Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 127 Captured

Chapter 127 Captured
However, under the surveillance of the Zerg, how easy is it to escape?
The strong line of sight of the eye worm has been monitoring all the units in Feilongbao, especially the target that Xiaohei wants to interfere, Taana.

After realizing that Taana was taken away by the soldiers, Xiao Hei immediately told Enti about her movements.

As a very difficult character, not only Enti, but also Xiaohei does not want Taana to escape to other towns in the Kingdom of Divine Grace. If she escapes, without Xiaohei's interference, the demons cannot fight alone. Force to occupy Feilongbao.

Xiao Hei needs the demons to be more threatening, so the message to Enti also stated that this person cannot stay.

At the same time, outside Feilong Castle, the flying dragon facing the demon army on the scorched earth was a tragic scene. Melee combat between armies would become obsolete now. The main role of melee units is to provide protection for long-range units. By the way, clean up the battlefield after the battle.

Although the garrison troops of Feilong Castle have their own magical weapons, they are still a few stages behind the technology possessed by the demons. Not to mention compared with long-range artillery fire, even short-distance killing equipment cannot reach the opponent's range. .

The scene on the battlefield was a one-sided massacre. The artillery fire that was mainly attacking Feilong Castle turned around and bombarded the soldiers who came to die, without mercy.

Victory is only a matter of time. If it is true, if you fall behind, you will be beaten.

Enti, who was in command of the battle, had nothing to command. After receiving the spiritual message from Xiao Hei, she chose to take action herself. Among the demon soldiers, there was no better mage than her. She intercepted the few who had no resistance, It can be said to be within reach.

On the other side, Xiao Hei in the brood of the fortress stopped staying here after seeing that the battle situation was stable. Then headed towards the hinterland of the Divine Grace.

The mother nest of the fortress left the battlefield, and Enti also used short-distance teleportation. The magic of the demons comes from demons, and their mastery of teleportation magic is much better than that of humans. At least in short-distance situations, there is no need to pre-install teleportation nodes .

The two soldiers who had already escaped from Feilongbao thought they had escaped from Shengtian, and they all had joyful smiles on their faces. She put it down, but said: "Master Magic Advisor, it doesn't matter if we die, but you can't die? As long as you are still alive, we can reorganize the army and take back Feilongbao after a while, but if you die, Feilongbao It's like handing over to the demons!"

Another person also responded: "Yes, yes! Anyway, you can't die. Don't worry, we will definitely send you to a safe place."

However, just as the two of them finished speaking, a young girl appeared in front of their eyes, also with white hair, but her skin was a bit dark, and she had a pair of slightly pointed ears.

Generally speaking, when seeing a beautiful girl, as a soldier who has been with men for more than a few years, he would naturally be very excited, and it was the same at this time, the two soldiers seemed extremely excited, so excited that they almost peed their pants!My calves started to twitch a bit.

As the garrison soldiers of Feilongbao, it has not been a day or two to deal with the demons. If they still can't recognize the race of the girl in front of them, both of them may be blind.

And these two soldiers are just ordinary soldiers, commonly known as mortals, but the girl in front of me, the Demon Race, they are all amazing mages. A soldier is a scum with only five combat effectiveness.


"It's over!"

"Ah!~" X2
When the girl turned around, a sharp ice spear pierced the chests of two soldiers, accompanied by two screams, the soldiers who were originally beaming and feeling lucky to escape rolled their eyes and went to see Their gods are gone.

Losing support, Taana hit the soldier's body and rolled down. Although she is very weak now, as a magician, she is familiar with the fluctuations of magic. The magic power is so surging that it seems like a vast ocean, which is simply incomparable to Taana.

Taana struggled to get up, her silver teeth clenched, and her eyes showed vigilance and resentment.

However, due to the previous fall and tumbling, the pendant on Taana's neck was contaminated with the blood donation of the soldiers, and it bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

And Enti, who was planning a magical result of Taana, showed a hint of surprise on her face after seeing the dazzling pendant, but it only disappeared for a moment, and then her expression became playful: "I have I have heard that the little princess of the Mingyue Empire is a sorcerer with extraordinary attainments in magic, but I never thought that after leaving the Mingyue Empire, she would become a lackey of the Divine Grace Kingdom!"

Enti's words indicated that she recognized the origin of the pendant on Taana's neck, and Taana did not answer. Obviously, this is what Biona said, and the pendant could save her life.

Sure enough, after seeing that Taana didn't reply, Enti smiled softly and said, "I think His Majesty the Emperor of the Mingyue Empire will be very happy that his beloved little princess is back!"

The Emperor Enti refers to is not the old emperor, but the former prince who is now on the throne.

Enti didn't give Taana another chance to speak. With a wave of his staff, Taana was restrained by a bubble-like mana cage, and then disappeared here with her. As for what Enti will negotiate with the Mingyue Empire in the future , this has nothing to do with Xiao Hei, his goal has now been achieved.

After returning to the black sand lair, Xiao Hei began to personally mutate the siege units, while Etrein began to formulate the detailed process of the attack.

The project to the Kingdom of God's Grace is in full swing, and as the soon-to-be attacked, the True God Sect will naturally not be unprepared.

Three days later, Xiao Hei's swarm set off in a mighty way. At the same time, the True God Sect also received news from Feilongbao Lunxiao, and the news that the demons broke through unilaterally. The demons who can't get on have increased their attention.

True temple.

A huge map unfolded in the air, facing Pope Frann.

In Xijing, the True God Sect has basically cut off the source of news, but this does not mean that Flan can't see some clues. Some scattered news from the deserters let Flan know why the demons changed within a few months. so powerful.

There is only one black hand behind the scenes, Zulong Empire.

He was slapped by the Zulong Empire, but Flann was surprisingly not angry. If he had gone to the Zulong Empire before, he might have turned against Emperor Zulong on the spot.

But now, he has seen what the True God Sect and himself are about to face. Fate is like a grid. Now the True God Sect and him are about to reach a new fork, and the one who meets them is to let Shen En The Theocracy's vexing swarm.

 How much more can I write today!

(End of this chapter)

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