Cute girl goes into the world

Chapter 294 Fate: Zhang Yi When I was a Child Ignite the Hate Now

Chapter 294 Fate's Childhood Memories Ignite the Present Hate (1)
Fate is after the bloody clothes leave.

The blood-clothed face I saw just now kept thinking in my mind.

Purple-black hair, golden phoenix imprint on forehead.

These fates are not surprising.

What really surprised and doubted Fate.

The appearance of blood clothes.

He looked very much like a man who had left a deep impression in Fate's memory.

Thinking about fate naturally fell into the memory.

That was when Fate was very young, when his father was still alive.

Handsome face.

Black hair, purple eyes.

These are rare in Phoenix Nest Country.

In the imperial palace, apart from the father, only those who inherited his father's blood have such strange pupils.

At that time, the queen was still her own mother and her father's relationship was still very good.

Fate was only 2 or 3 years old at that time.

I no longer know.

All I know is that one day, when Fate was getting along with his father and the Queen, he suddenly saw a person approaching him.

It's like a fairy or an illusion.

This man was dressed in red as bright as blood.

Her long purple-black hair was bundled up high, and her pupils were as dark as ebony.

A tall and delicate nose.

Red lips are alluring.

The whole is a perfect fairy.

Carefully crafted and beautiful.

Under the fallen cherry tree.

Smiling and thinking about them walking over.

Although at the age of Yuanyuan at that time, the concept of beauty and ugliness was not very important.

But Fate still remembers leaving her young heart at that time.

With a powerful shock.

So much so that until now, Yuanyuan still likes red clothes very much sometimes.

I still remember that person had eyes that were more watery and beautiful than a woman's.

Three-dimensional facial features.

Soft facial combination.

Smiled at the Queen.

I have spoken, but the memory of the content and fate is no longer remembered.

After all, fate was too small at that time.

Fate can only vaguely remember now, after seeing this beautiful man, Fate even ignored the toys that he cared about at the time.

I still remember the look on my father's face at that time.

I don't know why my father's face is not very rosy at this time in my memory.

But when he was with that person, his face was still blushing.

Obviously the relationship between father and that person is still very good.

I remember that at that time, Fate asked who the beautiful brother in front of the Queen was.

Fate shook his head at this thought.

Because of the subsequent memories, basically being chased and killed by the queen suddenly by his father and himself.

Flee in a hurry.

So in the past 10 years, fate has basically been closed, about the memory of childhood.

Although I can think of some fragments of the past now.

It's just still a little difficult.

After thinking for a long time.

Fate suddenly remembered another episode.

That's what my father told me at some point.

"He is your Uncle Lu Yichen."

"The prime minister of this country".

"Besides your mother and queen, she is the most powerful person in Fengchao Kingdom."

Fate still remembers asking when he was young.

What does the prime minister do? Is it amazing?

But I think that uncle is not very old.

Just a little older than me.

I still remember what my father said back then.

Silly boy, your Uncle Lu is a young genius.

He became prime minister at the age of 9.

(End of this chapter)

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