Love is like sugar dyed starlight

Chapter 3 Misunderstanding is like a bitter candy

Chapter 3 Misunderstanding is like an astringent candy

You are the dazzling star that cannot be touched

I'm just an ordinary candy

God is so naughty, let's meet

When I looked at Xiao Yuxing, I felt as if time had stopped.

"Are you calling me, primary school student?" Before I could run to Xiao Yuxing, he had already parked beside me on his bicycle, and a faint fragrance emanated from him, quietly surrounding me. diffuse.

I was in a trance for a while, but I soon woke up - my main task today is to help Chu Yuqing send love letters.

"Xiao Yuxing, I want to inform you of two things now. First, I am not a primary school student. I am an adult. Second, I have a love letter to give to you, but the author of this love letter is not me, but my girlfriend. Chu Yuqing. I warn you, no matter what your decision is, you must at least read this love letter carefully, which contains Chu Yuqing's heart. Well, I'm done, goodbye! Oh no, Never see you again!"

After I finished speaking these words in one breath, there was a smug smile on his face, as if he thought I was going to confess my love to him, but at the end, that smug smile disappeared without a trace.He opened his mouth slightly, his face full of shock.

"Huh? Primary school student, it's not that you like me, so you want to confess to me?" His tone was very domineering and determined.

"Don't dream, please! I, Ye Tangtang, will never like a boy like you." My tone was more determined than his, and I wanted to stop his ridiculous idea.

After I finished speaking, I pushed the envelope into his hand vigorously, only to find that the envelope had been soaked with sweat from my palms, and the words "TO Xiao Yuxing" on the envelope were blurred.

"Oh? It turns out that your name is Ye Tangtang, and your name sounds more like a primary school student... Wait, what's wrong with a boy like me?"

Xiao Yuxing's dissatisfied voice came from behind me. I was about to speed up to the school, but I felt my arm was suddenly grabbed.I looked back, only to find that the person holding my arm was Xiao Yuxing.

He held his head up in displeasure, with a provocative look in his eyes.But soon, he raised the corners of his mouth and looked at me with that familiar sarcasm.

"I see, you obviously like me, so you deliberately used this method to attract my attention." His face suddenly moved closer to mine, less than ten centimeters away from me. my nasal cavity.

"You... do you have prince disease? Do you think that girls all over the world will like you? Narcissist!"

I pushed him away hard, only to find that his hand holding my arm was slowly increasing his strength, making it impossible for me to break free.


When Xiao Yuxing and I were confronting each other, the sound of the camera shutter being pressed suddenly came from around us. Xiao Yuxing and I looked at each other, and his hand was still firmly grasping my arm.

After only a few seconds, many reporters with cameras and microphones appeared around us, and they surrounded us tightly in just a few seconds.

Did something go wrong...

"Xiao Yuxing! What's going on?"

"Is your IQ also that of a primary school student? This is a reporter, commonly known as a paparazzi, do you know..." Xiao Yuxing shouted at me, but his voice was quickly drowned out by the reporters' inquiries.

"Is this your girlfriend?"

"Oh my god! Big news, it's the first time I've seen Star Xiao so intimate with someone else!"

"Hello, please respond, is this lady your girlfriend? When did you get together? Are you arguing now?"

I looked at the flashing lights around me in panic, my ears were filled with all kinds of inquiries, and my head started to hurt unconsciously.

"Is this the reporter you called? Did you deliberately use me for hype?" Xiao Yuxing leaned close to my ear and asked in a low voice, although the voice was small, but the anger mixed with it was not small at all.

"Do you have serious hallucinations? I'm not a star, why should I hype? Can I graduate early with full credits if I hype?" I responded mercilessly.

"Well, it makes sense."

"You...your IQ is inversely proportional to your appearance!"

"Are you admitting that I'm handsome?"

This guy is really powerful, and he never forgets to boast about himself even at times like this.

At this time, Xiao Yuxing and I stood back to back, looking like we were fighting side by side, but in fact we had our own secrets.If someone else heard our conversation, they would laugh out loud.

But at such a critical juncture, we shouldn't bicker.

"What should I do now?" I asked angrily.

"Run!" Xiao Yuxing replied bluntly.

