Cute girl goes into the world

Chapter 182 Mubai’s Chicken Soup

Chapter 182 Mubai’s Chicken Soup (1)
Dianchi Country, also known as the Land of Ice and Snow, is shrouded in winter for 6 months a year.

The time covered by ice and snow is as long as 3 months.

It is said to be the land of ice and snow, which is worthy of the name.

The people living here have been struggling all year round on the survival line of poverty and lack of food.

Just imagine it and you will understand, the winter is so long, there is no good fruit to eat, even if there is no food.

The clothes and housing of the people here are obviously different from those in Longlie Country, Fenglei Country or even Fengchao Country.

The houses here look very thick, and the houses are all burning coal and firewood and other inflammable materials.

It is better for residents here to keep warm inside their houses.

Everyone, regardless of gender, wears clothes and pants made of animal fur.

Even shoes, and some accessories.

Don't have an exotic style that is different from the other three countries.

The people here are actually not much different from those in the other three countries.

But I don't know why, the skin looks much fairer than the other three countries.

Maybe it's because there isn't much sunlight here, so I didn't get a tan.

The territory of Dian Chi Country is only a quarter of that of Fenglei Country.

It is conceivable how big this place is, and the population is not very large, it seems that there are only more than 1000 people.

Hey, it's not as large as the population of a town in Longlie country.

The houses in Dianchi Country are all stone houses and wooden houses.

Occasionally, you can see snow houses built by some poor people, using local materials. When the snow melts, you can only find another way.

Half of the house is buried in the ground, and the doorway is extremely remote, generally speaking.

The aborigines here have dogs for pulling sleds.

So of course the means of transportation here is not a carriage.

It's dog sledding.

Dianchi Country is different from the other three countries in that it does not focus on agriculture and forestry.

Instead, they are engaged in land hunting, supplemented by fishing reindeer and other hunting as the main source of life.

Feed on meat.

furs for clothing.

Animal fat is used for lighting and cooking.

There are 3 cities in Dianchi Country.

Except for the city, other people can only fight for survival against the brutal weather.

And because of the perennial cold and snow.

The three towns in Dianchi Country are also facing difficulties in survival.

After reading the introduction about Dianchi Kingdom specially prepared for me by senior brother Ao Lianqing.

I have a brief understanding of the current struggle situation.

Look at the inn I'm in now, which is actually a snow house.

I frowned at the place built by the poor in Dianchi Country with local materials.

At this time, Mu Bai walked in with a smile on his face.

"Miss Che is so kind", "Just now I went hunting with the owner", "Caught a few wild rabbits".

"There are a few pheasants."

We can make a pot of hot soup and grill it.

Ah, I looked at Mu Bai with a satisfied smile.

I forced a few perfunctory laughs.

She wrapped herself tightly in a white fur coat.

Wen Xin took a look at my appearance, and obviously knew that I was not used to the cold life here, so he directly changed the subject.

"Miss, Mr. Lianqing is really very kind to Miss."

"I know that Miss is afraid of the cold."

"Before I found Miss," "I sold such a good and thick white ferret fur coat in the previous town."

(End of this chapter)

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