Reborn My 1993

Chapter 770 Hooked

Chapter 770 Hooked

According to what Wang Fa said, Lin Yang focused on one point.

That is to ask whether Sun Cheng is the component purchaser of Si'an Electronics.

Sun Cheng generously admitted.

Lin Yang was extremely happy.

I didn't expect things to go so smoothly.

But he didn't stop there.

"Mr. Sun, I wonder if you know much about Si'an and Pengfei Technology?"

Lin Yang's attitude is very humble.

"I'm not in this business, and what I know is superficial."

Sun Chengcheng took a sip of tea and said slowly.

A light flashed in Lin Yang's eyes.

"Mr. Sun, let me tell you briefly that Si'an is a factory that mainly produces radios and tape recorders, but some of the main components are outsourced, and the most important core components have always been made by Pengfei Technology. Anyway, you should understand what I mean, right?"

After all, prying is not a glorious thing, and it is the prying business of cooperative customers. Lin Yang tried his best to keep his expression cryptic.

Sun Cheng didn't speak, just looked at Lin Yang.

Although Lin Yang is very smart, he is only 23 and four years old after all, so he doesn't have much social experience.

In front of Sun Cheng, it was inevitable to be a little nervous, especially when he saw that Sun Cheng didn't respond.

"Mr. Sun, let me tell you the truth. If you want to purchase components, you should choose a manufacturer instead of a second-hand dealer. The construction period cannot be guaranteed, and the purchase price is also very high."

Lin Yang could only speak more bluntly.

But it still didn't mention the words of directly cooperating with Pengfei Technology.

"Manufacturing factory? How about Manager Lin introduce one to me?"

Lin Yang almost blurted out, "I need an introduction, Pengfei Technology is the best choice", but he finally stopped and said nothing.

"Mr. Sun, are you kidding me?"

Lin Yang looked at Sun Cheng.

As for what Sun Cheng was thinking, he couldn't guess at all.

Since he was able to attend the appointment, it proved that he was interested in cooperating with Pengfei Technology, so why is he pretending to be stupid until now!

Is it to take this opportunity to lower the price and negotiate terms?
Yes, it must be so.

"Mr. Sun, we are very sincere. As long as Mr. Sun has the intention in this regard, the price is negotiable."

Lin Yang actually doesn't have the right to set the price, but he wants to take this opportunity to completely win Sun Cheng, so that in front of Wang Fa, he is an absolute hero, and when the time comes, all Hu Quan, Liu Quan and Zhang Quan will depend on him. complexion.

"Manager Lin has the right to set the price? If so, I can discuss it with Manager Lin in detail now."

Lin Yang was a little confused, he didn't have this right.

If the price is lowered, Mr. Wang will turn his face and refuse to admit it, and he will be busy in vain.

"If Manager Lin does not have the right to set the price, then find someone who has the right to talk to me. I will return to Shengjing in three days. Manager Lin can figure it out. Thank you for the tea, Manager Lin. I still have something to do, let's go first !"

After speaking, Sun Cheng got up and left.

Lin Yang was not given a chance to speak again.

Looking at the back of Sun Cheng leaving in a hurry, Lin Yang regretted that his great opportunity to rise had slipped away in vain.

However, he dared not neglect.

After all, he couldn't make great contributions, and he had successfully completed the task assigned by Wang Fa, so Lin Yang rushed back to the company immediately and reported the situation to Wang Fa.

Wang Fa was silent after hearing this.

Lin Yang was a little anxious.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Sun said that he will return to Shengjing in three days. The meaning is obvious. He will finalize the contract within three days. We must hurry up!"

This opportunity is so rare, Lin Yang was afraid that Wang Fa would hesitate again, so he reminded him beyond his own identity.

Wang Fa immediately gave Lin Yang a cold look.

Lin Yang shut up.

Why didn't Wang Fa know that time was running out.

But Lin Yang only knew the superficial things, but he didn't know the grievances between him and Zhang Yiming. This Sun Cheng had a very good relationship with Zhang Yiming before, and now, the two are still cooperative clients in name.

If he takes this step, there is no going back.

But just when Wang Fa was hesitating, a message came that Jia Pengfei arranged for someone to contact Sun Cheng.

The current situation is obvious, Jia Pengfei is determined to compete with Wang Fa for this list.

A small amount is not a gentleman, a non-toxic is not a husband, and those who do big things should not be afraid of wolves and tigers.

Wang Fa gritted his teeth and dialed Sun Cheng directly.

On this side, after separating from Lin Yang, Sun Cheng joined Zhang Yiming.

According to the normal development route, Wang Fa will soon become in touch with Sun.

But Wang Fa's speed far exceeded Sun Cheng's expectation.

Sun Cheng grabbed the phone and asked Zhang Yiming with his eyes.

"Go ahead, just have a normal attitude, but you have to refuse any request he makes."

Sun Cheng nodded and picked up the phone.

Wang Fa was actually very embarrassed.

How vicious and enjoyable his mouth was that day, and how complicated his mood is now.

But there is no way, he can only rely on this opportunity to rise.

Han Xin could still be humiliated by his crotch back then, Gou Jian lived on his salary for several years, what else could he not lower his head as a businessman.

"Mr. Sun, I'm sorry, last time I"

"Mr. Wang has a high position and authority, and Mr. Sun dare not listen to or accept an apology."

Wang Fa was so choked that he couldn't speak for a while.

"I still have something to do. If Mr. Wang is okay, I will hang up first."

"Hi, Sun"

Beep beep.

Hearing the busy tone coming from the phone, Wang was so angry that he almost threw the phone against the wall.

But he also knew very well that it would be difficult for anyone to calm down about this matter.

Moreover, Sun Cheng's reaction just proved that this matter was indeed Sun Cheng's own business and had nothing to do with Zhang Yiming.

If it was a trap, and he gave him the steps, Sun Cheng would like to step on the steps and get down quickly!

Thinking of this, Wang Fa felt a lot better.

After calming down for a while, Wang Fa picked up the phone again.

This time, although Sun Cheng's tone was still bad, but luckily he didn't hang up the phone.

Wang Fa almost tried his best and made a lot of promises verbally. Sun Cheng finally agreed to him and gave him a chance.

Wang Fa was very excited.

It was as if he saw victory beckoning to him.

"Just talk to Wang Fa according to what we discussed before, and don't make any concessions, not a single step."

Sun Cheng nodded solemnly.

He felt that this trip might be the last two steps to cut off Zhang Zhaoliang's retreat.

He must not screw it up.

Here, Wang Fa dressed neatly, prepared a lot of materials, and then rushed to the Dawan Hotel.

Sun Cheng deliberately arrived 10 minutes late according to the agreed time.

But Wang Fa was smiling all over his face. Compared with the last meeting, he seemed to be a different person.

"Mr. Wang, since you have the idea of ​​cooperating, show me your sincerity!"

Sun Cheng didn't exchange pleasantries. After sitting down, he went straight to the point.

Wang Fa was a little caught off guard. He thought that the two of them should at least communicate with each other and lay the foundation for the situation. Unexpectedly, Sun Cheng would not give him this opportunity at all.

"Ahem, yes, that's natural. These are the materials I prepared. Mr. Sun will go through them first."

Wang Fa is quite knowledgeable about current affairs, knowing that he is at a disadvantage now, so his attitude towards Sun Cheng can be said to be very accommodating, even flattering.

(End of this chapter)

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