He quickly pushed the mountain bike aside and kept holding my arm.His hand increased his strength, and before I could react, I had followed him and rushed out like an arrow from the string.

The constantly receding scenery was left far behind us, but those reporters quickly chased after us like ghosts.There was a loud noise behind us, like something out of a cop movie.We ran frantically, and after turning a few corners, the surrounding scenery became more and more unfamiliar, and the sound of reporters chasing after us gradually disappeared.

It was probably safe, and my tense nerves finally relaxed.But at this moment, a yellow unknown object appeared in front of my eyes, it seemed to be... a banana peel?

Seeing that Xiao Yuxing was about to step on a banana peel, I was about to speak, but it was too late.The guy inevitably stepped on the banana peel, and then jumped into the air, forgetting that his hand was still tightly grasping my arm, and with all his strength, he dragged me to the ground.


I screamed, only to find myself falling on something soft.

Is there a sponge mat on the floor?No, I remember it was just an ordinary concrete floor. Could it be that I crossed because of this fall?


Why are the lips so moist, as if...

Probably because I read too many time-travel novels, this thought made me tremble all over.I opened my eyes nervously, ready to see all kinds of horror scenes.

The moment I opened my eyes, a face as delicate as porcelain came into view.My eyes widened, my heartbeat suddenly accelerated, the temperature on my face rose sharply, my nerves tensed up, and my brain went blank in just a few seconds.

my lips...

Xiao Yuxing's lips...

our lips...

I was about to escape from Xiao Yuxing's body, but there was a crisp and piercing voice in my ears - "Crack!"

Not so unlucky, right?
I quickly got up from Xiao Yuxing's body with lightning speed, and at that second, we both turned our heads in unison.The face that was frozen from shock became even more rigid. Just about two meters away from us, stood a reporter who was dancing with excitement.

"Haha! This is a big revelation! Great! I can finally get a promotion!" The reporter who caught the "scoop" completely ignored the two petrified people standing beside him, holding his camera and flying run away.

wait!Ye Tangtang, you have to calm down now!No, no, you must calm down!

I said it over and over again in my heart, but the cold sweat on my forehead kept dripping down my cheeks, and I wanted to move my feet, but I didn't have any strength left.

All this is like a dream, progressing so fast, completely beyond my imagination.Just now, Xiao Yuxing and I ran away from the reporters and then kissed.

This is my first kiss!To be taken away by this idiot, even though kissing Xiao Yuxing is a lifetime dream for many girls, but in my eyes, this is simply a terrifying nightmare!

my first first kiss...

I stretched out my hand in frustration, and gently stroked my poor lips. My whole body seemed to have fallen into an abyss, into an endless ocean, and I didn't even have the strength to speak.

no no no!This must be a dream!It must be a dream!

"Are you satisfied now?"

Just when I kept shaking my head and trying to deny all of this, the magnetic voice suddenly sounded, with a hint of annoyance, which made people sound super upset.

I raised my head and looked at Xiao Yuxing standing in front of me not to be outdone. For a moment, I was almost confused by Xiao Yuxing's appearance.But it's because this guy is always saying something that makes me angry that every time I try not to hate him, I fail.

Just like now, at the moment when he took away my first kiss, my mood is even more difficult to calm down.

"Xiao Yuxing, your prince is really seriously ill, why don't you go to the hospital. Do you think everyone wants to kiss a guy like you? You know, that was my first kiss! First kiss!"

I said it over and over again, I just hope this domineering guy in front of me can understand how big a mistake he made.

Hearing my words, Xiao Yuxing's eyes suddenly flashed a look of surprise, but soon returned to normal.His cheeks, which were originally white and translucent, were stained with a slight blush at this moment. His eyes passed me and looked behind me, as if he was deliberately avoiding me.

"First kiss? This is my first kiss too!"

Xiao Yuxing's voice sounded unnatural, like protesting, appealing, or... blaming me?

"Ghosts believe your words! Your first kiss with a big heart and a big carrot has long been gone!"

I crossed my hands on my chest, and sneered at Xiao Yuxing's extremely hypocritical remarks.

