Cute girl goes into the world

Chapter 184 It turns out that food acquisition is so difficult

Chapter 184 It turns out that food acquisition is so difficult (1)
Wen Xin and I were drinking chicken soup when we suddenly heard a commotion outside.

So Wenxin went out to have a look, but didn't come back for a long time.

Just when I have been waiting impatiently.

Wen Xin walked in with a strange expression on his face.

Asking what happened to Xin, why are you frowning.

Wen Xin calmed down for a while, then whispered to me.

"Does Miss Mubai have a childhood sweetheart girlfriend?"

"What childhood sweetheart?" My brain froze instantly.

What the hell is this kid Mu Bai doing? He told me two days ago that he had a vague crush.

Now hearing what Wen Xin meant, her childhood sweetheart came to her door again.

I can't say I'm not angry.

He Mubai did this, what would happen to Zhifenglei Nation's face and Princess Yingqin's gift of marriage.

And now I am the Minister of Marriage Recruitment of Fenglei Nation.

Thinking of this, I unconsciously rushed outside.

At this moment, beside Mu Bai, there is a girl who looks about the same age as me, about 15 years old.

A light pink cotton jacket and light pink cotton trousers, and a red cotton cloak.

The hair reaches waist length and is braided into two braids.

The face is like a peach blossom, and the smile is bright.

Simply adorable.

Right now, she is hugging Mu Bai's arm intimately, with a happy face and a coquettish shyness.

What's the situation.

I rushed up angrily.

One pulled Mu Bai's arm away, ignoring everyone present.

He said loudly to Mu Bai directly, "Well, Mu Bai", "First, I changed my mind when I saw a difference", "Now I have a childhood sweetheart".

"You do this to the Princess Yingqin of my Fenglei Kingdom who has a marriage contract with you and Hedi."

"Where have you come to me, Aoxueche, the face of the Minister of Marriage Recruitment who represents the face of Fenglei Nation?"

"What is the purpose of this official's long journey this month?"

"What's the point of my official suffering from hunger?"

Mu Bai looked at my angry face, and Mu Bai's face changed instantly.

First, he pulled me over in a low voice and said, "Miss Che, you misunderstood me."

The matchmaker just came to take me back to the palace, you see.

Speaking of which, he pointed to a few people beside the little girl in the red cloak.

These are "my guards from Dianchi Guohong's Mansion", my father heard the news of my return a few days ago, and specially sent the guards from the Red General's mansion to pick me up.

Oh, I see.

My anger subsides a bit.

But my anger has just subsided a little.

The girl in the red cloak whom Mu Bai called Matchmaker said loudly angrily.

"Brother Mu, who is this woman", "Why dare you speak so loudly to you".

Mu Bai hadn't had time to say anything.

Wenxin came out at this time and slowly came to my side.

He said in a moderate voice, "This girl, I don't know who you are", "But what you are pointing at rudely now is Mr. Ao, the Minister of Marriage Recruitment who represents the face of Fenglei Kingdom".

The girl who was called Matchmaker had a look of disbelief.

You are Aoxueche.

The Miracle Girl who became famous throughout the continent 10 years ago.

Ah, my face changed instantly, Miracle Girl.

When did I get another nickname.

Seeing the astonishment on my face, Hong Niang was quite happy.

It turns out that you are Miracle Girl, welcome to our Dianchi Country.

(End of this chapter)

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