Love is like sugar dyed starlight

Chapter 5 Can't Guess Chu Yuqing's Heart

Chapter 5 Can't Guess Chu Yuqing's Heart
We once said we would be good friends for life
Forever sympathy, never leave

But in the face of setbacks, how did it become so vulnerable

With the mood of seeing death as home, Xiao Yuxing and I walked out of Annie's office together.According to Annie, Xiao Yuxing and I are boyfriend and girlfriend now, so Xiao Yuxing should go back to school with me so as not to cause everyone's gossip.

snort!I think it will attract more gossip.Don't many nympho dream of being Xiao Yuxing's girlfriend?Why did God choose me?

"Fake girlfriend, now I want to go to school with you, but it's definitely not voluntary." As soon as I walked out of Anne's office, there was a strong smell of gunpowder between me and Xiao Yuxing, and the eyes of both of us Beating with raging rage.

"Do you think I really want to go to school with you?" If Annie's threats were not so aggressive, how could I agree to such an unreasonable request?

"Haha, will your best friend break up with you now?" Xiao Yuxing looked at me gloatingly, with such an expression on his handsome face, it really made me angry.

" still have the nerve to say, if it wasn't because of you, how could I fall out with her?" Thinking of the trouble caused by Xiao Yuxing, I couldn't help nagging like an old woman, his crimes are simply too numerous to list !

"Huh?" Xiao Yuxing frowned slightly, and the gloating look on his face disappeared, "Really broke up? No way, the relationship between girls is too fragile."

Is he sympathizing with me now?
There is no mistake!I have reached the point where I need this guy's sympathy?

I looked at Xiao Yuxing unhappily, and tried to make my voice sound indifferent: "It has nothing to do with you, but I hope that you will not cause me any trouble in the next month. After one month, please immediately get out of my sight." disappear."

Hearing my words, Xiao Yuxing's eyes widened, and he asked in disbelief: "No way, Ye Tangtang, are you really not excited to be my girlfriend?"


He still has such illogical fantasies!
The thinking of a prince patient is really unimaginable for ordinary people like me. Just like now, almost every word I say expresses my dislike for him, and he actually thinks that I am using this method to attract his attention. What a shame! so funny!
I wiped the cold sweat from my forehead, and got into Xiao Yuxing's Lincoln without saying a word.For the first time in such a high-end car, I looked around with a little excitement.

The interior of the car is designed with brown wood grain. Unlike ordinary cars, the back row is full of seats, but only four people can be seated. The rest of the space is used for the car refrigerator, stereo, and even a video player!
"Huh? Xiao Yuxing, you are really extravagant, to sit in such a high-end car?" Although the mood at this moment can only be described as envy, jealousy and hatred, I still couldn't help but sneer.

"I think you are jealous of me, but it doesn't matter, I will generously let you enjoy it for the next month." Xiao Yuxing brushed the hair on his forehead casually, revealing his sexy collarbone at the slightly opened collar, Easily caught my eye.

The temperature of my cheeks suddenly rose sharply, and I was a little overwhelmed, so I had to look out the window uncomfortably.Because of the black car film, I could only vaguely see the dark blue sky.

Ye Tangtang, I can't watch anymore!Take another look, maybe you will be seduced into a nympho by this kid.

"Are you being a nympho just now?" Xiao Yuxing's head suddenly approached me, and stopped only ten centimeters away from my face, the hot breath from his mouth inadvertently scalded the small piece behind my ear skin.

Immediately I jumped out of the seat like an electric shock, but I forgot that I was in the Lincoln at the moment, and my poor head hit the roof hard.

"Ah! It hurts!" I yelled, clutching the back of my head, and the driver in the driver's seat couldn't help turning his head curiously, as if he wanted to observe what happened in the back seat.

"Xiao Yuxing!" I sat down again, my eyes widened, and I called out his name word by word in a very menacing tone.

"Why are you so excited? Could it be that you have a guilty conscience?" Xiao Yuxing's mouth raised a bright smile, which seemed to be a little different from the usual feeling of rejecting people thousands of miles away, but what is the difference? Didn't pay too much attention either.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Yuxing and I were noisy all the way, and finally opened the car door at the same time when the driver stopped the car. The two kept a distance of five meters, looked at each other very tacitly, and then walked towards the school.

But even with all the covert work done, the Lincoln was too conspicuous.