I really don't understand, why on this sunny morning, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the summer breeze is blowing, Xiao Yuxing and I are here in such an unreserved way to discuss who took who's first kiss.

"Believe it or not! But, elementary school student, please stay away from me, you have caused me a lot of trouble." Xiao Yuxing said domineeringly, as if he was the owner of the surrounding land, and even treated me Boss around.

"Stop! I'm not interested in approaching you! If it wasn't for Yuqing to send you a love letter, I wouldn't have had any contact with you at all! But now, I have completed the task, and you must read the love letter carefully after you go back. , don’t disappoint Yuqing. Also, I warn you, immediately erase everything that happened just now from your mind, and don’t mention it to anyone!”

There was a strange look on Xiao Yuxing's face, an angry and funny look, and those eyes, which were already charming, were shining with a touching light at this moment.He opened his mouth, his cherry-like lips moved up and down, but he didn't speak.

I decided to give up such meaningless arguments, so I walked in the direction of the school.After walking for a long time, I didn't hear Xiao Yuxing's voice.Forget it, that guy is probably in a hurry to find his agent to solve the oolong incident just now.

Alas, I am the most pitiful. In order to help Chu Yuqing send a love letter, I actually buried my precious first kiss for nothing, and it was still buried in the hands of Xiao Yuxing, a prince patient who has no gentleman's demeanor.

Well, I have to admit that at this moment, even if I use up the most vicious words in the world, I can't vent my dislike for Xiao Yuxing.

A flock of white doves flew across the sky, flapping their wings in the blue sky, and occasionally gliding. There seemed to be a faint fragrance of roses in the air. The smell seemed strong and gentle, making it difficult to fathom.

Because of Xiao Yuxing, when I arrived at the school, it was already 10 minutes into class. Fortunately, the teacher of this class was a female teacher who just graduated.She just gave me a hard look and told me not to be late next time.

When walking towards the seat, Chu Yuqing kept winking at me, with an expression of agitation and excitement, shyness and anxiety, all kinds of complex emotions appeared on her face.

The strange thing is that looking at Chu Yuqing at this time, I became nervous for no reason.If Chu Yuqing found out about the ridiculous misunderstanding just now, would she be very angry?Most definitely.

Thinking of this, I trembled all over, wanting to drive this terrifying thought out of my mind as quickly as possible.

I forced a smile, nodded stiffly, and told Chu Yuqing with my mouth: "I have already given the love letter to Xiao Yuxing."

As soon as I sat in my seat, a piece of pale pink note paper flew to my seat from behind. I didn't need to open it to see it, and I knew it must be a note from Chu Yuqing who couldn't wait to pass it to me.

"Tangtang, did he say anything?" There was a line of messy words written on the note paper, which showed how urgent Chu Yuqing was when she wrote this note.

I bit the cap of my pen, frowned tightly, with mixed feelings in my heart, thinking about how to get back to Chu Yuqing.

I did hand over the love letter to Xiao Yuxing. Although the process was very difficult, at least the love letter is in Xiao Yuxing's hands now.

This is not a lie, right?
Thinking of this, with helplessness and entanglement, I wrote on the note paper: "He accepted the love letter and didn't say anything."

While the teacher was writing on the blackboard, I quickly crumpled the note paper and threw it on Chu Yuqing's desk.Only then did I realize that her cheeks had turned red, her eyes were full of expectation, her hands were tightly clenched into fists, and she looked at me excitedly.

The note paper fell in front of her, and her hands seemed to tremble slightly from excitement.After opening the note paper, she showed a relieved expression, took a big breath, and then gave me a bright smile.

I twitched the corner of my mouth stiffly, and my extremely tense nerves were slowly relaxing. If I told Chu Yuqing what happened later that only appeared in TV dramas, she would definitely be upset.

But seeing Chu Yuqing so excited, I became even more nervous.If Xiao Yuxing failed to give Chu Yuqing a perfect answer, if Chu Yuqing knew about the oolong incident that happened in the morning, if...

God!Could it be because of Xiao Yuxing that the precious friendship between me and Chu Yuqing melted into bubbles?

Absolutely not!
I scratched my hair irritably, lying on the desk weakly, all kinds of bad scenes were constantly playing out in my mind, even when I was out of class, I deliberately avoided Chu Yuqing's inquiries.I didn't calm down until the lunch break bell rang.

