Cute girl goes into the world

Chapter 364 Senior Brother Forcibly Flirtatiously Sends Sugar Again

Chapter 364 Senior Brother Forcibly Flirtatiously Sends Sugar Again
Stretch your limbs, well, this bed is very comfortable and warm.

The temperature is just right.

Hmm, why does it still have a scent.

this taste.

Light plum scent.

Is it quite familiar?

Thinking about it, Aoxueche couldn't fall asleep.

Not right.

The big eyes flickered open.

Look around.

Struggled a bit.

Because Aoxueche unexpectedly found herself.

She was lying carelessly in the big arms of senior brother Ao Lianqing.

A complaint in my heart.

did not expect.

Senior brother looks quite thin on weekdays.

But lying in the arms of senior brother still feels quite fleshy.

Hey, this is the legendary saying that you look thin when you put it on, but you look fleshy when you take it off.

Oh no no no.

How can my Aoxueche's three views be like this.

Go first is the case.

I am Aoxueche, an unmarried big girl.

Lying in the arms of a big man.

I don't know what happened to He Xi today.

Thinking of this, Ao Xueche felt light all over.

Take a leap.

I thought about leaving this time.

Brother's embrace.

I didn't expect to be in the arms of my senior brother.

It is easy to lie down and difficult to leave.

Struggling for a long time.

I, Aoxueche, gave up.

In a low voice, he began to reason with his elder brother.

"Can that senior brother let me go? Although senior brother's embrace is extremely warm."

"Junior Sister is tired and wants to stand down for a while."

Brother Oh smiled slightly at the moment.

It almost blinded my Aoxueche's eyes.

But there was no action.

I, Aoxueche, couldn't help but continue talking.

"Brother, it seems that you agree, but why don't you let me down, Aoxueche?"

The elder brother smiled slightly at first.

She rubbed her face against mine, Aoxueche's, and then said in an ambiguous low-pitched syllable.

"You've had enough lying down, but I haven't hugged enough yet."

Well, I, Aoxueche, have enough for now.

I complained in my heart.

I haven't met my senior brother a few times, but every time my senior brother is forced to be ambiguous.

Oh, brother, I am not very familiar with you, okay?

Thinking of this, Aoxueche's face gradually turned a little unhappy.

I am proud of Xueche for a long time.

The elder brother obviously also cared a little bit.

Slowly let me, Aoxueche, out of his embrace.

But in the end it seemed that she was still reluctant to do so, and finally let go after hugging her hard.

I, Aoxueche, finally left the arms of my senior brother.

First of all, he was comfortable and flexed his fists.

Then asked in a low voice.

"What time is it now", "Where is this place".

"That senior brother, I have something to go first."

Wait, Senior Brother first slowly stopped me, Aoxueche, from leaving, and then said in a low voice.

"What are you going to do?"

That I, Aoxueche, said in a low voice.

"Brother, you don't understand the situation yet, I'm going to look for calligraphy and painting", "She's pretending to be me, Aoxueche now".

"I will be sacrificed by human blood in a while."

"This can't be done."

After I finished speaking, Aoxueche turned around and was about to leave.

It's just a sentence from my senior brother that completely made me, Aoxueche, feel like I've been completely doused in cold water.

"Junior Sister, you are going to save someone, but Senior Brother has no objection."

"Do you know where you are now?"

"And what time is it already?"

Ah, I, Aoxueche, has an embarrassed face at the moment.

I looked around.

It's just that I, Aoxueche, am a road idiot.

After a while, I, Aoxueche, compromised.


"Where is this brother?", "How long have I been sleeping?"

Senior brother Ao Lianqing smiled slightly at this moment.

Then he said calmly.

"This is already outside the imperial city of Fengchao Kingdom."

"Is there only time?"

"Their Phoenix Festival".

"It should have been over for a long time."

What, I, Aoxueche, now have a face full of regret.

I scolded myself for sneaking sleep for so long.


The elder brother smiled slightly at this moment.

"rest assured".

"Just a few seconds before you woke up, I have received a letter from Feige from Shuhua."

"Both she and Xue Yi were rescued by a mysterious man."

"I'm back in the palace of Fengchao Kingdom."

Mysterious person, I, Aoxueche, felt light all over after hearing the safety of calligraphy, painting and bloody clothes.

Relaxed a lot.

Just hearing that they were rescued by mysterious people.

My heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that the mysterious person here is.

I, Aoxueche, twitched the corner of my mouth slightly thinking of this.

"Aren't they two black-clothed men wearing strange masks?"

Well, senior brother sees me, Aoxueche, and smiles knowingly at this moment.

His face turned cold.

In an instant, I, Aoxueche, felt like I was in an ice cellar.

The smile on his face naturally disappeared.

Senior brother asked in a low voice and coldly at this moment.

"I haven't seen you for a few days and met someone again."

"Yes, no, no," I, Aoxueche, explained with a flustered expression.

"It's just an ordinary friend I met before."

"I just made a random guess just now, but I didn't expect to get it right."

After I finished speaking, I Aoxueche turned around.

A bitter look secretly appeared on his face, what should he do now, how to get rid of senior brother.

Where are we going to play?

The senior brother behind, with a expressionless face, looked at my Aoxueche's trembling back at the moment, it was obvious that at this moment, I, Aoxueche, was trying to escape indiscriminately.

Then he said in a low voice.

"Junior Sister", "Master has sent a letter".

"Let you go back to the mountain."

"Go back to the mountains".

I, Aoxueche, looked puzzled at this moment.

"What is Master looking for about Aoxueche?"

"Thinking about it this way, I haven't seen Master for a long time anyway."

"Just go home to visit relatives."

Thinking of this, Aoxueche smiled slightly.

The figure jumped to the side of the senior brother.

"In that case".

"Thank you, Senior Brother, would you like to send Xue Che back to the mountain?"

"Brother knows that Xue Che is a road idiot."

"I can't go back to the mountain by myself."

Senior brother Ao Lianqing looked cold at the moment.

Look at my Aoxueche smiling face at the moment.

With a cold smile, eyes full of calculations.

At this moment, I, Aoxueche, don't know yet.

What a miserable few months ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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