Chapter 724 Gu Nianchu in front of Naihe Bridge (6)

There is a small crib in her room, which is the sky blue that Milkshake likes most.She was lying on it, like a white cloud dotted in the sky, very pretty.

"Little Milkshake, go to bed early~ I have work to do tomorrow." Lin Xi smiled and skillfully changed Little Milkshake's diaper.

Little Milkshake cooperated very well from beginning to end, and finally opened his arms towards Lin Xi.Lin Xi understood, and immediately moved her face closer.Little Milkshake kissed Lin Xi on the cheek.

Lin Xi smiled and played a piece of light music, and the two fell asleep.
Military Hospital
The current situation is not good, and the people who went in have not seen one coming out.Preliminary judgment...all sacrificed.

Everyone's complexion is a bit bad, this is a person who was vigorously cultivated by the country, and he sacrificed all at once.

"Contact the Cheng family immediately!" A man in a military uniform had countless medals on his clothes.At this moment, he was also furious, looking at the police chief in Sioux City, and shouting.

"I've already contacted them. The Cheng family is considering it." The director was still a little trembling when facing the person in front of him.

The man looked only in his 40s, and he was even more furious when he heard this sentence.

Just as she was about to attack, a voice suddenly came from behind: "Why are you so angry?"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure appeared.

It's Cheng Yizhen.

He was also wearing a military uniform.
With white hair all over his head, he looked more energetic at this moment, looking at the person in front of him.

Lieutenant General Shang's complexion changed, he looked at Cheng Yizhen, and respected a military salute in a proper manner.
Cheng Yizhen raised his head and returned a military salute.

"You know my surname is Cheng? Then repeat what you just said?" Cheng Yizhen looked at the person in front of him with a serious face.

Naturally, Shang didn't dare to say anything more, and pressed him down.In addition, his skills are not as good as others, so how could he dare to repeat others in front of others.

Cheng Yizhen didn't have the same knowledge as this person at all. He just looked at the director and said, "Don't worry, the monsters in the hospital have been suppressed. There won't be any disturbance today."

"Then... what about tomorrow?" The director frowned, looking calmly at Cheng Yizhen.

The two of them are old friends, so naturally they don't pay so much attention.

"Tomorrow, it's hard to say." Cheng Yizhen shook his head, turned around, and prepared to leave.

But soon, the bureau chief stopped Cheng Yizhen: "Then you..."

Cheng Yizhen seemed to have guessed what he was going to say, and said in time: "I'm getting old."

After leaving this sentence, Cheng Yizhen left here.

The director looked a little pale, and looked at the situation inside.

They completed the characters in the frontier ahead of time, leaving only a part of the staff to deal with the funeral, and transferred some back to the hospital.

Among them were Gu Nianchu and Mo Liunian. When they heard that they were in Sioux City, they hurried back.Because Xiao Yang was injured, he couldn't come over.

But after entering, these people were attacked one after another.

They have dealt with many monsters in the past two years, but they have never encountered such a powerful one.

(End of this chapter)

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