It's been peaceful all morning, probably this matter will just go away like this.

Ok!It must be like this, Ye Tangtang, you are thinking too much.

I comforted myself like this, staring at the blue sky outside the window in a daze, and occasionally a sparrow flew in the air, leaving a beautiful arc.

"Tangtang! Tangtang! Can you tell me about the situation in the morning?"

Finally, everyone in the classroom left, Chu Yuqing and I were the only ones left. She ran to my side and asked in a low voice.

"Ah?" I was brought back to reality by Chu Yuqing's voice, I stared at her with wide eyes, my mind went blank.

"Tell me, Tangtang, what was his reaction when he received the love letter? Did he smile? Was he happy?" Chu Yuqing grabbed my arm and shook it from side to side.

"Okay, okay, it's like this..." I broke free from her hand, and after thinking for a long time, I said, "He... seems to have smiled, he seems very happy... I don't really remember."

After I finished speaking with a guilty conscience, I carefully observed Chu Yuqing's expression from the corner of my eye, for fear that she would hear that what I said was completely inconsistent with the actual situation.

There is no way, should I tell Chu Yuqing that I rushed to Xiao Yuxing's house in the morning, lost him, and chased him all the way, finally stopped Xiao Yuxing, a group of reporters rushed out when I was giving him a love letter, Xiao Yuxing and I were hiding When the reporter fell together, and then kissed?

If I was a fool, if I hoped that Chu Yuqing would see me as an enemy from now on, maybe I would tell her the most embarrassing truth.

But now, although my brain is not smart enough, my IQ test results are above the passing line, and my sanity is still there, so how can I tell Chu Yuqing the truth?
Yuqing, don't blame me, sometimes white lies are helpless.

I blinked and looked at Chu Yuqing, and silently apologized to her in my heart.


There was a loud noise at the door of the classroom, Chu Yuqing and I looked at each other, and then looked at the source of the sound.

Which savage is it?

I looked over curiously, and there was a face that I never wanted to see again in my life—Xiao Yuxing was standing lazily at the door of the classroom with a dark face, exuding a dazzling light all over his body.

how come……

how come……

my God!


My head was instantly struck by a bolt of lightning, and I lost the ability to think. My vision was pitch black, and a large black cloud seemed to gather above my head.

"Xiao Yuxing..."

Chu Yuqing's voice was a little hoarse, and it rang in my ears.

"Why is it him..."

My voice was crying.

Xiao Yuxing's gaze stayed on my face for a moment, and soon, he walked towards me with slender legs.Those eyes were as bright as the brightest stars in the night, easily capturing my heart.


Unexpectedly, when Xiao Yuxing and I looked at each other, my heart beat instantly accelerated, beating crazily with an abnormal frequency.But soon I warned myself, don't be fooled by this guy's handsome appearance, you must know that he is a super ungentlemanly idiot, the villain who took my first kiss away.

I clenched my fists tightly and realized that what I should worry about most now is not my heartbeat, but what is the purpose of Xiao Yuxing's coming here.

I looked at him intently and warned him not to do anything strange or say anything strange with my eyes.

But when he noticed the look in my eyes, a big smile broke out on his face.He looked past me, looked at Chu Yuqing, and then walked in front of her.

Did he accept Chu Yuqing's confession?

That's great!I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Xiao... Xiao... Yu... Yu... Xing." Chu Yuqing stammered.

It's too exaggerated!Can't even say his name completely.

I looked at Chu Yuqing beside me, her cheeks were blushing, and her eyes were fixed on Xiao Yuxing's perfect face.

"this is for you."

Xiao Yuxing glanced across Chu Yuqing's face indifferently, and said lightly.

Only then did I realize that he was holding the love letter written by Chu Yuqing in his hand, and he casually threw the love letter to Chu Yuqing, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You... have you seen it?"

Chu Yuqing seemed to be too nervous, her voice trembled a little.

"No, I don't have time to look at such things, and...can I give you a suggestion?"

Hearing Xiao Yuxing's words, I wished I could punch this guy flat.There was a sad look on Chu Yuqing's face, and a glimmer of hope ignited in her eyes when she heard the end.

