Chapter 7

Your gentle eyes caused a ripple in my heart

I don't know why, my cold heart

seems to have a different feeling
This is a long and warm dream.

In the hot summer of that year, there were continuous cicadas singing outside the window. I sat on the sofa with bare feet, lazily watching boring variety shows.

"Tangtang, what do you think this is?" Chu Yuqing rushed into my house without saying hello, waving an unknown object in front of me excitedly.

"What is it?"

I slowly got up from the sofa and looked curiously at the things in Chu Yuqing's hands.

"A ticket to travel to the seaside! Tangtang, I'm so lucky, I won the first prize last time I participated in the lottery!" Chu Yuqing was so excited that she danced with excitement, and said out of breath after a long time.

"Wow! That's great! Yuqing, who do you want to give that ticket to?" I asked with some expectation, although I already knew the answer.

"Of course I'll give it to you! My best friend Ye Tangtang." Chu Yuqing said with a smile.

The weather that day was very hot, but very quiet. The sky outside the window was blue, with white clouds drifting slowly by.Chu Yuqing and I, one wearing white canvas shoes and the other barefoot, hugged each other excitedly for a "falling from the sky" seaside trip.

Time seemed to be slowly turning back, and the originally bright scene suddenly darkened. I was standing in line on the side of the road wearing a super thick down jacket, and there were various discussions in my ears.

"I must buy this limited edition album!"

"Hmm! Absolutely not to be missed, I really like him!"

Because the temperature outside was too low, my limbs were numb from the cold, and I kept rubbing my hands together.But thinking that tomorrow is Chu Yuqing's birthday, if she sees that the gift I gave her is a limited edition record of her favorite star, she will be very happy.

With this in mind, no matter how low the temperature is, I still have a silly smile on my face.

It was finally morning, and the sky turned pale, and I finally bought the record.Ignoring the exhaustion from staying up all night, I hurried to the door of Chu Yuqing's house.

"No way? Tangtang, this is a hard-to-buy album!"

"Haha, am I good enough friends? Happy birthday!"

Looking at the bright smile on Chu Yuqing's face, I felt that the hard work of the night was not in vain, so I patted her on the shoulder lightly.

"I love you so much, Tangtang! We will be good friends for life!" Chu Yuqing said excitedly, hugging me tightly.

"Of course! Best friend for life!" I said firmly, my eyes bent into crescents.

In the early morning of early winter, sparrows who got up early occasionally whizzed by, the sky was light blue, and pieces of golden leaves fell with the breeze and landed on the top of my head.

It wasn't until all the pictures in front of me turned black and white that I searched for Chu Yuqing in horror.Only then did I realize that the world I was in was boundless, but I was the only one.

"Yuqing! Yuqing!"

I opened my eyes in a daze, and murmured Chu Yuqing's name.

But there was a handsome face in sight, and the pale golden sunlight shrouded his body, reflecting a dazzling luster.There was a seductive magic in those bright eyes, I unconsciously opened them wide and stared at him blankly.

"Xiao Yuxing, why are you here?" I sat up straight in confusion, feeling embarrassed by the somewhat ambiguous posture just now.

It turns out that those memories are all dreams, it turns out they are just dreams.

I stared blankly at the blue sky outside the window, which was so similar to that summer, but the people who accompanied me were different.

"Why can't I be here? This is my home, idiot." Xiao Yuxing always speaks amazingly, and the words he speaks can always bring me back to reality immediately.

"Huh? Is this your home?"

I was scared again, if I remember correctly, I just finished school, and then... Then I asked Chu Yuqing to explain, then I met Xiao Yuxing, and then what happened?Why do I have no memory of what happened after that?
"You fainted, idiot! I've asked a doctor to examine you, and you're fine." Xiao Yuxing looked at me helplessly, as if thinking that I had lost my memory due to a coma.

"I fainted?"

Hearing Xiao Yuxing's words, I tried hard to think back to what happened just now, it seemed that my eyes really went dark, and then I had a very long dream, in the dream I was smiling so happily...

Just when I was in a daze, Xiao Yuxing suddenly approached me, getting closer and closer.That handsome face slowly enlarged in my sight, and the faint fragrance of roses also became more intense because of the closer distance.

