Chapter 790 Can't You Try To Love Me? (10) (Flowing Years Like Water)

But after hahaha, she shed unwilling tears.I really really love you, Lin Xi really really loves Gu Nianchu, so just force it, okay?
In the next few months, she ran over several hotels in S City, always avoiding their acquaintances intentionally or unintentionally.Finally one day, An Sishui came outside Gu's house with the pregnancy checklist.Before this, she had had a high fever for two whole days, but she had no money and didn't bother to treat the disease.

When Lin Xi found An Sishui, she was already extremely hot.Soon, Lin Xi called the Gu family's doctor, who asked An Sishui to see a doctor and prescribed medicine.At the same time, Lin Xi suddenly found out that An Sishui was pregnant.Although she was strange, she asked the doctor to bring the medicine that pregnant women should take.

She didn't spread the news of An Shishui's appearance. Except for Little Milkshake and Gu Nianchu, no one knew that they had been looking for An Shishui for so long, and now they are staying at An Shishui's home to recuperate from illness.

"My child... will something happen to the child?" An Sishui's tone was filled with tears, and when she woke up, she looked at Lin Xi and asked such a question.Lin Xi felt distressed after hearing this, and shook her head at her.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to the child." Sitting beside An Sishui, Lin Xi forced a smile.Then, she gave the medicine to An Sishui: "I have cured your illness. This is the medicine you should take when you are pregnant. Take some first."

An Sishui obediently took the medicine and swallowed it.

After eating, Lin Xi brought her a bowl of porridge...

Until the end, An Sishui was finally full, looked at Lin Xi, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, I didn't tell anyone else." An Sishui wiped her mouth and wanted to get out of bed, but found that her body was still soft.

"What's going on if you don't tell me?" Lin Xi pursed her lips, looking at An Sishui who was uncharacteristically.

"I drugged him." An Sishui said lightly, and only mentioned a few people.But Lin Xi quickly understood that An Sishui was the child who broke Mo Liunian, but this child was born because of her drugging.

Lin Xi choked up and looked at An Sishui.

But An Sishui has already told all the stories, and smiled: "Look, I have his child, and he can't get rid of me even if he wants to."

An Sishui, who was smirking at this moment, shed tears.

Lin Xi handed her a piece of paper distressedly: "Fool, you shouldn't do this to yourself."

An Sishui smiled and shook her head: "I'm not stupid, I just love him too much."

"Do you know? Every time I call my name from his mouth, I feel a kind of satisfaction, I feel very happy." An Sishui seemed to be delusional, and when he mentioned this, he suppressed I couldn't help laughing.

"I really love him, but he'll never know."

"It's okay, I shouldn't worry, sooner or later he will fall into my hands willingly."

"Everyone else is a hotel, but I am my home."

"It doesn't matter if it's later, the last person will definitely be Mo Liunian."

Lin Xi frowned, and suddenly interrupted An Sishui: "Enough!"

"Love is a relationship between two people who respect and support each other. It is impossible to let two people's emotions fluctuate because of one child!"

(End of this chapter)

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