I immediately lowered my head and quickened my pace, imagining in my heart that I have invisibility, and I will definitely not be discovered by others.

Finally arrived at the classroom, I turned my head cautiously, and after making sure that Xiao Yuxing was not in sight, I walked into the classroom with a long breath.

As soon as I entered the classroom, I immediately searched for Chu Yuqing, but was surprised to find that she was talking and laughing with a few girls and completely ignored me.

no!If this continues, the friendship between me and Chu Yuqing will definitely be broken.I must hurry up and hand over the letter of apology to her, and explain clearly to her that even if I am with Xiao Yuxing now, I still have unavoidable difficulties.

Although Annie warned me seriously, as long as I can get back together with Chu Yuqing, that warning doesn't seem so important to me.

I hurried back to my seat and was about to take out the letter of apology in the drawer, but was shocked by what I saw.

The drawer of the desk is full of gifts I gave Chu Yuqing once, including the bear I gave her on her birthday, the mobile phone chains we exchanged, the diary I gave her at Christmas, and the diary I gave her on Singles’ Day. The glass roses I bought together...

At this time, those memories appeared in front of my eyes like a movie. My throat seemed to be blocked by something, and it was difficult to even breathe.The sour feeling irritated my eyes, and soon my vision became a little blurred, until a warm teardrop slipped down inadvertently.

"Ah! Ye Tangtang is back! Take a look! I heard that she was just taken away by Xiao Yuxing's manager!"

"Oh my god, Chu Yuqing seems to have broken up with her. I just saw that Chu Yuqing stuffed a lot of gadgets into Ye Tangtang's desk."

"What's so strange about this, Ye Tangtang dares to monopolize everyone's favorite Xiao Yuxing, who would care about her?"

Hearing those comments, my face became ugly.I was a little overwhelmed and didn't know where to look.

If I let them know about my "official relationship" with Xiao Yuxing, will I die without a place to die?
so horrible!

After this series of emergencies, I no longer have the courage to hand over the letter of apology to Chu Yuqing.Looking at the things on the desk, listening to those discussions, and thinking of Chu Yuqing who was talking and laughing just now, my already bad mood fell to the bottom at this moment, and I was pressed hard by a big rock, and my heart beat weakly with.

"Ding Lingling——"

When the class bell rang, I slumped on the chair weakly, with my chin resting on the desk, not wanting to move.Even though I tried so hard not to attract others' attention, there were still burning eyes staring at me, as if trying to see through me.

Alas... the power of gossip is really too powerful!

The more I thought about it, the more upset I became. In the end, I broke down and scratched my hair. When I remembered the things I promised Annie at noon, I felt very bad.

The sun slanted into the classroom, I held my chin and looked forward to the ringing of the bell for the end of get out of class, and finally made a new decision after thinking for a whole afternoon.

With Chu Yuqing's current mood, she probably wouldn't read my letter of apology. It seems that a face-to-face apology is more effective.After several struggles and trade-offs, just as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, I quickly picked up the schoolbag I had packed earlier and ran to Chu Yuqing.

"Yuqing, let's go home together."

I tried my best to show the brightest smile, held Chu Yuqing's hand, and pretended nothing happened.

please!Hurry up and say yes!

Yuqing, I have a lot to say to you!

I prayed over and over again in my heart, I don't know when I have become the number one object of attention in the class, even my small act of inviting Chu Yuqing to go home together has attracted everyone's attention.

A lot of people were watching us, seemingly eager to see how things would play out.

I waited expectantly for Chu Yuqing's answer, only to see her frowning slightly, looking at me suspiciously with her head raised, and then coldly and without emotion she shook off my hand.

clap la la...

It seemed that a basin of cold water that had just been taken out of the freezer was mercilessly poured on the top of my head.

The smile on my face suddenly froze, and the hand that was holding Chu Yuqing shook feebly as if it had no bones.Those scorching gazes quickly turned into unscrupulous ridicule, tightly surrounding me.

"Yuqing..." I plucked up my courage, tried my best not to pay attention to those strange eyes and malicious words, and said cautiously.

But in Chu Yuqing's eyes, I'm like air, or a transparent person, unable to attract her attention at all.At this moment, a faint smile appeared on her face, but her eyes did not stay on me.

I seemed to be inspired a little bit, and the smile froze on my lips returned to its original brilliance.

"Yuqing, aren't you angry?"

