Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 759 Because of the last general, I still feel nauseated

Chapter 759 Because of the last one, I still feel nauseous (10)

But about going to the haunted house, Mo Liunian said he would not comment.
The three girls Lin Xi, An Sishui and Lu Jinwen had already rushed to the suburbs, and the so-called haunted house had already been stopped by the police.Now no one can enter at all, and the police have surrounded the outside.

There were quite a few residents around. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but chat: "Oh, many people have died... I heard that it is not peaceful here every night."

Lu Jinwen frowned, and naturally heard this sentence: "Lin Xi, it's too weird here, why... why don't we go in and live, even if we stay nearby for a while!"

Lin Xi didn't speak, but walked outside the villa, and pinched a tactic with her right hand.Then a golden light flashed over the house.But the golden light disappeared quickly, and few people could see it clearly.Lin Xi narrowed his eyes, and suddenly looked at An Sishui and Lu Jinwen, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth: "No ghost."

She said slowly, she had finished her work, and there was a hint of relaxation in her tone.This kind of thing is too troublesome, it is best not to have it.But now that people are panicking, the person behind the scenes is really a bit too much.

Lu Jinwen nodded, and began to look at this villa. There was nothing special about it, and it was exactly the same as the villas here.

An Sishui is not in a hurry, she has been numb for the past two years, and she is not afraid of anything anymore.

Lin Xi went over to explain to the gang of policemen, and the three walked in blatantly.

"Wow! Those women are so bold! Just go in like this?"

"Didn't you see that he was talking to those policemen just now? It must be someone sent from above!"

"That's great, I'm finally here to manage the affairs of this villa!"

"But the three women, can they really solve it?"

As soon as the last person said this, everyone fell silent.That's right, these are just three women... At least in their perception, women are housewives who cook at home with their children.

But—the Qing Dynasty is dead, take your old-fashioned thinking and get out!
Lin Xi and the others would not care about outsiders' gazes, so they carefully investigated several suspicious places in the villa.

But after entering the villa, An Shishui was slightly abnormal.

There was a hint of joy after confusion in her eyes, the feeling of pushing away the clouds and seeing the sun.She seemed very excited, looking for something in the villa.

Lin Xi was very surprised, but did not speak.

Suddenly, she felt that Qiao Yi's consciousness in An Sishui's body became stronger.

If Qiao Yi's consciousness was a drop of water before, it is now a puddle of water.

Doesn't that mean that Qiao Yi is about to break through Lin Xi's seal?It's over, it seems that they will not only target the people behind the villa, but also think about how to deal with Qiao Yi?

Looking at his trend, he is very cautious, it seems that he doesn't want to be separated from An Sishui's body like this, right?
What is he worried about?

Deep in An Sishui's soul, as soon as Qiao looked at the villa in front of him, a long-lost familiarity and sense of blood suddenly appeared on his face... This is his sister's breath...

It's been two years. Could it be that Joey has been reincarnated?

So, had Joey forgotten about him?

Sister, it's all my brother's fault for not protecting you back then...

(End of this chapter)

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