I held my breath, my heartbeat was a little abnormal, and I wanted to say something, but my throat seemed to be blocked by a ball of cotton.

Xiao Yuxing suddenly stretched out his white and clean fingers, and gently brushed my eyelids and the small piece of skin under my eyes.There was a slight coolness from his fingertips, but it made my cheeks heat up instantly, and the nerves in my whole body became extremely sensitive.

"Why are you crying? Is it because of that girl named Chu Yuqing?" Xiao Yuxing withdrew his hand, with an ambiguous expression on his face.

"Ah? How do you know?"

I was taken aback by Xiao Yuxing's "magical calculation" ability, did he sneak into my dream to peep?But even though I tried to divert my attention, my cheeks were still hot, and my eyes were a little erratic, trying to avoid the handsome face in front of me.

"I have magic." Xiao Yuxing said seriously.

Although his words would not even be believed by a three-year-old child, I would rather believe that this is the truth, rather than me talking a lot in my sleep like an idiot, and he overheard them all.

" have magic, so amazing!"

Faced with this extremely embarrassing atmosphere, I twitched the corner of my mouth stiffly, showing a dumbfounding expression.

Xiao Yuxing was not affected by my ugly expression, but became more serious, which was not at all like his usual cynical look.

"Ye Tangtang." His voice was a little low, and he looked at me for a few seconds. I had no choice but to look away before I heard him say softly, "Don't take this kind of thing to heart. There's no need to be sad about it. Make yourself sick from something like this."

It seems like an order, like caring, like blame, more like there are many complex emotions hidden in this short sentence.My heart skipped half a beat, and I looked at Xiao Yuxing's bright and charming eyes again.

Is he comforting me?Why is the domineering and annoying Xiao Yuxing no longer so annoying, and even a lot gentler?Although such tenderness is really short-lived, it is precisely because of this short-lived that it is so precious.

"Hmm." Unexpectedly, for the first time, I didn't refute him, but accepted his comfort.Although I don't necessarily agree, but such words have some weight to me.

"Ye Tangtang, I suddenly discovered that you have a very powerful place." Xiao Yuxing changed the topic, the expression on his face also changed quickly, and the usual smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What?" I looked at him expectantly. To get Xiao Yuxing's praise is really more difficult than ascending to the sky.

"You can bear the hunger! Are you losing weight? But your body is like a primary school student. If you lose weight, will you look like a kindergarten kid?" Xiao Yuxing suppressed a smile, but finally controlled I couldn't help laughing out loud.

Well, let me just take his behavior like this to make me happy.

"I told you from the beginning, I'm not like a primary school student!"

I tried my best to refute, but when he said this, my stomach let out a growl, which was very clear in the quiet bedroom.

Stomach, you are too disrespectful, you are so good at picking your time, and let me lose face in front of Xiao Yuxing.

"Huh? Is it your stomach that is waving the flag and shouting in protest?" Xiao Yuxing pointed at my stomach with a light-white finger.

A row of black lines climbed up my forehead, and I could barely maintain a calm mood just now, but now I was a little irrational because of his stimulation.

"You are not allowed to tease me!" I said with a dark face.

"Just tell me when you're hungry, let's go downstairs to eat." Xiao Yuxing seemed to want to stay away from me immediately, not wanting to be threatened by the spreading flames of war.

"Hmph, do you want Chef Ye Tangtang to cook you something delicious?" I looked at him proudly, God knows my cooking skills are simply amazing in the culinary world.

"Chef Xiao Yuxing has already prepared the meal." Xiao Yuxing imitated my voice and disappeared at the door of the bedroom in a flash.

I froze in place, and it took a minute to react.

That guy actually said that he had cooked the meal, how could that be possible?Is it really edible?Something made by a pampered big star...

I walked down the stairs with anxiety, and soon forgot to taste the food cooked by Xiao Yuxing himself, but was completely overwhelmed by the decoration of this villa.It seems to be the minimalist style of Scandinavia, but every small detail shows the designer's careful design. The stairs are made of transparent glass, and the sapphire blue and white are joined together, exuding a charming brilliance.

"Xiao Yuxing, your house is so beautifully decorated, do you live alone?" I walked downstairs slowly and asked a little puzzled.