At this moment, Chu Yuqing's eyes glanced at me inadvertently, and the smile on his face deepened a bit.I thought this kind of smile was for me, but I saw Chu Yuqing walking towards the girls behind me who I didn't know well on weekdays, and walked out of the classroom arm in arm.

It's a very familiar scene, just like Chu Yuqing and I used to be.

Because there is still a glimmer of hope, I am just a little sad in my heart.But seeing that Chu Yuqing didn't even want to listen to my explanation, the slight sadness was magnified infinitely, and my already extremely depressed mood was even worse at this moment.

The classroom was noisy, and those jeers sounded particularly harsh, as if a flock of crows flew over my head, indicating that I was already miserable to the extreme.

I tightly grasped the shoulder strap of my schoolbag, trying to calm myself down, but tears were rolling in my eyes.How could I be so unlucky to lose my best friend for a guy like Xiao Yuxing?It's obviously not my fault.

In order to avoid the malicious eyes and laughter of the group of people, I ran out of the classroom quickly.I looked out through the corridor window and realized that the sun was about to set.Wisps of golden sunlight are like gorgeous silk, gently covering the playground in the middle of the campus, and Chu Yuqing is walking through the playground with several other girls.Although I couldn't see her expression, I could still feel that she was completely different from the one when she just faced me.

I walked out of the teaching building in frustration, kicking the stones under my feet weakly, just wanting to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.I didn't know how long I walked aimlessly, and I didn't stop until the strong aroma of coffee rushed into my nose.

I raised my head in some doubts, and a fresh and elegant white wood-grained signboard came into my eyes, only to realize that I had unknowingly walked to the coffee shop that Chu Yuqing and Chu Yuqing had visited before.


It's sad to think about it. Not long ago, I was Chu Yuqing's "emotional trash can".But now, in her eyes, I have completely become a "trash can", and it is still a "transparent trash can".

I couldn't help sighing, and was about to leave when there was a sound of steady footsteps behind me, followed by a magnetic voice.Such a gentle voice, like the sound of the leaves colliding slightly when the summer breeze blows through the woods.


With such a familiar voice and such an intimate yet polite address, I knew without looking that it must be Gu Ziyan.

I quickly turned around, just in time to meet Gu Ziyan's bright and gentle eyes, the black pupils shone with a warm light.

"Brother Ziyan..."

I blurted it out, but regretted it as soon as I said it, so I hurriedly lowered my head.I've only seen it once. Would such a title be suspicious of being close?

"Since you're at the door, let's go in and sit down. I'll treat you to coffee."

Gu Ziyan seemed to understand the embarrassment in my eyes, and said calmly, and rescued me from the embarrassing situation with just a few words.

"Huh? Good!"

I replied without thinking, it seems that every time I am with Gu Ziyan, I will unconsciously let my guard down.

I followed Gu Ziyan into the coffee shop, the furnishings were the same as the last time I came, the elegant decoration brought a warm feeling, and complemented the coffee aroma that permeated the air.I don't know why, maybe it's because of habit, maybe because this place reminds me of Chu Yuqing, I sat down naturally.

"Why are you alone today? Why didn't the girl who came with you last time come?" Gu Ziyan sat across from me, as soon as he opened his mouth, a warm smile would rise from the corner of his mouth, like sunshine It also drove away the haze in my heart.

This simple sentence easily touched my heart, and my eyes couldn't help dimming: "We...we had a quarrel, maybe... Yuqing won't forgive me."

"Eh? What's the reason?" Gu Ziyan took off his apron, ready to listen to my bitterness.

"It's all Xiao Yuxing's fault! That guy's manager actually asked me to..." Looking at the gentle and considerate Gu Ziyan in front of me, I forgot Annie's warning for a moment, and almost slipped my mouth. After halfway through the sentence, I immediately stopped talking and changed the subject Said, "Anyway, it's because of Xiao Yuxing, Yuqing and I quarrel."

After I finished speaking discouragedly, as soon as I mentioned the three words "Xiao Yuxing", I would emit a steady stream of resentment all over my body.

Even though what I said was ambiguous, Gu Ziyan still seemed to understand clearly.He put away his smile, his two beautiful eyebrows were unconsciously locked together, and he was silent for a few seconds before he said: "If I remember correctly, Xiao Yuxing seems to be a big star, could it and your good friend Everyone likes him?"

