Cute girl goes into the world

Chapter 392 It's Comfortable To Be By Master's Side

Chapter 392 Returning to Master's Side is Comfortable
An emerald green dress is as long as the calf with some streamers hanging down naturally.

There are blue lotus patterns embroidered on the white short boots.

Part of her purple-black hair was pulled up and the rest hung down naturally.

The waist is corseted with white silk for body protection.

There are white jade pendants and purple bells.

Wearing a bone flute.

Round baby face, big watery eyes as bright as the sun.

It is obviously an innocent and invincible appearance of ignorance of the world.

At this moment, he was obviously full of worries.

At this moment, I, Aoxueche, am already under Qiaoer's protection.

He successfully left the barren mountain and wild temple before, and returned to Qiancheng.

And successfully checked in.

For this time, the old emperor Long Lie specially prepared for this competition in the Qiancheng Bieyuan.

Qinfang Pavilion.

Think back to just now.

Master smiled indifferently, and old man Mo looked unhappy, but he looked worried about me.

Senior brother remained expressionless as before.

There is also the first village, including the butler Tiebi, who greets me, Aoxueche, with the utmost care.

Long Lie Guomu Qingchun, Mu Qingye, Mu Qingquan, looked at me, Aoxueche, with a concerned and worried expression.

All of this moved me, Aoxueche, very much.

to be honest.

I, Aoxueche, was only missing for 3 days. Now that I was rescued, I found that so many people cared about me.

Being an orphan can have me, Aoxueche.

So much to own now.

Seems to be fine already.

But this will make me, Aoxueche, carry more burden in my heart.

until unbearable.

The memory ends.

In a blink of an eye, it has been about an hour since I came back. After freshening up and dressing up, I dispersed the four maids beside me, plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum. With no one to accompany me, I was alone and lonely, sitting at the desk.

Can't help but sighed deeply.

"Hey what's the matter?" "Who made the little apprentice who is a teacher so sad."

"Speak out and let the teacher fix him well."

I, Aoxueche, heard the voice behind me.

The eyebrows couldn't help raising their eyebrows.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching.


It can make me, Aoxueche, turn my sorrow into a smile in an instant.

At this very moment, he is also my Aoxueche's master.

The world's number one son is proud of the dust.

I, Aoxueche, did not look back at this moment.

Said directly in a low voice.

"Master, why are you here again? Tomorrow is the four-nation competition. Don't you still have a lot of things to deal with?"

Master said it in a strange voice at the moment.

"What can be more important than a young apprentice who is a teacher."

"Come and talk about it."

"What have you been thinking about since you came back just now?"

"As the teacher, I will untie and untie it for you."

Master, the expression on my face, Aoxueche, has changed again.

I, Aoxueche, couldn't help but say a lot in my heart.

Master, do you know who kidnapped me this time and why Aoxueche was kidnapped.

Master, do you know the essence of tomorrow's martial arts competition?

Master, do you know that your little disciple is missed by others every day and is almost about to be sacrificed by blood?

This kind of blood sacrifice, one time is enough. The point is, it is still endless. More than once, I, Ao Xueche, was on the verge of being blood sacrificed.

Even if I, Aoxueche, forgot, there are still people who always want to sacrifice blood to me, Aoxueche.

The caves and temples of foreign races in Fengchao Kingdom are now the old emperor Longlie.

I, Aoxueche, knew about the mysterious base that Master said before.

That is clearly the blood sacrifice base prepared for two years and thoughtfully prepared for me, Aoxueche.

Master, do you know what it feels like to be on the verge of being calculated every day and be precarious.

But when the words come to my lips, I am Aoxueche.

"Master, do you think the Phoenix God really exists?"

Master was indifferent at first, and took a look at me, Aoxueche.

"Of course it exists, you just have to believe it exists"

Well, I, Aoxueche, continued.

"Master, do you think I am the direct descendant of Phoenix, or the daughter of Phoenix?"

The master looked calm at the moment.

Well, "Huangnu Phoenix's direct blood descendant", "Who told you that", "This is just nonsense".

"Little disciple, don't you take it seriously."

Seeing the funny expression on Master's face at the moment.

I, Aoxueche, said again.

"But a lot of people have said that to me."

"They all say that I, Aoxueche, is the heir of Phoenix's direct blood."

"I will sacrifice my Aoxue to the blood."

"Phoenix God".

"Even I, Aoxueche, had dreamed of a blood-red figure that looked like a phoenix many times in my dreams."

Master patiently listened to me, Aoxueche, everything I wanted to say.

finally said in a low voice.


"Little disciple, what do you think?"

"You are so old and you have read a lot of books and experienced a lot of things in these years." "Do you think that the belief in the Phoenix God that surrounds the four countries of the entire continent for thousands of years exists?"

"Are you the heir of Phoenix's direct blood?"

"Are you different?"

Different from others, I heard Master say so.

I, Aoxueche, thought about it carefully.

"That's right, it seems that I, Aoxueche, have nothing special about me."

"The appearance is also very ordinary, just like the appearance of an ordinary little girl."

"Although I, Aoxueche, have purple-black hair, don't all Fengchao people have purple-black hair?"

"There is a blood red mark on the forehead".

"But don't you also have bloody clothes? There are also beautiful men in the underground secret room of the temple that I have seen before."

Thinking of this, I am proud of Xueche.

"Master and apprentice have nothing extraordinary."

Right, Master sees the silly expression on my Aoxueche face at the moment.

Ha ha laughed.

"What kind of person should be the direct blood descendant of the phoenix girl?"

"Young disciples, don't think too much."

"What you've been through before".

"Some things are over, just forget it and don't think too much about it."

"Oh, by the way, in the past two days, thousands of cities have come to many famous people from the four countries, and many of them are young disciples that you knew before."

"Tomorrow's contest will be very interesting."

"Little disciple, what you have to do now is not to worry about the past."

"But start looking forward to tomorrow."

"do you know".

Listen to what the master said.

Looking at it, Master has a comforting expression on Aoxueche's face.

I, Aoxueche, lowered my head silently.

Maybe I, Aoxueche, really think too much.

What Master said is right, it is a matter of the past.

Forget it.

Tomorrow's big martial arts competition should be very lively with so many people coming.

When I was young, I, Aoxueche, participated in two big martial arts competitions.

There are many people and very lively.

Thinking about it this way, I am Aoxueche, after the master turned around and left gracefully.

One turned over and jumped onto the bed.


Close your eyes.

Thinking too much is not my Aoxueche, the goal style of being a human being.

Try to be happy and live every day well.

at the same time.

After turning around and leaving my Aoxueche room, Master closed the door carefully.

The facial expression gradually changed.

Said in a low voice to the seemingly empty air around.

"I'll leave it to you to protect her."

Yes, a deep voice came from the roof of my Aoxueche.

Master actually arranged for me, Aoxueche, to protect me day and night day and night on the roof of my Aoxueche residence.

(End of this chapter)

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