Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 137 God!

Chapter 137 God!

The scarlet gem turned into golden amber, Xiao Hei slowly opened his eyes, he stared at the god in front of him, Yao Guang.

He had never felt that he was so powerful, so powerful that he even felt that the glory in front of him had become smaller.

That is a different level, no, it is the power of a different level. Everything in front of him has changed, but he does not know what has changed. The main plane at this time is like another world, familiar, But strange.

He saw the Holy Light and witnessed the true face of the Holy Light. He never thought that the Holy Light would come in front of him, nor did he think that this power from her was so powerful against evil things. Only after experiencing the two different forces in person can he truly understand that there is no commonality between the complete opposites, as if the purpose of the existence of the two is to erase each other.

But at this time, the sun, when she saw that her eyes were shrouded in an unstoppable "darkness", the expression that should not have appeared on the face of the gods was revealed.

In shock, with a little fear, she felt that the boundless "darkness" in front of her eyes would swallow her light and completely erase her from this world, just like the place where the world was formed before she was born.

"No! Why? Why is the power of darkness so powerful? No, how could light be swallowed by darkness? No, it's impossible!" Yaoguang shouted a little crazy.

But it wasn't from anger, nor from the little fear she showed, but from the wavering of her faith in the light.

Yaoguang is a god, but she is only an elemental god, just like other natural gods, they represent light (nature), but light (nature) does not belong to them.

"Darkness will leave, light will dawn, whether darkness surrounds you, whether evil surrounds you, don't despair, don't abandon the light in your heart, I am hope, and I will always shine in the dark Light!"

Xiao Hei lightly opened the beast's mouth, however, the voice that came out did not belong to him, it was a voice that was not a voice, it was a kind of spiritual language, he could feel himself, but his body seemed out of control .

After the ending, there was a loud roar, and in an instant, a more surging holy light burst out from his body, accompanied by spiritual lightning formed by countless arcs.

His psychic lightning has changed, it is no longer the blue blue it used to be, but also the dazzling golden light.

In Yaoguang's unbelievable eyes, golden lightning pierced into her body, directly hitting the elemental core in her body, which is a material elemental creature, a necessary thing, and its life.

The golden lightning was unstoppable, the power of Yaoguang became so weak under this holy light, she couldn't stop this power from another interface, the golden holy light penetrated her "heart" surging His holy power erupted from it, filling his entire body.

The darkness, the glare infected by the darkness, cracks appeared in her body, continuously extending from the chest, covering the whole body.

The endless holy light burst out from the crack along with her painful cry, breaking through the corruption from the power of the ancient gods!
With a huge roar, the Mother of the Empire exploded and turned into countless golden dust!

she died?The mother of the empire, the Lord God of Glory Elements, is dead?No, it is impossible for her to die. As long as there is light in this world, she cannot die and will always exist until the light dissipates.

The holy light emanating from Xiao Hei's body did not destroy the dazzling light, on the contrary, that power became the keystone to condense her, and the scattered golden light dust gathered again, and within a few breaths, she came back, that A god who is always shining in the sky of the Yaoguang Empire.

The newborn Yaoguang watched her body turn from white to golden. She heard that voice. It can be said that it is the mother of all lights. All the lights in this universe are derived from her. The first The second ray and the third ray of light are all like this.

"Me! What have I done?" A mixed expression of pity and pain was revealed on Yaoguang's elemental appearance.

The darkness can no longer blind her eyes. She can see everything in front of her clearly, and she also knows what she once thought was right, and what kind of disaster it has brought to her children.

When Yaoguang fell into remorse, the holy light on Xiao Hei's body dimmed, and she left without leaving any words, but when she left, she left Xiao Hei a gift, weak, and, she... …itself.

Regardless of the fur, scales, or part of the carapace on Xiao Hei's body, they were all transformed into gold by the power left over, and so were his eyes, like a pair of ambers with a small sun inside, but the pair of small suns It doesn't shine too brightly.

The organs in Xiao Hei's body began to function rapidly, and his metabolism was increased several times at this moment. This was not exacerbating his consumption. On the contrary, he was extracting the power bestowed on him by the holy light in his body, and then transforming it to make up for it. own lost physical strength.

But this weakness is too heavy, and it cannot be recovered by Duan Zai in a few breaths. How easy is it to bear the power of the Holy Light?Mortal creatures probably have not waited for the attachment of the will of the Holy Light, because of the fluctuations they generate, their bodies and organs will fail in all directions, and only bugs like him that are completely branching into the body and constantly evolving can bear it for a short time.

"Yaoguang! Now is not the time for you to be sad, look at the land in front of you! The darkness is spreading, we need your light to dispel the spreading evil!" Xiao Hei looked directly at Yaoguang, his tone was still a little weak .

Is the mind of a god really comparable to that of a mortal?Although Yaoguang was in great grief and regretted the many sins she had done to her people, she knew what she was going to do now.

The grief was still on her face, but she had already stood up, and her huge body shining with golden light slowly floated up.

"Evil has defiled me! I will not let them persecute my people anymore! Evil minions! Your doomsday is here! Pay for everything you have done! This endless light will burn you to ashes !"

Yaoguang burst into light, and the temple, which had been polluted by the power of the ancient gods, returned to its former brilliance under her blooming light.

The temperature rose suddenly, hundreds of degrees in just one second, or because of anger, she didn't have time to control her power, and the temperature she released affected Xiao Hei and the others.

How could a mortal creature of flesh and blood withstand such heat?The crusaders immediately turned into holy light, and Xiao Hei also opened the passage to the sub-dimension in an instant, and got in together with the crusaders.

This temple is not made of earth and rocks, but the material condensed by Yaoguang himself, made by the craftsmen of Yaoguang Empire, they will not be melted by the power of Yaoguang, on the contrary, they will absorb her power, accumulate, And radiate out thousands of times.

In less than ten seconds, the temperature inside the temple had already risen to hundreds of millions of degrees, and the radiance of the glare turned the temple into a sun in the eyes of everyone. The heat ignited all the fallen ghost warships around them and burned them to ashes.

But it's not over yet, it's just accumulating power, and then, in the eyes of mortals, they see the sun venting her anger, which is the power of a god.

The entire sky turned golden, and the positive space became a world of light. Not only here, but even the leaders of the four elements in the Central Continent also saw the new sun rising in the west. Sisters, endless rage.

Mortals, mortals recognized by Yaoguang as their subjects, were not affected as much as Xiao Hei and the others this time. The descendants of the ancient gods that the insect swarms were fighting were all ignited, and their body surfaces had gathered a high temperature of billions of degrees. No life could survive at this temperature, even if they were the descendants of the ancient gods.

In a tragic wail and twist, they were reduced to ashes, utterly wiped from the world, as stated in Glory's wrath.

However, there are exceptions to everything, and there are some existences that Yaoguang regards as evil, which were not swallowed by her anger.

In Flan's hand, there was an extra black scroll. It was not unfolded, nor did it burst out with any power, but neither Flan nor the bishops and believers in the city avoided the high temperature of being burned. The fate of being burned to ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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