"Of course not!" I immediately denied it, as if nothing in my eyes was more terrifying than getting involved with Xiao Yuxing, I cleared my throat, and hurriedly explained, "It's because of Xiao Yuxing that the relationship between me and Chu Yuqing There was a misunderstanding, but... But because of an agreement, I can't tell. You won't be angry, right?" I carefully observed Gu Ziyan's expression.

"No, if there is a misunderstanding between good friends, we must work hard to resolve the misunderstanding, and don't shrink back, otherwise... the friendship is not as strong as imagined."

Gu Ziyan suddenly raised his hand, brushing the hair on my forehead affectionately, that kind of movement was gentle and considerate, which made my cheeks warm up uncontrollably.

"Well... I... I also want to explain clearly to her, but she doesn't give me a chance at all." I prevaricate and want to change the subject, for fear that Gu Ziyan will find out that I am strange.

"Let's leave these questions to time, otherwise we, Ye Tangtang, will have the word 'Chuan' in worry." Gu Ziyan's brows relaxed, and his signature smile resumed.

The sun had already set, but the sunlight was still swaying in front of my eyes through the windows of the coffee shop, and the dust particles in the air danced happily in the beams.Looking at Gu Ziyan on the opposite side, my originally sad mood is slowly getting better.


Just leave everything to time. In just one month, I can successfully complete the task of pretending to be Xiao Yuxing's girlfriend.At that time, I will tell Chu Yuqing everything clearly, so we can be good friends again.

Although everything seems logical, I still don't want to give up my current efforts. After all, without Chu Yuqing's support and company, this month will be very difficult.

If my greatest wish before was to have nothing to do with that guy Xiao Yuxing, then my current wish seems to be very unpursuing—as long as I can spend this month in peace.

I didn't walk out of the coffee shop until the sunset was gone, the crimson sky was gradually stained with dark blue, and the belated birds drew simple arcs in the sky from time to time.

Knowing that I was in a bad mood, Gu Ziyan graciously treated me to three pieces of tiramisu and a piece of Black Forest cake.I was so full I was burping along the way.

Sure enough, there is no mistake, desserts will definitely change people's bad mood by 180 degrees.After eating so many sweets, my originally sour heart gradually became sweeter, and all the scenery in my sight was dyed the color of candy.

I hummed a song and walked towards home when my cell phone rang suddenly, breaking the silence of the street in the evening.

An unfamiliar number?
I pressed the answer button curiously, and the voice from the other end of the phone made me tremble.

"Excuse me, is this Miss Ye?"

In this world, there will never be another acquaintance who calls me this way except Anne.

"Yes..." I replied with a trembling voice. The relaxed mood just now became tense because of the cold "Miss Ye".

"Miss Ye, I'm calling to inform you that tomorrow is the weekend, and there will be a press conference at nine o'clock in the morning. Please attend on time." Annie spoke in the same tone as last time, expressing the main meaning neatly.

Press conference?

I frowned tightly and thought about it for a long time, but I couldn't figure out what kind of important meeting required a small person like me to attend.

"Annie, I'm not a star, why did I attend the press conference?" After a few seconds of silence, I asked a bit puzzled.

"Well, you should disclose your relationship with Xiao Yuxing through this press conference, so as to avoid those gossip magazines from writing about it."

Anne explained the reason concisely, in such an understatement tone, as if she was just discussing what to eat tomorrow morning.

A drop of cold sweat...

Two drops of cold sweat...

cold sweat...

Am I thinking too simple?When I agreed to Annie's request, I thought it was just a show at school, but now I want to disclose our relationship in front of so many fans.

"Annie, I don't think it's necessary, as long as we spend more time together, we don't need to tell everyone, let alone..."

"Miss Ye, I hope you remember our agreement." After Annie finished speaking, she seemed not to want to hear my rebuttal anymore, and hung up the phone decisively.


Let me find a corner and cry for a while!I even said the words "as long as we are together more often", what kind of reserve, face, and self-esteem have long been thrown out of the blue.This Annie didn't have any sympathy at all, so she pushed me into the pit of fire so cruelly.

If I said that I only felt sympathy for what happened to me before, then now, my mood can only be described as grief and indignation.If it was sacrificed for love, I would admit it, but now, can you imagine how frightening and angry it is to be the girlfriend of an idol star with many fans, and it is a fake girlfriend?


Wouldn't I be drowned by those fans' saliva, sprayed to death by their saliva, and killed by their eyes?
The most important thing is that if Chu Yuqing knows all this, the good explanation I thought will be completely overturned. From then on, in Chu Yuqing's eyes, I will be a villain who values ​​sex and despises friends.

