my black moonlight girlfriend

Chapter 170 Kite String

Chapter 170 Kite String
It is up to him whether to take the medicine or not, but Xin Wan is called "Da Lang" very easily, and he has found a suitable title for him. Anyway, he is also the boss of the Su family, isn't he?

Su Dalang took a bowl of medicine, no, just take one medicine, and the haze like frost beating eggplants these days has been cured. I am really happy, and it is not the forced smile that my grandma can feel these days.

He is happy, how about Xin Wan?

Silently followed behind him, watching his back with his grandmother walking in the lights of the ancient city, thinking about the sentence he asked: Do you still remember my allergens?
Since Shi Fu's death, she began to use a small notebook to remember him.

In the next ten years, she never thought about it again, but picked up the pen, and those words appeared continuously on the paper: orpiment, osmanthus, peanut, goat's milk, skins of all poultry, mango skin, birch... The last one is realgar, which she added when I caught up with it in Xiangxi.

During this period, she didn't even have time to think, and she did it in one go.

Some things have been with me for many years, and I probably don't realize it, but it has actually gone deep into my bones.

She didn't keep up, but he noticed after walking a few steps, and called her back, "Wanwan, don't get lost, follow closely."

The street is full of lights, his smile, the moon is bright and bright, and the brilliance is not restrained.

The roads in the ancient city are narrow, and it's not moral for the three of them to walk side by side. He put the clothes on his back to her and let her lead them, "Come, follow me."

Like when kindergarten children line up, the children behind are holding the clothes of the children in front.

She held his hem by the hem of his clothes, and suddenly remembered that her favorite lady kite that her grandfather made for her when she was a child, broke the string and flew away. Bring her the kite back.

She cut the string of her cherished kite with her own hands that year. She thought that this time, the kite flew too far, crossed the Pacific Ocean, and would never come back again, but who sent it back to her?
Well, the texter, is across the ocean.

The string of the kite has returned to her hands.

"Come on, Wanwan, let's sit here and eat something!" He supported grandma, while holding her wrist with his other hand.

She looked at the grocery store...

"Calm down! Su Dalang!" She took out a small notebook from her bag and pointed, "I'm allergic to cow offal!"

In fact, she didn't understand what was going on with his strange allergens. For example, he was allergic to beef offal, but not to beef, not to mango flesh, but to mango skin!

This is a lady's disease, right?He never has to peel mangoes himself!

Every time he heard the word "Da Lang", he felt a dark wind blowing behind him for a while, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "It's fine not to eat offal, but can we call it another?"

Grandma was very curious about the new name, and asked with a smile, "Su Dalang? Da Lang? Did you call him that when you were young? It sounds nice, Da Lang Da Lang, that's what you used to call your eldest son."

Someone had a bitter face, "Grandma, I still like you calling me baby..."

Grandma smiled, "Okay, okay, Dalang is called by Wanwan, right?"

"..." A certain person resented ten thousand times in his heart: I am not a big man, I am not a big man...

A certain person was a little obsessed with the offal, smelling it as he walked and turned around, and kept whispering in Xin Wan's ear, "Did you remember wrongly? I don't seem to be allergic to offal! I eat it abroad. Those who have eaten offal, really! If you don’t believe me, let’s try it? Anyway, it’s me who suffers from allergies, not you…”

Xin Wan twisted his neck directly, "Yes! What if I'm allergic, and I'm the allergen?" She always said she was poisoned!
A certain person's eyes flicked on her face, thinking that he had already recovered, and the food he could eat tonight was much more delicious than offal, so he stopped insisting...

 For the three readers who won the lottery two days ago, the book will be sent out in these two days, so pay attention to check it.

  By the way, let's ask another question today, simple~~~ When the baby is with Wanwan, what exactly is it allergic to?Choose three readers who get the correct answer, and get a signed book of "I Heard You Like Me"~~ See you tomorrow~!

(End of this chapter)

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