Chapter 610

The Duke of Berkeley and Count Andre pondered over the name, and they had to say that the king's name was really vivid, and both Shanghai and Xiamen were in line with the image of the trade zone.

The name is easy to solve. What they are worried about is the distribution of benefits in the free trade zone. If this is not resolved, everything will be useless.

Xiacheng County is the territory of the Duke of Berkeley, but he dare not take such a big benefit to himself.

After struggling for a long time, he said: "As for trade profits, the royal family accounts for 4%, how about Count Andre and I each accounting for 3%"?
On the surface, he suffers the most from this distribution plan, but Xiamen is his territory, and the surrounding territories will also benefit from the development there.

The one who really benefited the most was him, and he was very clear about this, and believed that the other two would not refuse his sincerity.

Li Qing naturally has no objection, but the Xiamen Special Zone is not that simple. The dark elves are not the same as the dwarf kingdom. The dwarf kingdom is more kind, but the dark elves are not only sinister and cunning, but also have a more cruel dark elf pantheon behind them.

"If we develop a free trade zone, I believe that the dark elves who have been suppressed by us will not object, but we must guard against the major churches of the dark elves."

The three of them all thought of Rose, the Spider Queen, who was famously cruel, and the followers could only kill each other to please her.

Correspondingly, once these dark elves infiltrate the hinterland of the Ming Kingdom, the consequences will be disastrous.

The Duke of Berkeley and Count Andre were at a loss. They also thought about this problem, but they couldn't find a solution.

Li Qing sighed: "You guys, you can't wait until the problem arises before you think about solving it. Isn't there a kind goddess Eilistraee in the dark elf pantheon? It's just for us to invite her church to be the side of the dark elves."

The eyes of the two brightened. The free trade zone is generally adjudicated by the churches and officials of both parties. The Eilistraee Church is the only reliable deity in the dark elf pantheon.

Eilistraee is the daughter of Corellon Larissian (the main god of the elves) and Eroshine (now Rose), and the sister of Velen (the god of thieves of the dark elves), due to her inadvertent participation in the Erohine's rebellion against the elf gods led to her being exiled along with her mother and elder brother.

Eilistraee is a goddess full of melancholy and sorrow. In addition to protecting all kind dark elves, she also protects those dark elves who hope to return to the surface world to live peacefully.

Such a lawful good deity is exactly what they need.

Li Qing said directly: "You immediately send someone to contact the church of the Goddess of Kindness, I believe they will agree."

Of course it would not be that easy to contact the church directly, but Li Qing planned to talk to the church in person. As an alternative in the dark elf pantheon, Eilistraee was worth wooing.

The affairs of the Xiamen Special Zone were all finalized, but the Grand Duke Berkeley and Count Andre quickly thought of the issue of the Goddess of Wealth.

Without the support of the Goddess of Wealth Church, their business development would be greatly restricted.

Therefore, the two are more concerned about how to solve the problem than before.

"Your Majesty, the Church of the Goddess of Wealth?" the Duke of Berkeley asked worriedly.

Li Qing laughed and said, "You don't have to worry about this matter, even if you worry about it, will it solve the problem?"Then he continued: "Go back, I'm going back to the palace too."

Leaving aside the matter of Li Qing's return to the palace, Li Qing's main consciousness has already returned to the Kingdom of Heaven.

The kingdom of heaven, the temple of kingship.

This is Li Qing's kingdom of God, and no gods are allowed to go here without his permission.

There are too many things in the Kingdom of God that should not be known to outsiders. They are divided into separate spaces, and each space is an independent testing ground.

There are also many unique animals and plants brought from heaven, which are undergoing adaptive survival.

Above the temple is a huge black hole, deep and mysterious, leading to the vast and unknown.

This is the two-world channel connecting the heavens. The assimilation of deep rules is going on inside, which means that the golden light can cover the foggy world after the assimilation is completed.

At this time, Li Qing's real body was standing under the black hole, staring at the black hole in the sky with a serious expression.

The receiving and guiding golden light can only be emitted from the Heavenly Court. Although he has established a replica of the Heavenly Court Divine Kingdom here, the difference in the underlying rules prevents them from interacting with each other.

Unless his experiment is successful, change this Central Kingdom of God to the exact same rules as Heavenly Court.

"Judging from the current development situation of the foggy world, it is too late to wait for the transformation of the Kingdom of God, so we can only take a risk."

Li Qing looked solemn. Although the rules of the two heavens had not been unified, the power of faith and incense belonged to him were the same.

He intends to sacrifice all the power of faith he has collected so far to the channel of the two worlds, and forcefully summon a god to come over to relieve the current difficulties.

The power of faith spreading all over the Kingdom of God began to gather around him. This is the faith that has been accumulated for many years and has not been used.

Normally he would not need these, at this moment all the accumulation of decades gathered together to form a golden torrent.

A phantom of a dragon hovered outside Li Qing's body. As the dragon became clearer, with a dragon chant, the dragon entered the passage between the two worlds.

"Golden Dragon Ruyi Zhengyi Dragon Tiger Profound Altar True Monarch Zheng Speed ​​Comes"

Li Qing called out, and Shenlong redistributed the power of faith in the passage between the two worlds, and continued to extend forward.

In the other direction, the heavenly court continuously radiates golden light to the passage between the two worlds, and spreads to the heavenly court divine kingdom at the speed of light.

I don't know how long it took, Shenlong and the guiding golden light converged in the passage between the two worlds, and a short fast passage was formed.

Temple of God of Wealth.

Priests who belong to the Ministry of Finance, such as sending money and distributing money, are performing their duties in various places. The gods and spirit officials guard the door, showing the majesty of the eight divisions of the heaven.

Wang Zheng, the righteous god of the Ministry of Finance, sat on the throne holding a dragon and tiger Ruyi, wandering thousands of worlds, and suddenly woke him up from his deep sleep with a call.

"Golden Dragon Ruyi Zhengyi Dragon Tiger Profound Altar True Monarch Zheng Speed ​​Comes"

Wang Zheng quickly opened his eyes, golden light scattered from his divine eyes, and the temple was illuminated by golden light.

"It's the voice of the Great Emperor"

He hadn't heard this voice for a long time since the emperor went to the misty world. He was startled immediately, and then he quickly got up and looked around.

A golden light descended from the sky, Wang Zheng received the message from the golden light, and was immediately pleasantly surprised, turning into a golden light and disappearing into the temple.

Daming Kingdom, Shanghai New City.

With the banning of the Goddess of Wealth, the number of chambers of commerce traveling to and from all over the world has decreased a lot. Most of the chambers of commerce have diverted to the Kingdom of Arthur, and the Church of the Goddess of Wealth will purchase and distribute them in a unified manner.

Due to the monopoly of the Church of the Goddess of Wealth, the price of goods in the Dwarf Kingdom has been repeatedly reduced, and the transaction volume has also dropped to the bottom.

The Ming Kingdom hasn't panicked yet, but the Dwarf Kingdom on the other side can't sit still!
(End of this chapter)

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