Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 757 Because of the last general, I still feel nauseated

Chapter 757 Because of the last one, I still feel nauseous (8)

"Jinwen, we have to deal with it for several days, are you sure you want to go...?" Lin Xi looked at Lu Jinwen, who offered to go to the haunted house, and suddenly felt a little disbelieving.She ticked the corner of her mouth, picked up a bag of snacks and ate it.

"It's so boring at Cheng's house recently! You and Cheng Fengyue have snatched all the tasks!" Lu Jinwen curled her lips in dissatisfaction, and then changed her expectant gaze to Lin Xi, "Mengmeng, take me with you!" I once..."

She couldn't stand someone acting cute around her like this, so she had no choice but to say hello.But she has a condition: "Jinwen, go and pack your things first? We're going to live in a haunted house!"

The anticipation on Lu Jinwen's face remained undiminished, and she wanted to go even more now: "Okay! I can still live in a haunted house, and it's exciting to think about it!" As she said, Lu Jinwen got up and went out to pack her things, "That dream Dream, I will go first."

Lin Xi hummed lightly, and watched Lu Jinwen go out.

"Lin Xi, you haven't told me why I can restrain those ghosts." An Sishui suddenly looked at Lin Xi and asked this question.She still wonders why some ghosts are terrified when they see her.She asked Lin Xi, but Lin Xi insisted not to tell.She said that after a while, when the time is right, she will tell An Sishui.

"No reason, but your physique will disappear in a short time." Lin Xi looked at An Sishui with a smile. The Qiao Yi in her body was about to be greatly weakened, and it was time to get rid of him. best time.During that time, Lin Xi had to stay with An Sishui inseparably in order to get rid of Qiao Yi.

An Sishui let out a soft grunt. She couldn't say she liked this kind of physique, but she couldn't say how much she hated it either.It's nothing more than adding a little more flavor to her life. She is living quite comfortably now.She has nothing to lose if she loses her physique.

"Then why are you so relieved to leave Little Milkshake there alone?" An Sishui looked at Lin Xi and asked in puzzlement.

Lin Xi didn't answer, she didn't want to, but after she handed the milkshake to Gu Nianchu, she felt inexplicably relaxed.She felt that Gu Nianchu was very reliable, after all, he was the father of Little Milkshake.But she was also afraid that Little Milkshake would reveal everything to Gu Nianchu.Now, she has no plans to consider marriage for the time being...

"Lin Xi, are you planning to go on like this with Mr. Liang?" An Sishui looked at Lin Xi, with a hint of sadness in his eyes, "Could it be... don't you think about letting it go?"

When An Sishui asked this question, she wanted to ask Gu Nianchu if she still had a chance, but she didn't think of Lin Xi's next sentence at all.

"I don't want to settle down." Lin Xi said slowly, the corner of her mouth curled up with a trace of sarcasm.

"Why?" An Sishui was puzzled.

"Because the last one was over, I still feel nauseous." Lin Xi said slowly. After finishing speaking, she stood up, took the car keys, and looked outside: "Let's go! Jinwen is here."

With that said, Lin Xi had already walked out first.

An Sishui was stunned.

"Because the last one was done, I still feel nauseous."

This is the answer Lin Xi gave her. The last one was Gu Nianchu, so... so she still feels nauseous?

But soon, An Rushui followed.

(End of this chapter)

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