"Okay, hurry up and eat, and watch when you're full." Xiao Yuxing said impatiently.

From his tone, it seems that he is very confident in his cooking skills.

I walked towards the restaurant suspiciously, and the tempting aroma became stronger, floating slowly above the restaurant.

Following the source of the aroma, my eyes slowly moved towards the dining table, where several exquisite white porcelain plates contained light but attractive green vegetables.There are also two bowls of rice and two bowls of white jade-colored porridge, which are steaming hot and fragrant, which immediately aroused my appetite.

I looked at these seemingly ordinary but very good-looking foods, and asked in disbelief: "Is this made by your servant?"

Xiao Yuxing frowned, and casually took off the apron on his body. This casual movement was so charming that I was stunned.

Ye Tangtang!Why are you being nympho again?The most serious thing is, your nympho is still Xiao Yuxing!

I rubbed my eyes quickly, Xiao Yuxing said in an incredible tone: "Please! There is no servant in my family, only myself, of course I did it."

I stared at him dumbfounded, no matter what, I couldn't connect this table of exquisite food with the domineering and narcissistic Xiao Yuxing.

With a stomach full of doubts, I carefully scooped up a spoonful of porridge and put it in my mouth. Soon my taste buds were bought by the taste.I ate heartily regardless of my image, leaving Xiao Yuxing looking at me funny.

"Huh? Don't you want to eat?" I swallowed the last mouthful of porridge and looked up, only to realize that he had been watching me eat.

"I'm already full just looking at you eating. Are you a girl? You don't pay attention to your image at all." Xiao Yuxing crossed his hands casually on the table, with that expression of suppressing a smile on his face again.

"Of course I'm hungry, I have to eat!" Although I blushed with embarrassment at his words, I still retorted unwillingly.

After this super delicious dinner, I started to visit this luxurious villa.I made a fuss all the way and made a fuss, while Xiao Yuxing followed behind me with black lines all over his head.

"Does your toilet have a bathtub? Wow! Such a big bathtub, it must be very comfortable to take a bath here."

"Do you want to try?"

"never mind……"

"Is this your bedroom? Such a big wardrobe! My God!"

"Not too big."


"What is this room for? Why does it look like a movie theater?" I stopped at the door of a dark room.

With the dim light in the corridor, I saw a projector and a super comfortable big sofa in this room.

"That's right, it's an audio-visual room for watching movies." Xiao Yuxing said lightly, as if he couldn't understand my excitement at all.

"Can I really watch a movie?"

I carefully pressed the light switch, and I had to feel the luxury of this villa again.This place is simply a reduced version of the screening hall, and there is even a small refrigerator in the corner, and there are all kinds of snacks necessary for watching movies in the glass cabinet.

"Of course, you... Do you want to watch a movie?" Xiao Yuxing asked uncomfortably.


I immediately agreed, but soon regretted it.He and I were just pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but now we have developed to the point where we watch movies together.Although this is not a movie theater, the atmosphere seems to be more ambiguous than in a movie theater.

stop!Just watching a movie, just watching a movie together!Ye Tangtang, why are you acting as awkward as if you were going to the cinema with your boyfriend for the first time?please!Don't be too sentimental, a boy like Xiao Yuxing is definitely not something you can covet, and he is not worthy of you.

Although he is not as annoying as in the past, there are too many girls who like him. Do you also want to be an unknown member of that huge group?

Although I kept comforting myself in my heart, I still sat on the big sofa stiffly, cleared my throat in embarrassment, looked around and didn't know what to say.

please!Xiao Yuxing, please speak up quickly!If you keep silent like this, I really want to run away.

"What kind of movie do you want to see?"

I didn't turn my head to look at Xiao Yuxing, but stared intently at the pitch-black screen, wishing I could stare at a hole in the screen.

"Ah? Let me think about it...Horror movies? Romance movies? Comedy movies? It's all okay." I said vaguely, and the words I said didn't go through my brain at all.

Xiao Yuxing glanced at me with a playful smile, and then pressed the play button.The screen lighted up slowly, and a melodious violin music came, with heavy and long bass and crisp and sweet treble. A girl was sitting on the golden field, wearing a beautiful and exquisite straw hat, looking into the distance and smiling.