I raised my head discouraged, looked at the twinkling stars on the dark sky, and couldn't help praying silently: Stars!Bless Chu Yuqing, don't know about tomorrow's press conference!

But why even I feel that such a prayer is impossible to come true?
I went home dejectedly, and didn't even bother to change my clothes. My sloppy appearance fully showed my embarrassment.

I threw myself on the bed, unwilling to move any more, the cotton fragrance from the sheets lingered around me, and I fell asleep unknowingly.

"Miss Ye, do you like Xiao Yuxing?"

"Miss Ye, why don't you tell us about your acquaintance experience!"

"Miss Ye, I heard that you took the initiative to write a love letter to Xiao Yuxing, and that's why you succeeded in chasing him..."


The logos of major media were pasted on the microphones, all of which were held up in front of me, with noisy shutter sounds and dazzling flashes.

Facing so many unfounded questions, I felt like I was struck by a bolt of lightning, and I froze in place, not knowing how to answer.

Where did Xiao Yuxing go?Leaving me alone to face these inexplicable problems!
I searched for Xiao Yuxing everywhere, trying to pull him to the rescue, but found Chu Yuqing standing not far away.

"Yuqing! Yuqing!"

I excitedly waved to Chu Yuqing, as excited as seeing a relative.

Chu Yuqing's eyes stayed on me, and she ran towards me quickly, but the expression on her face became more and more ferocious and terrifying.


I screamed and sat up, my clothes were already soaked in cold sweat, and the hair on my cheeks was also wet with sweat, my heart was pounding nervously.

It turned out to be a dream!
But such nightmares haunted me for a whole night, and various horror scenes about the press conference were staged one by one.Every time I woke up in a cold sweat, fell asleep slowly, woke up again, and fell into a dream again, it was the scariest night I had ever spent.

It was just dawn, and I dragged my body with sore joints, slowly crawled out of bed, and "floated" in front of the mirror like a ghost, but I was immediately caught in the mirror by myself with disheveled hair and two dark circles under the eyes comparable to national treasures. Scared sober.

Did you make a mistake!A girl as cute as me would become so embarrassed because of Xiao Yuxing!It's really horrible!

I sighed, and with grief and indignation, I took a plain dress and changed into it.After washing, the girl in the mirror finally looked a little better than when she just woke up, at least her hair was combed into a neat ponytail, but the dark circles under her eyes still persisted.

I looked at my somewhat rustic cropped jeans and short-sleeved T-shirt with great satisfaction. When I thought that such a look might make Xiao Yuxing lose face, I felt as if a hundred birds were singing happily Song.

snort!I guess Annie may change someone temporarily when she sees me like this. Xiao Yuxing's girlfriend can't be as embarrassed and rustic as me, right?
I couldn't help admiring my cleverness, but found that there were only 10 minutes left before the press conference started.

God!If I were late today, based on the gossip magazines I read in the past, I don’t know what those reporters would write about.

Xiao Yuxing's girlfriend playing big names?Is Xiao Yuxing's girlfriend defiant?still is……

It seems that there is not much time for me to think. I rushed out of the house, thinking about which mode of transportation would allow me to get to the press conference the fastest, but was suddenly caught by the dazzling black car in front of the house. attracted.

I took a closer look with some doubts, only to find a familiar black Lincoln parked in front of my house.Before I could speak, the window of the driver's seat rolled down slowly, and the person sitting in the driver's seat was not Xiao Yuxing's driver, but Xiao Yuxing himself.

"" The impactful picture made my tongue get knotted accidentally, and I hesitated to speak.

"What are you? Do you know that I have been waiting for you for 10 minutes, and if you don't show up again, I will knock down the door of your house."

The warm sunshine in the morning shone on Xiao Yuxing's lemon-colored hair.He frowned slightly, and his tone was as domineering as usual, which made me unable to restrain my anger from rising.

"Please? Don't you know that there is a communication tool in the world called a mobile phone?" I said angrily, hesitating whether to get in this guy's car.

"Please! Don't you know that you didn't tell me your mobile phone number?" Xiao Yuxing retorted confidently, urging me to get in the car impatiently.

I glanced at him angrily, then opened the door of the back seat, but Xiao Yuxing's roar immediately sounded in my ears.

