin Xi yawned.She took another sip of tea and looked at the scenery in the distance.

For two years, life has been considered peaceful.However, there was still a trace of waves, but this wave was far from the one that could bring Lin Xi to tremble with fear.

An Shishui and Xiao Milkshake started chatting again.

Usually, it was An Sishui who was stomped by the little milkshake.

Suddenly, a discordant cell phone ringtone interrupted all of them, and for a moment, they all stared at Lin Xi's cell phone.Especially An Sishui, who seemed to have a trace of lovelessness on his face.

Lin Xi looked at the screen, twitched the corners of her mouth, and scolded An Sishui and Little Milkshake: "I told you not to take a good rest! Now, you will be busy!"

After speaking, Lin Xi connected the phone.

"Miss Cheng, I have to trouble you again." The voice of the Chief of the Sioux City Police Station came from the other side, with a trace of respect in his tone.

"Director, it should be, you can tell." Lin Xi smiled, her tone was neither humble nor overbearing, without a trace of impatience or putting on airs.

"It's like this. Something happened to the Sioux City Military Region Hospital. We initially suspected it was a supernatural event. Therefore, I hope you can come and help solve the case." The director said unhurriedly.

Lin Xi pursed her lips, feeling that it was a rare day off for today: "Director, shouldn't there be a special department to deal with matters in the military hospital? It seems that it is not very suitable for me to go there."

"Miss Cheng, you also know that there have been several large-scale gun riots in the border area recently, and the special department has lost several people."

(End of this chapter)

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