Chapter 726 Gu Nianchu in front of Naihe Bridge (8)

"Next." Granny Meng's old voice came from ahead, and her subordinates skillfully poured out a bowl of soup.

Gu Nianchu reached out his hand to pick it up.

But Meng Po didn't hand over the soup, she just paused, then suddenly raised her head and looked at Gu Nianchu.She seemed to be old, and she couldn't see clearly. After confirming, she nodded.Then, he poured the soup in his hand onto the dilapidated table.

"You can't drink." Meng Po said firmly, then looked hard at the person behind Gu Nianchu, pointed to Mo Liunian, and said again, "You can't drink either! You can't drink!"

Although Gu Nianchu didn't really want to drink, but Po Meng was so sure that Gu Nianchu couldn't help feeling suspicious.Mo Liunian, who was behind, had already asked, "Why?"

With trembling fingers, Meng Po pointed at Gu Nianchu, feeling a little resentful: "Your daughter hasn't called you daddy yet, so you just want to die? The grandfather at home is also in trouble right now, but you just want to die? Your wife finally hanged your life, and you still want to die?"

Then, Meng Po looked at Mo Liunian again: "And you, you bastard! You can't coax a woman well, so you just want to die? You have lied to the saint for so long, it is impossible for you to die so easily? Your woman begs Let others save you, you can't die!"

Gu Nianchu was stunned, daughter?Daddy?wife?Hang your life?This series of words was spinning in his mind, and he suddenly felt that his head hurts, it hurts, it hurts!

When did he have a daughter?And, wife?who is it……

Could it be Lin Xi...

Mo Liunian was also stunned, his own woman?Lied to the saint?Could it be that An Sishui begged others to save him?

And that saint?Could it be Lin Xi?

"You two don't need to think about it! It's time to go back!" Granny Meng didn't give them a chance to think at all, and poured the two bowls of soup in front of the two of them, muttering something in her mouth.

The two of them suddenly had a splitting headache, and then suddenly felt that the scene in front of them was going backwards...

"Mother-in-law, thank you~" Watching Gu Nianchu and Mo Liunian leave, a figure emerged from behind.

It was Cheng Fengrao who smiled mischievously at Po Meng.

Granny Meng shook her head, and also smiled kindly: "Xiao Rao has to give me some face!"

Cheng Fengrao smiled and thanked him very much.

She did a good job this time, leaving Gu Nianchu with a suspense.

If Gu Nianchu knew that Little Milkshake was his daughter, he would spare no effort to snatch Lin Xi back.At that time, Lin Xi would definitely not agree.

From then on, her family's Mengmeng abused Gu Nianchu. Let's see how Gu Nianchu treated Lin Xi before, and how Lin Xi returned during this time.

"Hey~ Mengmeng, my mother has avenged you!" Cheng Fengrao smiled and spoke slowly.

This sentence was passed on all the time, and finally reached Lin Xi's ears.
Early the next morning, when Little Milkshake woke up, she made a cup of powdered milk, and took Little Milkshake to find An Sishui.

Naturally, she brought enough equipment, such as black dog blood and good cinnabar, she brought a lot.

But to deal with that ghost, Lin Xi still brought a mahogany sword.

Little Milkshake is safe, no ghosts can do her any harm at all.Even if she blinked, that ghost would instantly turn into scum.

Although it wouldn't kill the big spider, it could still cause some substantial damage to it.

 Gu Nianchu died, the full text is over~

(End of this chapter)

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