Cute girl goes into the world

Chapter 354 Shuhua's Zhangyi, a happy conversation with Xueyi

Chapter 354 Memories of Shuhua, a pleasant conversation with Xue Yi
On the way back to Chaofeng Pavilion where the empress is now.

Shu Qi deliberately slowed down.

No one is around now.

Shuqi happened to relax her mind and fell into memories.

a few days ago.

I went to Fengchao Country with the Queen, in a forest on the border.

There, Shuqi met two men.

Among them was a man whom Shuqi remembered deeply.

It was a man with a peerless appearance, speaking of the empress, in a certain facial expression, a man who was very similar.

The attractiveness of appearance is nothing to Shuqi.

Shu Qi is not a fan girl who has never seen the world.

What really attracted Shuqi's attention.

After that, the queen retreated from the crowd and had a secret conversation with the two men in the cave.

Shuqi didn't overhear a lot.

But Shu Qi relied on the short words she heard occasionally.

Got a piece of information.

One of the two men in the burrow.

I have only seen a human connection with the Queen.

And that man should be the only one of the two men in the cave that the queen is talking to, the only one who looks youthful.

That is, the one that Shuqi thought looked similar to the queen after seeing her.

Thinking of this, Shuqi felt relieved.

But he didn't expect to come out with the queen.

A big, special fragrance hits the face.

The fragrance, Shuqi used to smell it often.

But this fragrance is in Shuqi's memory.

Only on one person.

It's just how that person appeared here.

What a coincidence.

Shu Qi looked at the people around, including the empress, who didn't seem to know.

Shu Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

Think of the man in the cave.

That wonderful look.

Could it be that Xuezhu knows.

To such a story, too.


Thinking of this, Shu Qi followed the queen on the carriage back to the palace.

Originally, along the way, Shuqi felt very peaceful.

Until the queen returned to the palace.

a command.

This order was conveyed to the secret guards of several empresses.

The general idea is to let these hidden guards go back, the woods and others just now.

And that person turned out to be.

To Shuqi's surprise.

That person turned out to be Aoxueche's snow master.

The queen also found it in the woods just now, a fragrance that belongs exclusively to Snow Lord.

Shuqi suppressed it, feeling uneasy in her heart.

On the surface, he still pretended not to know anything.

Until the queen brought her to a palace called Qingtiaoxuan.

"Here is His Majesty".

Shu Qi asked suspiciously.

The empress looked indifferent at the moment.

"Go in and you will know."

With a puzzled look on her face, Shu Qi followed the queen inside.

I saw a very old man.

after that.

Shuqi gradually found out.

When he was not by the queen's side, apart from Li Wan'er, an old man appeared beside the queen for some unknown reason.

The old man's name was Yin Keyong. He was originally from a foreign race, that is, he had recently become a queen.

Is there a reason?

Yin Keyong stole the alien's secret treasure to protect himself.

I can only go to the queen, the emperor of the Fengchao country.

The queen came to tell Shuhua.

Yin Keyong only used 3 sentences, and successfully attracted the Queen's attention.

And promised to give Yinke a good treatment.

In the first sentence, Your Majesty knows that the alien race originated from the Fengchao Kingdom, a lineage hundreds of years ago, and you know the existence of blood beads.

The second sentence, does Your Majesty know that Aoxueche is the Phoenix Girl of Heaven's Destiny, and what is the use of her blood.

The third sentence, Your Majesty may want to resurrect, revive the Phoenix God, and rule the world.

The memory ends.

Shuqi has returned to Chaofeng Pavilion.

It was getting late by now.

The queen has also rested.

Li Wan'er stood silently beside the queen.

At this moment, she was facing Shuqi silently.

Both of them clearly see the secret in the other's eyes.

But also understand.

It cannot be said that this secret cannot be shared.

And at the same time.

In the Temple of the Phoenix Nest Kingdom.

I, Aoxueche, have a look of indifference at the moment.

Sitting carelessly at the feet of the so-called Phoenix God.

Said loudly to the bloody coat.

Since I, Aoxueche, have come, I won't sneak away.

Ao Xueche knows what you just said about the two-day Phoenix Festival.

But even though I, Aoxueche, was kidnapped, I still have to leave openly.

Xueyi looked at me, Aoxueche, at this moment.

The corner of his mouth curled up.

It's good that you accompany me to live in the temple for two days.

What do you mean I accompany you.

It should be your bloody clothes accompanying me.

After I finished speaking, the corner of my Aoxueche's mouth curled up.

After touching it, I don't know why since I hugged Xueyi.

The phoenix statue that started to glow.

do not know why.

In the past, every time I saw Xue Yi outside, I felt more or less uncomfortable.

Will pick bones in eggs.

But in this temple.

The hug with Xueyi just now and the talk now.

It made me, Aoxueche, very happy.

How to describe this feeling.

do not know.

Could it be that it's been too long since I've seen someone I know.

So in this case now.

The bloody clothes gave me a different feeling about Aoxueche.

(End of this chapter)

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