Refusing to marry a male god husband: ugly wife escaped marriage 99 times

Chapter 768 Accompany you to roam the world, accompany you 4 seas as home

Chapter 768 Wander the world with you, make your home everywhere with you (9) (Ending)
Gu Nianchu drove Lin Xi's car, Lin Xi didn't refuse, packed up the diary that Nuan Bai gave her, and sat in the car with her eyes closed.

"Mom, if you feel bad...the milkshake again..." She originally wanted to use the healing power again, but Lin Xi shook her head and refused.

How can she always rely on her daughter?

"Buying clothes." Lin Xi spoke slowly, without even opening her eyes.She healed her wounds by herself, but it seemed a bit time-consuming.After all, when Lin Xi treated Gu Nianchu a few days ago, he had already consumed a lot of spiritual energy.

Gu Nianchu quickly went to the commercial street in Sioux City, and Mo Liunian's car followed. After all, they also wanted to buy clothes from Nuanbai.

Because Lin Xi looked a little embarrassed, Gu Nianchu immediately cleared the entire floor.When they went, those people had already brought out their best clothes, waiting for Lin Xi and the others to come and try them on.

Soon, Lin Xi changed into smart clothes.By the way, she bought some clothes for Milkshake.Mo Liunian and An Sishui over there didn't say a word the whole time, except for one of them occasionally saying a word, there was no other voice.

After shopping for clothes, I realized that they hadn't eaten yet.

"Milkshake, Nuanbai, are you sleepy?" Lin Xi couldn't help asking, looking at Little Milkshake and Nuanbai who were holding hands and saying this together.

The two said in unison: "Not sleepy, not sleepy." After finally finding a similar friend, how could they be sleepy?The two of them talked about little secrets together to make sure they wouldn't get lost.It's okay, even if it gets lost, there are ten thousand ways to play the little milkshake.

Lin Xi smiled helplessly, and didn't care about the sleeping of the two cute babies.

"Where to eat?" Gu Nianchu acted as the driver and asked Lin Xi.

Lin Xi pondered for a moment, it was already three o'clock in the morning, and what restaurants would be open there.

Of course, except for the biggest restaurant in Sioux City.

Lin Xi casually reported a place name, and Gu Nianchu quickly passed by.
The six of them are a complete family of three.

But no one can see that the relationship between the two adults in each family is not very good, it can even be said to be very bad.

On the way here, An Sishui has already booked a private room, and even ordered the dishes.

When we got there, the food was already served.

They were probably all hungry, so they started to feast on it immediately.

The atmosphere at the dining table was not depressing at all. There were two cute babies, Nuan Bai and Xiao Milkshake, talking non-stop.

The four adults couldn't help it, except for Gu Nianchu, who answered the cute babies feebly.

"Mom, when are you going to tell Little Milkshake who my father is?" Little Milkshake smiled, and suddenly slipped his mouth.

As soon as she said this, everyone at the table fell silent.

But Mo Liunian and An Sishui automatically cast their eyes on Gu Nianchu.

The room suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

Nuan Bai didn't understand what happened at all, but she quickly realized it, and looked at the faces of everyone, she seemed to understand.

But she didn't say anything, just looked at Lin Xi, she seemed to hope that Lin Xi would tell Little Milkshake the truth.

Lin Xi paused, looked at Little Milkshake seriously, and suddenly a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Didn't Mom tell you?"

At the same time, her spiritual power transmitted voice: "Cheating to mom again?"

(End of this chapter)

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