Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 129 Friends?enemy?Benefits only!

Chapter 129 Friends?enemy?Benefits only!

Darien Durax, the contemporary legendary crusader, the head of the advance army sent to the Violet Continent to recover the holy relics, is also the Pope of the Holy Grace, the crusader traitor, and the elder brother of Frann Durax.

"I can't believe it, you're still alive!" Looking at Darien, Faona said excitedly.

Darien, who is a crusader, naturally recognized Faona's identity at first glance, but facing his colleagues, he didn't show a smile, on the contrary, he had a serious expression: "It seems, Sarah Things are getting worse for Linas."

Hearing this, Faona also fell silent. When she came, the situation in Salinas was very bad. As for now, it may only be worse.

But now, instead of talking about the situation in Salinas, Darien said to Xiao Hei: "You should be the leader of the swarm!"

Xiao Hei took a step forward and said, "That's right, what's your priority?"

Of course, Darien didn't come here to talk about family issues. He went straight to the point and said: "I have persuaded all countries to join forces to attack the Holy Kingdom and dispersed most of their troops, but it won't last long. The kingdom's military strength cannot keep up with The empire is fighting, you'd better speed up the progress, and also, pay attention to Yaoguang!"

The news Darien brought to Xiao Hei was undoubtedly good news, but it was beyond his expectation. Xiao Hei did not expect that he had an ally that he didn't even know about.

However, regarding the Yaoguang mentioned by the other party, this made him puzzled. He knew the name of Yaoguang, and it was a god believed by the Yaoguang Empire. But why did Darien ask him to pay attention to Yaoguang?Shouldn't Yaoguang die, or disappear, or leave after the Kingdom of God overthrew the Yaoguang Empire?

Perhaps seeing the doubts in Xiao Hei's heart, Darien explained: "Yaoguang still exists in the Sky Temple, it has not left, nor has it died, the True God Cult distorted its will and restrained Yaoguang! "

After one word fell, another sentence: "The True God Cult left behind [-] infantry, which seems to be no threat, but in fact it is not. The light corrupted by the True God Cult will emit distorted light, and it will turn all creatures into ancient creatures. God's children, an army consisting of fifty thousand ancient god's children, can you imagine what it was like?"

Darien's words sound like a slap in the face. Hei is very familiar with the power of the heir of the ancient god. It is not something that a single worm can contend with. Even a low-level heir of the ancient god needs hundreds or even a thousand times the number of worms Joint attack can kill.

But if the ratio is not enough, the bugs will not be able to threaten them. The first time I heard it, the number of [-] could not help but send a chill down the back of Little Hei.

Of course, he is not only because of the 10 troops who may become the descendants of the ancient gods, but also because of the other side, what if the Yaoguang infected the residents of the holy city?A town is still the imperial capital of the Ecclesiastical State of Divine Favor. If nothing else, it must have a population of [-], right?If they were also twisted into the heirs of the ancient gods, would the swarm that had won by numbers still have an advantage in numbers?
When there is no advantage in quantity and quality, the possibility of defeat is [-]%. In front of a special unit like the descendants of the ancient gods, all schemes are sad jokes.

Itrein and Faona's faces were not very good at the moment, and Xiao Hei, after a short silence, asked Darien, because he knew that the other party came here on purpose, and it was definitely not a simple one. warn him.

"You should have a solution!" Xiao Hei asked.

Darien nodded, but then shook his head again.

Xiao Hei didn't know, so he asked again: "Please clarify!"

Darien sighed, and asked back: "Whether it can be solved depends on how long your swarm can last in the hands of the children of the ancient gods, and whether you have the courage to face the gods yourself!"

Although the words were not clear, Xiao Hei could still detect one or two meanings in the other party's words, and replied: "I'm not sure, if it's a creation of the real god, I should be lucky if my army of hundreds of thousands can last for a minute Alright, if it's Danuya, I have a 1% chance of winning! As for facing God!"

Xiao Hei paused for a moment, and said with emotion: "This is not the first time I have faced God, I am mentally prepared."

Darien was a little surprised when he heard the words, not because of the preface, but the afterword. He didn't expect Xiao Hei to face God.

"Very good, if that's the case, then there's a [-]% chance of winning." Darien looked at the swarm of insects in the sky and said, "Go straight to the holy city, and the fleets from the Ancestral Dragon Empire and the Northern Snow Region will assist you." The swarms of insects attack the Sky Temple. When the Sky Temple emits evil light, use this to sneak into the temple. The light is not strong. Whether you can eradicate the True God Sect depends on how far you can fight against God !"

After the words fell, Darien handed a rune stone to Xiao Hei. It was a stone exuding the energy of the Holy Light, and the mark of the Mother of the Holy Light was engraved on it.

The moment she saw the rune stone, Faona at the side knew Darien's intentions, and at the same time, she also knew where the crusader's relic was.

The Holy Relic of the Crusaders was placed in the Sky Temple by the True God Sect. That holy relic is not a mortal thing. Once it bursts out with all its power, even the gods of this world cannot invade it. Only the Holy Light bestows it. Only holy objects can break through its defenses.

Xiao Hei, who had no hands, asked Faona to accept the holy object on his behalf, and expressed his gratitude to Darien. Although he didn't know how the other party persuaded the Ancestral Dragon Empire and the Northern Snow Region to help him, no matter what, this It's all help, with the assistance of these two big aviation giants, it is by no means difficult to defeat the air fleet of the True God Cult, even if the number of those organic warships is astonishingly large.

As for how the supervision of the Zulong Empire and the Northern Snow Region can avoid being corroded by the distorted light emitted by the dazzling light, this is beyond the scope of Xiao Hei's thinking. Since Darien, who is familiar with this matter, can make the Zulong Empire and the Northern Snow Region Domain Assist, obviously has a solution.

After handing over the holy object to Faona, Darien left here. The final battle was imminent, and he had something he had to do.

After Darien left, Faona asked Xiao Hei strangely: "The Ancestral Dragon Empire will assist us? Didn't you say before that they want to destroy you?"

To this, Xiao Hei did not reply, but looked at Italin and smiled deeply.

The latter knew what Xiao Hei meant, and replied to Faona on her behalf: "Friends and enemies are only on the line, and it is interests that affect this line. There are no absolute enemies and absolute friends in the world. In front of interests, enemies cannot be separated." It may also become a friend, if the True God Cult can revive my... friend, I don't mind betraying my master now, you say yes!"

When the words fell, Italin looked at Xiao Hei.

Here, Xiao Hei affirmed: "Italian is right. In the face of interests, faith, loyalty, friendship, and even family affection are meaningless. The only thing that can compete with interests is love. However, from some On the one hand, isn't this love also a kind of benefit?"

In the words, Xiao Hei and Italin looked at each other and smiled. To be honest, the generosity that Xiao Hei has shown now may exceed all the high-ranking people in the past. After all, who can tolerate a high-ranking person? What about verbal betrayal?

 Have a meal first!
(End of this chapter)

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