Chapter 792 Can't You Try To Love Me? (12) (Flowing Years Like Water)

The corner of Lin Xi's mouth curled up, and a hint of inscrutability flashed in his eyes: "Don't forget, you still have Xiao Nuanbai."

An Sishui slapped her head, because of the little life in her belly, she almost forgot her little Nuanbai's big baby!By the way, she still has Nuanbai. Apart from letting Nuanbai play in this matter, she couldn't find a more suitable candidate.

Mo Nuanbai is so smart, he will definitely understand what An Sishui means.So soon, Lin Xi made a phone call with An Lin.

On the other side of the phone, An Lin was very angry, and when he spoke, his tone was tinged with hostility.My dearest sister ran away from home like this, and I couldn't find it no matter how hard I looked, I, Lin Xi, was naturally very angry.If it wasn't for Gu Nianchu and the others to stop him, I'm afraid he would have really gone to play Mo Liunian!
Lin Xi didn't let An Sishui talk, after all, she was still not suitable.If she appeared now, everything that had been carefully planned would be disrupted.With An Lin's personality, he would definitely come and take An Sishui away forcibly, and then he would take Nuan Bai and Qin Huai to a place where no one would find out.

"Brother An Lin, Nuan Bai, I have a few words to say to her." Lin Xi smiled lightly, her voice was very nice, and the tone of her mouth was also soft.

Even if An Lin was angry again, he would not take his anger out on others, so soon, An Lin found Mo Nuanbai and asked her to talk to Lin Xi.

"Aunt Lin Xi." Mo Nuanbai called out sensiblely, she thought that after that night, her father would successfully bring her mother back, and by the way, bring her a little brother.But I never expected that my mother was gone, and my father would also be willing to degenerate.

"Nuan Bai, is there anyone around you?" Lin Xi smiled briskly.Nuan Bai is so smart, she will definitely understand what he means.

Sure enough, after Nuan Bai said wait, she entered her small room, closed the door, and after making sure that no one was there, she smiled: "Aunt Lin Xi, have you found my mother?"

Hearing Nuan Tiantian's real voice, An Sishui felt a little uncomfortable for a moment, she pursed her lips, and took the phone in Lin Xi's hand: "Xiaobai, it's mom." There was a tremor in her tone, and A hint of fear.

"Mom." Nuan Bai's voice burst into tears, and when she heard this voice that she hadn't heard in months, she burst into tears.

"Well, Xiaobai, you can do mother a favor. But you must remember, don't tell others. Okay?" An Sishui coaxed Mo Nuanbai, and said slowly.There was a hint of coaxing in her tone, but her voice sounded a little distressed.

"Okay, Mom, tell me." Mo Nuanbai said sensiblely.

"When you go back to Dad's house, there is a pink storage box in the small red cabinet in the bedroom. When you open the box, there is another rectangular box inside. Tomorrow you find a way to get it and send it to your Aunt Lin Xi's house." An Sishui patiently He spoke, with a hint of reluctance in his tone.

Mo Nuanbai solemnly agreed to his mother's words, and promised that he would bring it over this afternoon.

Finally, An Sishui pursed her lips: "Then Xiaobai, you must abide by our agreement."

"Then after getting that box, will Mom and Dad get married?" Mo Nuan really asked during the day, she was still a child, no matter how smart she was, she couldn't change her mind...

(End of this chapter)

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