This is a somewhat boring romance film, Xiao Yuxing and I have been silent, neither of us spoke.Until my hand accidentally touched Xiao Yuxing's, the originally quiet atmosphere suddenly became very oppressive, and I couldn't help hiccupping.

so awkward……

"That... that... I'm sorry." I said at a loss, not knowing what I was apologizing for.


In the darkness, I couldn't see Xiao Yuxing's expression clearly, but I could feel his flickering eyes lingering on my face all the time.

Probably because the second half of the plot was so boring, I actually fell asleep, and my upper and lower eyelids were fighting tenaciously.I don't know if it's because of the gentle moonlight outside the window or the fragrance of roses in the house, which slowly made me sleepy.Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

Pale golden sunlight sprinkled into the room, jumping in front of my eyes.I opened my eyes in a daze, only to feel that the surrounding environment was a little strange, not at all like my pink bedroom.But why is this pillow so hard and not comfortable at all?But it smells so good that people can't help being greedy and reluctant to get up.

wait a minute...

If one second I was still enjoying this perfect morning, the next second I woke up immediately because my dishonest hand touched something like... like a lip.I widened my eyes reflexively, held my breath, and didn't dare to act rashly.

I became a detective for a moment, carefully observing the surrounding situation, feeling, sight and hearing all played the most important role.

The soft "bed", something like lips, there are sparrows chirping outside the window...

If I remember correctly, I watched a movie with Xiao Yuxing last night, and fell asleep unconsciously.

That is to say...

I sat up cautiously, and a handsome face appeared in my sight, shining dazzlingly under the sunlight.His brows were slightly relaxed, and there was an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly.

One of my hands was pressing Xiao Yuxing's arm, and the other hand was at a loss trying to find a support point.My eyes stared straight at Xiao Yuxing's charming sleeping appearance, and only then did I realize a very terrifying, subverting outlook on life, and very unacceptable thing-I slept on Xiao Yuxing's pillow all night yesterday.


I was taken aback by this sudden conclusion, I couldn't help coughing, and the temperature on my cheeks rose sharply.I didn't calm down until my blank brain resumed functioning.

While Xiao Yuxing is sleeping soundly, I'd better get out of here quickly, and before he notices that I slept on his pillow all night, run away quickly!

I didn't have time to think about it, and my nervousness made my body movements look uncoordinated.I wanted to get up from Xiao Yuxing's body in the most careful and imperceptible way, but when my hand slipped, my body completely lost its support, and I threw myself heavily towards Xiao Yuxing's body.



The two screams intertwined, breaking the silence of this early morning, and I pressed heavily on Xiao Yuxing's body in a very embarrassed posture, and the distance between my face and his was only five centimeters at most.

Such a close distance made my heart beat faster and my blood began to boil.His skin was crystal clear, as white as a piece of delicate porcelain, and his two thin lips were slightly parted, exuding a unique sense of sexiness.Various complicated expressions flashed in those eyes, and they seemed to be as at a loss as I was.

I have to admit that looking at Xiao Yuxing at such a close distance, his handsomeness has a kind of captivating power.


Xiao Yuxing opened his mouth slightly, and the breath he exhaled sprayed directly on my face, and there seemed to be roses blooming in the surrounding air.


The more I want to say something, the more speechless I am at this important moment, and I don't know how to explain why things are developing in such an inexplicable direction.

Obviously I wanted to take advantage of Xiao Yuxing's inattention to keep a distance from him, lest he wake up and find that I used his chest as a pillow last night, but now things seem to be getting worse.

How embarrassing!I really want to dig a hole into it.

I was taken aback for a moment, and I had no other thoughts except the words "I'm so embarrassed" that echoed over and over again in my mind.

My eyes stayed on Xiao Yuxing's handsome face, and I felt my heart beating against my chest. Is it my heartbeat or his heartbeat?

The sun shines into the room through the window, covering the faces of Xiao Yuxing and me, and there seem to be many pink bubbles floating around us, just like scenes that only appear in dreams.

I don't know how long it has passed, it seems as long as a century...

"You are so heavy." A voice that destroyed the atmosphere suddenly sounded, Xiao Yuxing frowned slightly, and his gaze seemed to be looking elsewhere intentionally.

