Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 147 Goodbye with Enti!

Chapter 147 Goodbye with Enti!

"Welcome to visit again, Mr. Juggernaut!" In the Xinglin Ancient City Palace, Enti had already walked out of the palace before Xiao Hei and his party entered the meeting hall.

"Ha! I, a poor guest, will come to bother you more today!" Seeing that Enti went out to respond, Xiao Hei also said hello.

At this moment, Enti looked very happy, the previous sadness had long since disappeared, leaving only the joy from the heart.

Of course, this is not because of Xiao Hei's visit, but because of what Xiao Hei did.

The demons used to be strong for more than a time, and the territory was naturally vast, but now, those territories have fallen into the hands of others. However, the demons are not populated, and they don't value too many territories. , It's useless, but the only thing they don't want to give up is the flying dragon scorched earth.

Now, after several ages, the scorched earth of the flying dragon has returned to the hands of the demons. What could be more gratifying than this?Moreover, the True God Sect no longer exists, and the Divine Favor Theocracy is now in chaos, and it will soon become another new empire or several...kingdoms.

In addition, the demons now possess cutting-edge magic technology, and they are not afraid of other empires prying into the scorched earth of the flying dragon. Even if the Yaoguang Empire is reborn, it is almost impossible to take back that piece of land from the demons. Well, to ordinary people, it's just a rotten land where birds don't shit and grass doesn't take root. Only the demons know what's hidden under the ground. To them, it's all treasure.

"What are you talking about? You are our distinguished guest! Please come in!" Enti moved away. As a demon king, it is reasonable for her to let others see that it is very inappropriate.

However, those rigid old men and elders did not stop it, obviously in their hearts, Xiao Hei was enough to endure such a great gift from the Demon King.

Of course, Xiao Hei was not hypocritical, and walked in after starting.

After a while, Enti returned to his place, and the meeting they talked about before was suspended for a while, and instead they focused on Xiao Hei's visit.

"Although we don't have much contact, I can guess what kind of person you are... Worm, you are not the kind of high-ranking person who pays attention to etiquette and will make routine visits. You must have something to discuss with me when you come to me!" Enti is as smart as ever.

"I think you have been paying attention to the things about the True God Sect!" Xiao Hei asked.

To this, Enti nodded.

Xiao Hei continued: "Then you also know about the battle outside the holy city, no, you should have seen the man-made god."

Hearing this, Enti frowned, and a puzzled look appeared on her face: "Man-made god? What is that?"

These words made Xiao Hei stunned, and at this moment, Eitrein resolved Xiao Hei's confusion by relying on the psychic signal: "At that time, Frann gave a dislocation enchantment, and only those present at that time could see it."

The current Eitrein has gone through a slight appearance change (mutation) to hide her appearance. After all, she is the one who wiped out the royal family of the Demon Race.

"Why? Isn't this one action many times?" Xiao Hei asked in his heart.

In this regard, Italin replied: "The things about the ancient gods are not what ordinary people should know. If artificial gods appear in the eyes of mortals, who can guarantee that no one else will enshrine them? I don't know that Fran The specific means of collecting beliefs, but what is certain is that beliefs are definitely not directly enshrined to artificial gods, but transferred. Frann does not want beliefs to contain other emotions, what he wants is pure beliefs, if Faith is mixed with desires, appeals, etc., which may cause the artificial god to produce divinity. You must know that it is just a puppet god. If it produces divinity, even with the influence of the black scroll, I will not Think that Frann has the ability to control an ancient pantheon god with divinity!"

With this solution, Xiao Hei finally understands, and he also knows that Fran's ultimate goal is to rely on artificial gods to squeeze the entire moon out of orbit, push it into the sun and burn it, although doing so will cause the world to suffer. Gravity changes, bursting out all kinds of natural disasters, but at least the Fallen Moon can be eradicated.

All in all, what he needs is a tool, not a... boss!There is no doubt that the power of the artificial god surpasses him, and it is not a star. If he has self-thinking and divinity, no need to ask, his boss will immediately become a wage earner.

Seeing Enti's puzzled expression, Xiao Hei coughed a few times, and the sound shook everyone's eardrums.

"Ahem! Well, the thing is like this, the True God Cult created a false god, and he restrained Yaoguang, the patron god of the Yaoguang Empire, and we rescued her, relying on her to make the True God Cult It was wiped out, and the man-made god died, but you know the outcome of the battle, my worms are gone, so I came to you, hoping to borrow something from you, don't worry, I will repay you twice in the future!" On Xiao Hei's side, he began to fool around indiscriminately.

It's just that Enti in front of him is a very intelligent and pleasant demon king. Even if Xiao Hei is a bug, don't tell the lie and the truth, as long as the half-truth and half-truth are mixed, she will not be able to escape her wonderful pair. head.

Enti saw through that Xiao Hei was fooling her, but she didn't expose it face to face, but showed an expression that let Xiao Hei know that I saw that you were fooling me: "We don't ask too much about other countries. , but you are our ally, you also have kindness to us, and you have helped us eradicate the biggest threat. I must help you solve any difficulties you encounter. Please tell me, I will do my best !"

Enti's expression made Xiao Hei very embarrassed, but since he skipped the words for him, he would not get it back with a thick face, so he said: "I need a lot of magic crystals, the more the better." .”

"Magic crystal?" Enti blinked, and now she didn't understand what Xiao Hei meant.

In her impression, the creatures of the swarm don't know how to use magic. What can they do with magic crystals?Could it be that the master in front of him still wants his worms to learn magic?
Enti doesn't know much about the swarm, like other empires, even if he doesn't know what the swarm needs magic crystals at first, but every time a large number of magic crystals are obtained through the swarm, there will be a group of more worms, you can guess Guess what they want the magic crystal for.

However, even if she didn't know, Enti still didn't ask much, and it was unnecessary, because she wasn't very interested in bugs, but the leader of the bugs in front of her.

"Mojing, you really picked the right time. Let's take a rest first. After a while, I will take you to the dragon's scorched earth. Perhaps the blood of the earth will satisfy your interest."

Wait?No, obviously not, there is a follower behind Xiao Hei, who knows when he will come here?I relied on the sub-dimensional rush to pull a long distance. I am afraid that they will come here in a day.

"Let's go now, there is a trouble following me, time is precious to me!" Xiao Hei shook his head lightly.

After hearing this, Enti hummed and said, "Just tell me if you have any troubles. As I said before, I will do my best to help you!"

"Oh? The Imperial Fleet, can you clean it up for me?" Xiao Hei narrowed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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