Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 741 Abandoning one's pride and just wanting to be her

Chapter 741 Abandoning all pride and just wanting to be her (15)

"Milkshake doesn't have a name! Mom said she wanted Daddy to name Milkshake, but Daddy disappeared! So Mom asked future boyfriends to name Milkshake~" Little Milkshake stuck out her tongue mischievously, watching looking at her father.

"Oh? Then where did your father go?" Gu Nianchu's smile was mixed with ambiguity, he glanced at Lin Xi, and then his eyes fell on Little Milkshake.

Little Milkshake blinked her big eyes, with a simple face: "Mom said Daddy has shit."

"Pfft—" An Sishui suppressed her smile, looking at the helpless little milkshake.Lin Xi naturally didn't expect her daughter to say such a thing, she looked helplessly at Little Milkshake, and then gave Gu Nianchu a cold look.

Shit?Gu Nianchu frowned, Lin Xi took advantage of his absence and told Little Milkshake that she was dead?Lin Xi is too...too...forget it, my daughter-in-law is heaven~
He rested for a while, and finally recovered. He could move his hands, but just as he was about to ask another question, the door of the ward was suddenly pushed open.

The person who came in was also from a special department. She held a mobile phone in her hand. After looking at Lin Xi, she paused and handed the mobile phone to Gu Nianchu: "Mr. Gu, the number above."

Gu Nianchu nodded, indicating that she could go out.Then, Gu Nianchu connected.He didn't care about Lin Xi's presence here, and quickly explained everything about the haunted military hospital.After finishing speaking, I didn't forget to add that it was Cheng Mengmeng's help from Cheng's family in Sucheng.

In addition, he said that he was seriously injured and asked to recuperate in Sioux City for several months.

The people above quickly approved it. After all, Gu Nianchu had made a lot of military achievements, so of course Gu Nianchu had to agree to such a small request.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Nianchu suddenly said, "I'm hungry."

Lin Xi gave him a blank look, and she was hungry, so she said something to her.

But Lin Xi didn't buy it, it didn't mean that Little Milkshake didn't buy it either.She hurried to her mother and tugged on her mother's clothes, looking at Lin Xi pitifully.

"Milkshake, this uncle has a mobile phone, and he can order takeaways on his mobile phone." Lin Xi explained patiently, looking at her little milkshake.

"But I'm injured, so I can't eat takeaway!" Gu Nianchu said again, this time he seemed to be trying to play a rogue, so he said it directly.

An Sishui couldn't hold back her smile any longer, and looked at these two people.

Fortunately, at this time, Mo Liunian had already woken up.

"Eat behind my back!" Mo Liunian's voice was dry, but he insisted on speaking, looking at the people in the room.

After seeing An Sishui's death, he was actually a little surprised.If it wasn't for the injury on his hand, he would almost rub his eyes to see if Ka'an Rushui really appeared in front of him.

An Sishui smiled, watched her family member wake up, got a glass of water naturally, helped Mo Liunian up, and fed her to drink.

"Is there anything you want to eat?" An Sishui smiled softly, looked at Mo Liunian, and asked.

"Yes." Mo Liunian's voice was still hoarse, looking at An Sishui who hadn't seen him for two years.


"I want to eat whatever you cook." Mo Liunian spoke again, and suddenly stretched out his arms to hug An Sishui.

An Shishui's nose was sore, and she wanted to hug him back, but suddenly remembered that he was injured, and was afraid that she would accidentally touch Mo Liunian's wound.

For a moment, she didn't know where she put her hands.

 First seven more, I will continue to code

  Hmm... It is estimated that the following will be sweet pet plots
  Also, there will be an update on the 24th or 25th.

  It's starting to wrap up
  It will be over by the end of this month

(End of this chapter)

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