Well, maybe there was no atmosphere between the two of us.

"I'm not heavy!" I said a little unhappily. Although my cheeks were still hot, I still judged the current situation rationally and got up from Xiao Yuxing's body as quickly as possible.

"I am going home."

I tidied my clothes in a hurry and looked around at a loss, only feeling that it was difficult to breathe.

Ye Tangtang, what's your reaction?You are very abnormal recently!
I warned myself in my heart, suddenly a sound like a mountain stream hitting a stone came from behind: "I'll take you back."

"No need! If the reporter sees it, I don't know how exaggerated it will be." Thinking that my name might appear on the front page of the gossip newspaper again, dots popped out on my forehead. Fine beads of sweat.

"Okay then." Xiao Yuxing didn't insist, and walked towards the door with me.

At this time, my head was dizzy, as if there were many stars turning around above my head, and the scene of yesterday was played over and over again in my mind.

The first time I saw Xiao Yuxing's face when I woke up, my heartbeat began to be a little abnormal.At the movies at night, the two of us reacted like couples on a first date, I even fell asleep on his chest and fell on top of him in the morning and almost kissed.

My cheeks, which had just returned to normal temperature, were scorching hot again because I'd been cranky.I covered my face with my hand, for fear of being discovered by Xiao Yuxing.

Obviously just pretending to be a boyfriend and girlfriend, why does it look more and more like a real relationship?what!Ye Tangtang, you must be crazy!
"Idiot, what are you thinking?" Xiao Yuxing turned around suddenly, just in time to see me covering my cheek with my hands.

"I... I have a toothache."

What kind of lame excuse is this?It sucks!Only a fool would believe it!
"Haha, elementary school students also have toothaches?" The corners of Xiao Yuxing's mouth curled up slightly, showing a perfect smile.I don't know if he really believed it, or if he said it on purpose so that I wouldn't be so embarrassed.

do not care!In short, my biggest wish now is to get out of here as soon as possible.It seems that as long as I stay in Xiao Yuxing's villa, my thinking will become abnormal. Did he cast a spell on me?

"Don't you want to go?" Xiao Yuxing asked seeing that I didn't respond.

"Of course I want to go!" I snatched the schoolbag from his hand, ignoring the possibility of him noticing my flushed cheeks, and quickly opened the door.

"Clap clap-"

Suddenly, dazzling white lights flickered in front of me, and I was so frightened that I froze in place, letting the reporters excitedly take pictures with their cameras.

God!How is this going?

"Tangtang, come in!"

A big hand suddenly grabbed my arm, pulled me back into the house, and closed the door as fast as I could.


Was Xiao Yuxing calling my name just now?Didn't he always call me a primary school student, Ye Tangtang, and an idiot?Why did you call my name so affectionately just now?
Are these reporters trying to scare people to death by chasing and intercepting them at the door so early?

This sudden shock made my heart almost jump out of my chest. I stood stiffly on the spot, all kinds of inexplicable thoughts flashed in my mind, until Xiao Yuxing bent down and slowly approached me until his face was clearly reflected. into my eyes.

"Are you alright, Ye Tangtang? I even forgot that this is an extraordinary time, it's best not to go through the door." Xiao Yuxing frowned slightly, his tone a little anxious.

Leaf sugar?
I even began to suspect that the intimate address I just heard was just a hallucination, eh!I wish it was just an illusion.

"I'm fine, I was just taken aback. They were too exaggerated." I clutched my chest in shock, trying to calm down my frantically beating heart as soon as possible.

"I'm used to it. They do even more exaggerated things in order to dig out the most exciting news. You don't have to worry too much, anyway...we are boyfriend and girlfriend now, even if it is reported that you stay overnight at my house, it's no big deal " Xiao Yuxing said with a sly smile.

"Xiao Yuxing, don't talk nonsense!" His understatement made me feel ashamed. Did this guy speak without thinking about it?
"Okay, okay, don't be angry, and don't be afraid, no matter what happens, I will be there, and I will help you solve it, okay?"

Xiao Yuxing suddenly stretched out his hand and gently held my shoulder, without any domineeringness in the past.In a trance, I felt that he was so unreal at this moment.