"What suggestion?" Chu Yuqing's voice was still trembling.

"I suggest you, don't send an idiot to deliver a love letter for you next time." Xiao Yuxing blinked, his eyelashes trembling slightly like the wings of a butterfly.

what!idiot?Is he talking about me?

I widened my eyes, pointed at him, and asked loudly, "Hey! Prince sick, who do you think is an idiot? I think you are the idiot, number one in the universe..."

Xiao Yuxing looked at me with some surprise, as if he was a little shocked by my rude behavior.But that shocked look quickly turned into the most common smiling face, with a touch of playfulness.

But just halfway through my words, Chu Yuqing interrupted me.

"Ye Tangtang! Enough!"

Chu Yuqing's voice was louder than mine. As soon as she finished speaking, she dragged me to the outside of the classroom, ignoring my objections.

I turned around and glared at Xiao Yuxing with what I thought was the most fierce look.If Chu Yuqing hadn't pulled me just now, I would have scolded that arrogant ghost bloody.


A ray of sunlight came in through the classroom window, unknowingly covering Xiao Yuxing in a golden light.The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, which looked a little unreal, like an angel who accidentally fell from heaven, and could easily charm people's hearts.

Chu Yuqing quickly pulled me out of the classroom, ran out of the teaching building, and ran to the flower pond behind the school.

My heart seems to have knocked over the five-flavored bottle.Just this morning, I told Chu Yuqing that everything was going well, but now, Xiao Yuxing is so shameless that he returned the love letter to her without even looking at it, and said such heartless and disgusting words.

How could Chu Yuqing like such a person?Apart from being a bit more handsome than others, there is no advantage at all!No, it should be said that it is all shortcomings!

"Yuqing, don't be sad, people like him are not worthy of your liking." I patted Chu Yuqing's shoulder lightly, not knowing how to comfort her.

"Tangtang, didn't you say everything went well?" Chu Yuqing's voice was full of frustration, she turned her head and glanced at me.

"Xiao Yuxing did accept the love letter, who knew he would be like this..." I looked away, not daring to look into Chu Yuqing's eyes, and said lightly.

My heart suddenly rose to my throat, as if it would pop out of my throat at any time.I was afraid that Chu Yuqing would know what happened in the morning, then she would never be my friend again.

"Well, I think it must be that Xiao Yuxing doesn't like me. Also, how can such an excellent Xiao Yuxing like me who is unknown?"

Chu Yuqing raised the corners of her mouth slightly, she was obviously smiling, but this kind of smile seemed to have a bit of bitterness.

"Yuqing, you have to have confidence in yourself. What's so good about that guy, other than being handsome, arrogant, and not gentlemanly, he doesn't deserve you at all!"

I said it very seriously, every sentence came from the bottom of my heart.In my eyes, Xiao Yuxing is nothing special at all, and he will definitely not be the boy I like.

"Really? But, Tangtang, I have liked him for a long time. In my eyes, he is a perfect person."

Chu Yuqing's eyes were a little red, and tears glistened in them.

Therefore, the IQ of girls in love is almost zero, so the IQ of girls who have a crush on others is negative, just like the current Chu Yuqing.For a person she didn't know at all, she actually made such an evaluation.

"Yuqing, don't be sad, that guy is fine, let's go have lunch." I took Chu Yuqing's shoulders and let her head rest on mine.

"I'm not in the mood, go and eat by yourself." Her tone was still so depressed, as if she was going to cry at any moment.

"Ah? I'm not hungry, I'd better stay with you."

In the morning, in order to send love letters to Chu Yuqing, I didn't even have time to eat breakfast, and now my lunch was ruined, and my stomach kept protesting.But I was worried about keeping her, so I had no choice but to stay by her side, enduring the torment of my stomach growling non-stop.

How amazing is love?Can make Chu Yuqing so unhappy, why have I never liked anyone?
I looked at the blue sky in a daze, as if there were pink bubbles floating in that sky, evoking my fantasies and expectations for love.

Throughout the afternoon, as soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, I would run to Chu Yuqing's seat and quietly be by her side, trying to comfort her heart that was hurt by that villain Xiao Yuxing.

