Cute girl goes into the world

Chapter 332 After Entering the Unfathomable Stone Gate

Chapter 332 After Entering the Unpredictable Stone Gate (Part 2)
Looking at my face full of disbelief, Aoxueche.

Ke Lao smiled wryly at this moment.

"Is it worth it?"

"My Two Sisters and Teenage Mother".

"And my mother's sister, my aunt."

"Even many girls in my family were sent in for this reason."

"So far, more than 10 people have been sent in as recorded in the genealogy."

"Even my daughter and wife have this fate."

"Ke old your daughter and wife".

Speaking of which, the patriarch, Brother Meinan, immediately covered my mouth, Aoxueche.

Watching it off with me, Aoxueche, Mr. Ke walked to a dead body that hadn't decayed much, as if it was just a few years old.

Look carefully at it.

Although I, Aoxueche, didn't dare to get close.

But it can be seen.

What Ke Lao is approaching at this moment is the remains of a young girl.

Not far from her, there seemed to be the remains of a rotting middle-aged woman.

The young girl seems to be coming later, leaning in front of the middle-aged woman.

Ke Lao looked carefully for a moment.

Suddenly he asked me Aoxueche with a strange expression.

"Do you know who these two people I am watching carefully now are?"

I, Aoxueche, am straightforward at the moment.

"Could it be Ke Lao's daughter and wife."

Ke Lao was indifferent at the moment.

"Yes, these two people are my wife and daughter."

"20 years ago, my wife wanted to protect my daughter who hadn't grown up yet."

"After voluntarily entering Shimen, she became a sacrifice instead of her daughter."

"And the daughter who just married and gave birth to a child 10 years ago."

"No matter what, I still can't escape my fate."

"I was sent behind the stone gate by my husband's family."

"Huang Nu, if you were me, what would you think and what would you do?"

Ah, I, Aoxueche, was also stunned at the moment.

Why did old man Ke suddenly ask me Aoxueche like that.

Looking at the remains of the corpses of the mother and daughter relying on each other.

In my heart, Aoxueche, I don't know why I suddenly feel uncomfortable.

Old Ke, I, Aoxueche, opened my mouth.

"Ke Lao Ao Xueche has no experience and can't tell."

"I just feel very sad for Ke Lao."

At this moment, Ke Lao's facial expression changed.

"Of course, those who have not experienced Master Huang Nu will not understand."

"But after today".

"Huang Nu may understand."

"And it's a personal experience."

"Although you can't understand how I feel, Mrs. Huangnu", "but you can slowly understand the feelings of my daughter and the elders of the family before death, Mrs. Huangnu".

Ah, I, Aoxueche, have a ignorant expression at the moment.

"What will Mr. Ke say?"

Although I, Aoxueche, have a ignorant expression at the moment.

But the complexions of the patriarch, Brother Handsome, and Dark Eagle both changed.

I saw Ke Lao turning around at this moment.

With a sudden jump, I was a long way away from me, Aoxueche, the patriarch, the beautiful brother, and the dark eagle.

Said viciously.

"Don't even think about going out once you're in", "Give it all to the Phoenix God".

"And my family as sacrifices."


With laughter.

Ke Lao dodges.

Disappeared behind a stone gate.

The old dark eagle of Crook barked several times in a row.

But there was no response.

In the end, Dark Eagle had no choice but to look at the patriarch, Brother Mei Nan, and asked in a low voice.

"Master Patriarch", "Looks like".

"Maybe Mr. Ke wants to leave us behind."

"How to do".

The head of the patriarch, Meinan, looked indifferent at the moment.

"Just in time", "Now is an opportunity".

"One untie a knot that has been troubling the patriarch's heart."

(End of this chapter)

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