"Okay." An inexplicable sense of trust emerged spontaneously, as if Xiao Yuxing's words were a guarantee that would never be invalidated.

What a wonderful feeling.

Since when did Xiao Yuxing become less annoying.Although he always has a domineering and narcissistic appearance, there is a gentle heart hidden under that appearance, which always easily touches my heartstrings.

"I'll send you out through the small gate."

"There is still a small door?" I followed behind Xiao Yuxing and asked in disbelief.

"Of course! It was specially built to avoid these reporters." Xiao Yuxing proudly brushed the hair on his forehead.

"Is it something to be proud of?"

"of course!"

Xiao Yuxing led me around a few bends, then carefully pushed open a secret door, observed the situation carefully, and then motioned me to leave in a low voice.


Finally came alive!Walking out of Xiao Yuxing's house, I realized that the sun was so bright, the air was so fresh, the sky was so blue, and I seemed to be in a good mood.


A few sparrows flew over my head happily, and before I had time to appreciate the charming scenery of this season, I ran home quickly, put on clean clothes, and hurried to school.

As soon as I walked into the classroom, I found that the classroom was more lively than usual. The girls in the class gathered together, and I didn't know what they were talking about.

No way?Could it be that the photos taken in the morning have already been published?
With this bad premonition, I approached the crowd cautiously, and gradually heard their arguments clearly.

"An'an, you are really beautiful, much more beautiful than on TV!"

"An'an, I really liked your last movie, when can you take me to make a cameo? Even if it's an extra!"

Xu An'an?
I silently read the name, feeling somewhat familiar, and finally remembered that Xu An'an was a new-generation actor in the same period as Xiao Yuxing. He was very popular among students, no less than Xiao Yuxing.

But is everyone hallucinating collectively?Why did Xu An'an appear in our classroom?
I looked in the middle of the crowd in confusion, until the students suddenly dispersed to make way, and I clearly saw that it was really Xu An'an.

There was a charming light in her eyes, her long eyelashes fluttered like the wings of a butterfly, and there was a beautiful beauty spot on the tip of her nose, and even her hair was carefully groomed, reflecting a dazzling luster.

Looking at her delicate and charming face, I felt that the whole classroom had become a little dark, only a small area around Xu Anan was shining brightly.

God!She is really here!
"Hi, you are Xiao Yuxing's girlfriend Ye Tangtang, right?"

Unexpectedly, a friendly smile appeared on the corner of Xu An'an's mouth, and she walked slowly towards me.

"Hello." I looked at Xu An'an a little flattered, and I always felt that Xu An'an's smile seemed to have a deep meaning.

Am I overthinking?She looks very kind, and she smiles more like an angel. Even if she has deep meaning, it may not be malicious.

I thought so, and gave her a bright smile back.

"An'an, don't pay attention to her, she has a bad heart."

"Hmm! She actually occupied Xiao Yuxing."

But soon, the voice of discussion in my ear completely froze my smile.

"Probably because Tangtang is so cute, Xiao Yuxing likes her." Xu Anan suddenly embraced my shoulder affectionately, and just a few words resolved the awkward atmosphere.

The girls who were talking a lot just now were turned blue and white by what Xu Anan said, and they catered to them as if to please them.

I looked at Xu An'an gratefully, and she shook her head, signaling that I'm okay.

God!What a kind girl!No wonder there are so many fans, every move makes people feel like a spring breeze, so I can't help but want to get close to her.

"Ding Lingling——"

The class bell rang, the teacher walked into the classroom, and the crowd who had gathered just now dispersed quickly.

"Students, a new student came to our class today. I believe everyone is familiar with her, so please come and say a few words to Xu An'an." New students are full of expectations.

Xu An'an stood dignifiedly and generously on the podium, and her aura quickly calmed down the students. She said softly, "Hello everyone, I am Xu An'an who debuted at the same time as Xiao Yuxing. I hope you can give me your advice."

Hearing the word "Xiao Yuxing", I trembled slightly as if being electrocuted.It's a strange feeling, why did Xu An'an specially emphasize the relationship with Xiao Yuxing?Could it be...

