Chapter 794 Can't You Try To Love Me? (14) (Flowing Years Like Water)

I didn't bring sanitary napkins!

She was so stupid to cry by herself.Many people told her that girls will have menstruation and asked her to prepare sanitary napkins in advance.But she thought it was troublesome, so she put it directly in her schoolbag.This is how to do?You can't stay in the toilet all afternoon, can you?
She was in a hurry, but there was nothing she could do.All she knew at the time was that Gu Nianchu and Mo Liunian were still talking outside, and An Shishui knew that Mo Liunian hadn't gone far yet.She gritted her teeth and asked him to borrow that thing, but she didn't expect that he seemed to have understood something, so he came in and gave her that thing.

An Sishui actually never knew why Mo Liunian carried these things with him.After a long, long time, she realized that he had specially asked someone to buy this sanitary napkin.

But when she got out of the toilet, she couldn't see Mo Liunian himself at all.Thinking about it, he probably skipped class with Gu Nianchu, right?

The first time they met, he didn't remember her face, but her voice.Her voice is very special, with a touch of unique charm.The last word of every sentence always takes a turn.

But later... After two years of her secret love, she never said a word to Mo Liunian again.For some reason, Mo Liunian didn't seem to know her at all, and he often didn't speak when he saw her.

She also thought about taking the initiative, but Mo Liunian never responded much.After going back and forth, An Sishui finally let go of this thought, and secretly fell in love with Mo Liunian strangely.At that time, she had already vowed silently in her heart: Don't worry, I will let you fall into my hands willingly in this life.

She didn't know it all the time, but she, who has always been popular for 3 minutes, never thought of giving up on liking Mo Liunian.Facing anything about Mo Liunian, she is always full of patience.Once not twice, twice not three times...

Finally, she met Cheng Mengmeng.My brother said, we must stay with this girl well.She admitted that when she first approached Cheng Mengmeng, she had bad intentions, but later on, she realized that Cheng Mengmeng was really a girl worth cherishing.

But like what Mo Liunian said, I was with Cheng Mengmeng just to set off her or something, these things didn't exist at all.

This was after Mo Liunian rejected her again and again, she was heartbroken, and during that period of time, she had a bad attitude towards anyone.Not only Lin Xi, but also An Lin and Ji Mochen, almost avoided An Sishui during that time.

No one ever knew why, except Cheng Mengmeng.So only Cheng Mengmeng came back to comfort her.Although Cheng Mengmeng also touched the ashes on the nose.

But this scene was witnessed by Mo Liunian.

Because he likes Cheng Mengmeng, he hates himself who treats Cheng Mengmeng like this.

An Sishui has never thought about others in her whole life.

First met at the age of 14 and married at the age of 24.

Then at the age of 26, he told her that the marriage certificate was fake. At that moment, she felt that she was a joke.A real joke.

It turned out that from the beginning to the end, he was playing, he was testing himself.

At the beginning, I tried my best to marry him, but I really just got a fake marriage certificate.

An Sishui took a deep breath, until later, she found him at the entrance of the Internet cafe.

(End of this chapter)

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