"Ye Tangtang! I'm not your exclusive driver, sit in the passenger seat for me!"

snort!Just sit down!Why is it always a commanding tone?Suffering from Prince's disease early in the morning, what an extremely strange guy.

Although there were thousands of reluctances in my heart, in order not to be threatened by Anne again, and to avoid being scribbled by those reporters, I still sat in the co-pilot seat as fast as possible.After An Xin sat down, I realized that Xiao Yuxing and I were so close.

There was a faint fragrance of roses in the car, Xiao Yuxing suddenly looked at me with great interest, his brows were slightly frowned, in short, he looked very helpless.

"You...what do you want to do?"

A bad premonition came quietly, I took a breath nervously, and unconsciously leaned against the car window.

But Xiao Yuxing didn't answer my question, but leaned towards me with his whole body.The temperature on my face suddenly rose for no reason, and my heart beat abnormally faster.Xiao Yuxing seemed to have noticed my strangeness, and a faint smile rose from the corner of his mouth.It wasn't until his body was about to stick to me that there was a "click".

this voice...

I lowered my head in doubt, only to see that the seat belt had been securely fastened.

Hoo hoo!It really shocked me, it turned out that it was just to fasten my seat belt for me!But, Ye Tangtang, what's going on in your head?Don't forget you're just pretending to be a couple.

Everyone in the world is drunk and I am sober. Even if girls all over the world are bewildered by Xiao Yuxing's appearance, I, Ye Tangtang, will definitely persevere to the end and will never bow down to this guy's "pomegranate skirt".

I nodded seriously, as if to cheer myself up.Soon the car started, and my body leaned forward suddenly due to inertia, and then quickly leaned back. Such a sudden situation almost overloaded my little heart.

"Sit still." A cold voice suddenly entered my ears.

I looked at Xiao Yuxing in horror, the expression on his face was still so calm, but the car kept accelerating, moving nimbly through the crowded traffic.

The car finally stopped in front of a traffic light, and I was still in shock.But just after calming down for less than five seconds, Xiao Yuxing slammed on the accelerator again, one hand naturally supported the steering wheel, and the other casually rested on the handlebar, showing no sign of panic at all. .

The fast wind blew in through the gap of the car window, blowing a few strands of hair on Xiao Yuxing's forehead.The sun shrouded his face, casting an even more brilliant light on his already handsome face.

I subconsciously withdrew my gaze, fearing that I would fall if I took another look.

Is this guy born with some magical powers?Why is it so easy to freeze people's eyes and make them feel uneasy?

Another sudden stop, my heart was ready to jump out of my chest at any moment.Unbearable, I had no choice but to shout to him: "Xiao Yuxing! Even if you will be late, you can't make fun of my life!"

"If you're late, you're making fun of my idol career!" Xiao Yuxing retorted ruthlessly, and the car was still driving at a high speed according to his wishes.

I closed my eyes helplessly, okay, okay, even if I accidentally die young, I can only admit it.Who made me somehow get involved with this domineering bastard?

Although less than 10 minutes have passed, it feels like a century has passed.When the car stopped suddenly, my heart was still beating fast, and my face was very ugly.

"Xiao Yuxing! You... it's too dangerous for you to drive like this." I held my chest, fearing that my heart would fly out of my chest if I was not careful.

"It's not because you came out too late." Xiao Yuxing pushed the responsibility to me.

Ok!Now is not the time to discuss such boring issues. There are only 2 minutes left before the press conference starts. If you don't go in, you don't know how ugly Annie's face will be.

"You are late."

Just as Xiao Yuxing and I got out of the car and planned to rush to the scene through the special passage, we heard a cold voice not far away.

It's Anne!
I looked up, and sure enough, I saw Annie with her arms folded on her chest, wearing a capable black suit, and looking at me with piercing eyes.Soon, a strange look flashed in those indifferent eyes, and she frowned, her expression not looking relaxed at all.

"Miss Ye, are you going to wear this outfit to attend the press conference?" Annie's tone sounded a bit unbelievable.

"Huh? Is something wrong?"

I looked at the clothes on my body up and down. Although they were a bit plain and even rustic, at least they were not worn out.

"Puchi—" Before Annie could speak, a sneer suddenly reached my ears.

I turned my head stiffly to look at Xiao Yuxing, and suddenly a bad premonition struck me.This guy's laughter didn't sound kind at all, and he was probably about to say something nasty again.