When school was over, Chu Yuqing was about to leave, but I stopped her and dragged her to a coffee shop near the school.

I heard from others that eating desserts is the best way to relieve pain for a broken-hearted person.So, now I'm going to take Chu Yuqing to eat dessert to calm her down.

"Tangtang, I'm not in the mood for coffee." Chu Yuqing still said sullenly when he reached the door of the coffee shop.

"Okay, Yuqing, you don't want to be depressed all the time, do you? Let's eat cake instead of coffee? It is said that the cake here is super delicious!"

I looked at Chu Yuqing with a smile. Compared with coffee, I need cakes that can fill my stomach more now.

"Okay..." Chu Yuqing said a little helplessly.

Pushing open the door of the coffee shop, the tempting aroma of coffee rushes towards you, making you unable to help but sniff.This coffee shop has not been open for a long time, but it is very popular. It is said that the manager of this shop is a super gentle and charming handsome guy.

Although I'm not at all interested in that guy Xiao Yuxing, I can't help being a nympho when I'm facing a handsome guy.Perhaps when Chu Yuqing sees such a gentle and handsome store manager, she will know that there are many boys in this world who are better than Xiao Yuxing.

I thought so in my heart, and I couldn't help showing a happy smile on my face.

I took a look at the decoration of the coffee shop. The overall color is fresh mint green, and the window eaves are made of white-painted wood, which looks warm and romantic.

"Yuqing, isn't the decoration here very distinctive?" I asked Chu Yuqing to sit in a quiet corner and looked around.

"It's okay, it looks good." Chu Yuqing said lightly, completely looking like he was unloved.

Well, how can I make her happy?Even if she just raised the corners of her lips slightly, my painstaking efforts were not in vain.

"Hi, may I order food now?"

I was holding my chin and sighing, when a gentle voice floated leisurely into my ears.I raised my head in surprise, opened my eyes wide, and looked at the boy in front of me with some surprise.

His smile seemed to be condensed by the warmest sunshine in winter, his black hair fluttered gently, and a few broken hairs scattered around his ears, carrying a little charming charm.His skin is a healthy wheat color, and his deep eyes reveal a hint of tenderness, which makes people want to get close to him.

He wore a dark blue nameplate on his chest with the words "Shopkeeper Gu Ziyan" written on it. Even this ordinary nameplate was stained with glory because of the owner.

"Hello, I... I'm Ye Tangtang."

Unexpectedly, my speech became uneasy.

"Are you the legendary store manager of this store?" Chu Yuqing asked, and the brows that were originally frowning were slightly relaxed.

"Haha, when did I become a legendary figure?" The boy named Gu Ziyan showed a bright smile, his eyes curved into charming crescents.

"Your story has been widely circulated in our school." I interrupted, and he kept smiling politely.

"That's right, then I'm really honored. Two classmates, would you like to try our shop's signature cheesecake? Or do you want to order something else?"


When I heard these four words, my stomach growled uncontrollably, as if in protest.

I blushed all of a sudden, and looked at Gu Ziyan in embarrassment, not knowing what to say to resolve this embarrassment.

"It seems that your stomach is already angry. It's okay, let's order some delicious food to suppress its anger." Gu Ziyan said softly, the appearance of red lips and white teeth made people's heart beat.

"Cheesecake is the best! Two more cups of coffee, what do you want, Yuqing?"

"How about a latte?"

"Yeah! Two more lattes." I looked a little excited.

I, Ye Tangtang, am a normal girl, and I will become nympho when I see a handsome guy, but my partner will definitely not be someone like Xiao Yuxing.

"Okay, please wait a moment." Gu Ziyan took the menu gracefully and smiled at us before leaving.

"Wow! Yuqing, this boy is really handsome!" I excitedly held Chu Yuqing's hand and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"It's okay, I don't think he's as handsome as Xiao Yuxing."

Chu Yuqing said calmly, probably in her eyes, Xiao Yuxing has become the super handsome guy in the universe, and no one can replace him.

"How come? I think his personality is many times better than Xiao Yuxing's, so gentle, like... like the big brother next door."

I racked my brains and finally came up with the most appropriate word.

