Chapter 57

Seeing that the time was approaching, I was about to go back to the prime minister and the others, but as soon as I turned around, I saw a figure flash by.

It looks like a man, and I would never be curious about the idea that curiosity killed the cat.

But my heart was like being scratched by a cat, I couldn't help but followed up on an impulse, and came to a very desolate room.

As soon as the figure entered, I heard a voice coming from inside, "Why did I come here and wait for you for a long time?".

"Someone has been pestering me and I can't get away", "I told you to prepare before, are you ready?" A voice that was different from before came, it sounded like a man before, and I don't know why it felt a little strange to me.

After listening dizzily for a while, I seem to understand that this is discussing something.

I stopped listening and was about to leave, when the people inside started discussing me.

"Have you heard that Ao Lianqing is here?" "Why is Ao Lianqing here?" A man's voice came from before.

"Never mind that, Ao Lianqing has nothing to do with us."

Hey, a black-bellied smile appeared on my face. It seems that Shige is not very popular, and people don't take him seriously.

Immediately I came back with confidence, and I might be discovered after listening to it, even if I returned.

On the way, because of those few words just now, I started to reason in my heart.

It sounds like there are 2 people, one is the eunuch and the guard.

They seem to be arranging something, and they seem to be doing something.But? In fact, this has nothing to do with me, right? I think so.

Turning around gorgeously, I was about to leave, but was stopped by a voice, "Young master, wait for me", this voice is Dugu Xinyan.

Dugu Xinyan caught up with me out of breath, "I've been looking for you for a long time since the palace banquet will start soon."

Looking at Dugu Xinyan's calm and dignified face, I smiled slightly.

Oh, I pretended nothing happened, "I just strolled around and you couldn't find me because the place is too big".

In this way, I was pulled back to the palace banquet by Xinyan. The location of the prime minister's mansion was in a very prominent place in the whole banquet, while my location was in a relatively remote corner. What a huge gap.

But this is what I mean, Xinyan asked me if I was sitting with the Prime Minister's Mansion, I took a look at Dugu Prime Minister and voluntarily refused.

Claiming that I am participating in the palace banquet this time in my personal capacity, it is more suitable for me to sit in a secluded corner, and Xinyan and the prime minister have no objection to my approach.

I am sitting in a secluded corner in the last row, and I am very happy in my heart. The position I am doing now is quite good, and I can see all the people in front of me, including the old emperor Long Lie.

But others didn't notice that I wouldn't cause any trouble. It happened that I hid here and was found, and a hearty male voice sounded beside me.

"Lianqing, why didn't I know when you came here? I'm still a good friend. My heart is broken."

General, general, looking at the resentful eyes of the second prince sitting next to me, my heart suddenly felt bad.

Can anyone tell me what should I do at this moment, the second prince seems to be my brother's friend, the two must be very familiar, what should I do, and how should I reply.The second prince waited for a long time before I could speak, so he looked at me carefully again, "You are not Lian Qing."

Seeing it, I was startled and wanted to speak, the second prince went on to say, "Let me guess who you are".

Oh, the second prince looked at me carefully again, and said "could it be you" without being sure, the second prince lowered his voice.

A little girl appeared in my mind, her petite pink and tender name seemed to be Ao Xueche, and she was Ao Lianqing's younger sister.

(End of this chapter)

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