"Ye Tangtang, you look like a little boy in the 80s in this outfit." Xiao Yuxing said, the laughter became louder and louder, breaking the silence of the parking lot.

Damn guy, even said I look like a little boy in the 80s!
My eyes widened in displeasure, and my eyes were burning with raging anger, which might burn Xiao Yuxing to ashes at any time.

But comparing the clothes on Annie and Xiao Yuxing, I suddenly realized why they reacted so strongly.Indeed, compared to them, I really look like a little...little girl in the 80s.In this case, Annie will find someone else to replace me, maybe I can get rid of Annie's threat because of this rustic dress.

"Dressing like this, there is really no way to attend the press conference as Yu Xing's girlfriend." Annie said coldly, her brows still not stretched.

What?Did I hear it wrong?Annie means I can skip the press conference?Very good!

I couldn't stop laughing in my heart, but I still tried my best to put on an embarrassing expression: "I don't want to cause trouble, why don't I find someone else."

If there is such a perfect opportunity not to take advantage of, when will it be?
"Follow me to the locker room to change." Annie ignored my words and mercilessly extinguished my last hope.

"Idiot! Hurry up and change your clothes! Even if it's a fake girlfriend, you can't embarrass me!" Xiao Yuxing followed Annie's wishes and made domineering remarks. The originally quiet parking lot seemed to be spreading thick Strong gunpowder smell.


I am so happy!I still have to change clothes. If I had known it would be such a hassle, I would have dressed better. What a mistake!Total misstep!

"Annie, the press conference is about to start, it's better not to change clothes." I tried hard to persuade Annie.

"Yuxing, go to the press conference to delay the time, anyway, today's protagonist is you. Miss Ye, you must change your clothes, please come with me."

Who is Annie?I can tell from her expression alone that with my little tricks, there is absolutely no hope of changing Anne's mind.

Alas... as soon as it comes, it will be safe.

I followed behind Annie dejectedly. Before entering the elevator, I noticed that Xiao Yuxing's expression seemed to have a hint of joy of victory, and a look of schadenfreude flashed in his beautiful eyes.

I widened my eyes and gave him a fierce look in return, and then followed Anne to the dressing room.Annie just opened the door, and all the dazzling colors in the room came into my eyes, transparent blue, dazzling gold, sexy rose red...

Wow!Is this heaven?There are so many beautiful and exquisite clothes, it really dazzles me!

I rushed into the dressing room excitedly, stroked the beautiful dresses one by one, and couldn't help admiring them again and again.

"Put it on." Annie ignored my somewhat useless gesture, and casually threw me a white dress.

I took it over and looked it up and down, only to find that this seemingly simple white dress was embroidered with pearl-colored dark flowers, and every stitch and every stitch showed its expensive price and exquisite workmanship.Under the dazzling orange light, the embroidery on the white dress reflected charming light, and my heart was filled with anticipation—if I wear this dress, it must be very beautiful.

Ok!Now it's time to have fun.

I changed into this white dress with anticipation, and when I pushed open the door of the fitting room, I found Anne staring at me intently.Those eyes that had always been indifferent suddenly flashed a look that was different from usual, and she nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, it suits you very well."

Huh?It's incredible to be praised by Anne.

I walked slowly to the mirror, and I was immediately attracted by myself in the mirror—the exposed collarbone exuded a sexy taste, the skirt fit perfectly to reveal the curves of the body, and the flowers embroidered on it instantly disappeared. There is more vitality, and it seems to be swaying gently under the light.

What a nice view……

What a beautiful dress.

Such a beautiful self.

"I don't have time anymore, let me put on some light makeup for you." Just as I was admiring myself in the mirror, Annie suddenly walked up to me, and before I could speak, she helped me put on a light pink lip gloss. I put some loose powder and blush on my face.

The face was still a little dull and dull just now, but with such a little modification, it immediately looked radiant.I was a little reluctant to look away, but Anne forcibly dragged me away.

"You have to think carefully before answering any questions raised by the reporter, and you can't say anything unfavorable to Yu Xing." Annie pulled me along and walked quickly, not forgetting to tell me.


"Remember! Yu Xing is your boyfriend, don't forget this at any time!"


When I finally came to a door, Annie opened it for me, as if she knew I would hesitate at the door for a long time, and pushed me into the scene.

Ye Tangtang!
calm down!

calm down!

Must be calm!

(End of this chapter)

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