"I think Xiao Yuxing's cool personality is more charming." Chu Yuqing shook her head, not agreeing with me.

cool character...

Why, in my opinion, is the character of a patient with severe princely disease, the character of a super arrogant ghost?
It's strange, the same person has two completely different images in the eyes of me and Chu Yuqing.

"Okay, don't think about that guy Xiao Yuxing anymore, now we can enjoy our good time here with peace of mind!"

I said with a smile, thinking that I would see the gentle and handsome Gu Ziyan again later, the smile on my face became brighter.

"I didn't expect you to be a nympho too." Chu Yuqing looked at me in surprise.

"Everyone has a love of beauty, but I must like this kind of gentle and polite boy." I said very firmly.

"Here's the latte you ordered, here's the cheesecake, and... two strawberry puddings as a special gift."

At some point, Gu Ziyan was already standing beside us with a tray, and he put the cups and plates on our table one by one.

I opened my eyes wide, looked at the two tender strawberry puddings on the table, and couldn't help sniffing them a few times.The strong strawberry aroma mixed with the taste of cheese makes people feel better.

"Ah! Thank you for the pudding you gave us." I raised my head and bumped into Gu Ziyan's bright and clear eyes. I couldn't help but want to stay on his face for a while longer.

"Well, I hope you will like it. This classmate, is there something unhappy?" Gu Ziyan looked at Chu Yuqing, and his voice had the magic power to comfort people's hearts.

"Hmm... It's something unhappy, being rejected by the person I like." Gu Ziyan's voice seemed to have infected Chu Yuqing, and I was surprised that she actually confided her thoughts to a stranger.

"Yuqing, don't be sad, it's no big deal, it's because he doesn't know how to appreciate you."

Taking this opportunity, I quickly comforted Chu Yuqing, hoping that she would stop being depressed.

"But..." Chu Yuqing sighed, looking at the blue sky outside the window, with tears shining in her eyes.

At this moment, Gu Ziyan put the tray in his hand on the table, sat down beside us, looked at Chu Yuqing quietly, and pressed his thin lips tightly together.I was soon stunned, staring at Gu Ziyan in a daze like an idiot.

"Have you been rejected by someone you like? Maybe it seems to you now that this is a very serious thing, but many years later, when you look back at yourself today, you will think that such a thing is irrelevant. Like you Such a cute girl will definitely meet many suitors." Gu Ziyan's tone was so light that people couldn't hear the emotions hidden in his words, but his words were like the gentle breeze blowing in spring, warming people's hearts Heart.

Sure enough, after hearing Gu Ziyan's words, Chu Yuqing's dim eyes shone with light.

She turned her head and said, "Really? But I really like him."

"There are many kinds of likes in this world. Likes don't have to be obtained. Sometimes watching a person silently, paying attention to a person, liking a person will also bring special happiness. Even if you feel lonely occasionally, you can still Silently liking him in such loneliness. Liking does not mean possessing, and sometimes possessing will destroy the original intention.”

Gu Ziyan stretched out his hand and patted Chu Yuqing's shoulder naturally, looking like a gentle big brother next door.

Whether it's his handsome appearance or his thoughtful words, he is exactly the same as the image of a perfect prince.

Listening to Gu Ziyan's words, countless scenes suddenly appeared in my mind, and Chu Yuqing's mood, which had been depressed, finally improved a bit. A faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, as if telling us that she was fine.

What an amazing boy!

There was a feeling of perfection all over his body, both externally and internally, he looked so perfect, completely different from that superficial Xiao Yuxing.

If I had to choose, the boy I like must not be a guy like Xiao Yuxing, but a boy like Gu Ziyan—gentle, considerate, and handsome, like an angel who accidentally fell into the world, so perfect that it is a little unreal.

I looked at Gu Ziyan's sharp-edged face in a daze, until he turned his head and gave me a smile, then I turned my head in a panic, pretending to look out the window, and Gu Ziyan's crisp laughter came from my ears.

At this time, the sky was dyed a rose-like red by the sunset, the dense branches in front of the window were shaking gently in the wind, and rays of sunlight poured down through the gaps between the branches, and the light of the stars dangled in front of my eyes .

(End of this chapter)

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