A crazy idea popped up in my mind, but the moment I raised my head, I met Xu Anan's bright smiling face, so I shook my head desperately, trying to get this crazy idea out of my mind.

Impossible, how could Xu Anan like Xiao Yuxing?

All morning, the classroom was not very peaceful, and students from other classes often came to our classroom.There were male classmates who coveted Xu An'an's appearance, there were super fans looking for Xu An'an's autograph, and there were onlookers who didn't like Xu An'an but came to join in the fun.

The class hasn't been this lively for a long time. Is it a coincidence that there are two big stars studying in our school?

After seeing the students running back and forth excitedly, I was surprised to find that Chu Yuqing had been following Xu Anan the whole time, and the two of them were talking and laughing.When I see this kind of scene, I just feel a dull pain in my heart. Not long ago, Chu Yuqing and I got along like this, but now...

"Miss Ye."

I sat in my seat and sighed, and suddenly heard a familiar voice.

There is no one who would call me that except Annie. I raised my head in a panic, and it was indeed Annie.She was standing in front of me, it seemed that her aura was too strong, and the classroom that was still chaotic just now became quiet all of a sudden.

"Annie, what's the matter?"

Although I'm used to the feeling of being stared at by scorching eyes, Annie's sudden appearance in the classroom still made me a little uncomfortable.


"Miss Xu, hello, today is more beautiful than usual."

Annie and Xu Anan greeted each other warmly, they seemed to have known each other for a long time, and Annie also changed her usual indifferent appearance, showing a rare smile on her face.

"Annie, you look beautiful every day." Xu Anan greeted Annie politely.

Huh?The two of them are so familiar, does that mean that Xu An'an and Xiao Yuxing are also very familiar?

Forget it!No matter how familiar Xu An'an and Xiao Yuxing are, it has nothing to do with me.I'm just his fake girlfriend, and I have no right to care about these things.

I hung my head a little lonely until Annie walked in front of me again, blocking the ray of golden sunlight in front of me.

"Miss Ye, you need to accompany Xiao Yuxing to the charity gala tonight. Don't forget it at seven o'clock in the evening."

Annie spoke quickly, and the polite smile was no longer visible on her face.

"Oh, alright."

With previous experience, I'm no longer surprised that this kind of activity is a bit out of touch with real life.

"But..." Seeing Annie showing a hesitant expression for the first time, she frowned slightly, and after a moment of silence, she said embarrassingly, "Don't dress plainly, I will prepare a dress for you .”

"Huh? Is Xiao Yuxing going to the party tonight too? I will go too." Xu Anan walked to my side with a smile, that bright smile looked even more charming under the sunshine.

"Well, Xiao Yuxing must attend such an event." Annie replied.

"I have a dress that just fits Ye Tangtang, I can lend it to her." Xu An'an's eyes were crescent-shaped, and his tone was very kind.

I stared blankly at Xu An'an's eye-catching smile, and my heart was full of doubts: Why did Xu An'an treat me so well when he first met me?Is it because you like me?
"Is that okay?"

Seeing that I was in a daze like an idiot, Annie asked instead of me.

"of course can."

I just came back to my senses, and I couldn't help being infected by Xu An'an's smile, and a bright smile appeared on the corner of my mouth: "Thank you very much, Xu An'an, you are so kind!"

"It's nothing, it's just a matter of raising your hands. If you can accept my heart, I will be very happy."

The class bell rang, Annie left the classroom, and I sat in my seat alone in a daze.For a while, Xiao Yuxing's figure appeared in his mind, and for a while, Xu An'an's kind words sounded in his ears.

Xiao Yuxing, who is handsome enough to fascinate all girls, and Xu Anan, who is so beautiful that everyone can fall in love with her, for a moment, the figures of these two people overlapped in front of my eyes, and I even wondered if they were born together. pair.


What the hell am I thinking?Xu An'an and Xiao Yuxing just knew each other.Besides, even if they are really a match made in heaven, what does it have to do with me?

Seeing that get out of class was about to end, I became nervous again uncontrollably, and the thought of facing those annoying flashing lights again later gave me a terrible headache.

God bless!Don't make any mistakes at the banquet tonight, I swear that I have absolutely no interest in seeing the words "Ye Tangtang" in the newspaper again.

(End of this chapter)

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