Cute girl goes into the world

Chapter 83 1 Poor 2 White's Guest Room in the Prime Minister's Mansion

Chapter 83
As if in a haze, I gradually regained consciousness and slowly opened my eyes. This process was really slow.

I first saw the white powder wall opposite, then the white powder roof, and then Dugu Xinyan and Chun Xiahe standing in front of me anxiously.

Dressed in black and wearing a mask, senior brother Ao Lianqing.

I moved my body to show that I was going to get up, Chunxia stepped forward quickly and helped me up.

I just realized that I was lying on the head of the Datong bunk, and now it was dark and I seemed to have slept for several hours.

As Chunxia helped me up, he began to complain, "My lord, you finally woke up, you were so worried about me just now", "I thought what happened to you", "I almost hired a doctor".

I heard Chun Xia's words, and I was looking at Chun Xia's young but aunt-like face, the black lines on my face, Chun Xia, you are too exaggerated.

You see, my son, I haven’t reacted yet. Chunxia saw that I woke up, and seemed to have found a place to vent, "Young master, you see that there are not even daily necessities, quilts and pillows in this room, how to sleep and how to live how to live."

Chun Xia is a perfectionist in life.

Hearing this, I glanced at my senior brother, but I only saw a figure in black who was doing nothing.

Depressed in my heart, Chun Xia, why didn't you go to the senior brother to solve these problems just now, I just woke up, okay, how do I know what to do.

But now I can only say, "Why, didn't I just lay my head on a pillow?" I looked down suspiciously, oh my god, what did I see, the me just now was actually laying on a piece of my own clothes as a pillow.

And I'm not covered with a quilt, but another piece of my own clothes.

No wonder I've been feeling cold since just now, my feelings are so cold, but look at Chun Xia and senior brother, why didn't you think of a way just now.

Forget about Chunxia and senior brother Ao Lianqing, they are their own people, so you can't take your anger on them.

So it became, "Old man Dugu, you are too bullying", my face can be said to be getting colder and colder.

"Since when did my son suffer this kind of crime?" At this time, I don't care about the style of a gentleman, and I will talk to the old man Dugu as soon as I get up.

That old guy has been hiding since just now. I didn't want to argue with him at first, but the more I thought about it, the angrier I became.

The guest room is just a Datong shop, and there is dust everywhere, which I can bear, I can still live after cleaning, but what is the situation now.

Why is there not even a pillow and quilt bed.

How does this make me live? Does old man Dugu treat me as a guest? I think he treats me as an enemy.

Dugu Xinyan watched my face change, and felt very embarrassed.

What should I do? Mr. Ao seems to be angry, what should I do.

At this moment, Senior Brother has a dark belly, lowering his head and looking all right. From my point of view, it's just a good show.

Originally, if he also expressed his dissatisfaction, I would feel better, but he and Chunxia didn't even speak.

It seems that I am the only one who can't watch it anymore. The key is that both he and Chunxia look like they are watching the show.

When I got angry, I moved my body and looked like I was about to fall down. Fortunately, Chunxia helped me in time.

I glanced at Chun Xia, and my complexion gradually recovered. Now I am angry with Dugu old man, how can I live in Dugu mansion, how can I save people and fulfill my promise, thinking of this, I look at senior brother Ao Lianqing.

Said to senior brother Ao Lianqing, "The butler Luo doesn't even have a bed here, can you solve it for me?"

After I finished speaking, I smiled slightly at my senior brother, "Please leave the housekeeper and go to the street to prepare some daily necessities for me."

Senior brother and Chunxia looked at me with crazy eyes, and Chunxia told me directly, "Young master is now in the middle of the night, even if you are rich, you can't buy anything."

I glanced at Chun Xia, and then smiled at senior brother Ao Lianqing, "I believe in Mr. Luo's strength as my housekeeper and bodyguard."

Senior brother Ao Lianqing smiled slightly when he heard my words with a cynical face, "Since it is the son's request, I should try my best to do it."

Dugu Xinyan didn't know that I was looking for an opportunity to plot against my senior brother, so I looked at my senior brother Ao Lianqing who left with a worried face and said to me.

"Master Ao, can Master Luo buy something at such a late hour?"

I looked at Dugu Xinyan with a worried face and smiled slightly, "Xinyan doesn't need to worry about Xiaoluo. As a qualified housekeeper, I can find my own way. It's getting late and you've been tired all day, so let's go rest first."

After I finished speaking, I signaled Chunxia to send Xinyan to the meeting room. Chunxia looked unhappy, but still sent Dugu Xinyan away for me.

Watching the two slender figures disappear from my sight, the corners of my mouth slowly opened an arc.Humph, good opportunity, while no one is against me, let me explore the reality of this old man Dugu before I talk about it.

(End of this chapter)

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