Zerg Evolution Journey

Chapter 153 Long time no see!old friend!

Chapter 153 Long time no see!old friend!
In the early morning of the next day, the enthronement ceremony of the new emperor was officially held in the Imperial Palace Square in the capital of the Mingyue Empire.

However, very few nobles came to participate in the enthronement ceremony of the new emperor. Logically speaking, this is an unusual day, and it is also the enthronement ceremony of the seventh empress of the Mingyue Empire. Those who hold their thighs can definitely fill the entire imperial capital.

But today, not to mention the palace, even the entire capital city, there were no proper celebrations. The empress' enthronement ceremony seemed to be going through the motions in a hurry.

Of course, this is not to say that it is unsatisfactory for Biona to become the queen. On the contrary, as the orthodox heir of the Yinyue family, it is natural for her to inherit the throne. The order, but the allocation of territories, and the governance assessment, among which the best one will accept the training of the twelve great sages of the Yinyue family in turn bombing, at least five years, and will officially become the crown prince after reaching the standard. It can be said that any The person who became the crown prince, regardless of other things, is definitely a top-notch existence in governing the country.

Take Biyona's uncle as an example. He also participated in the competition before. Although he lost, the accumulated experience also made him handy in governing the country. Although he cannot be called an unrivaled master, But the word Mingjun is worthy of it.

It is precisely because of this that the reputation of the Yinyue family in the Mingyue Empire is getting higher and higher day by day, and it is also the country with the least rebellion in the history of human countries, not one of them.

Although Biyona has not gone through the assessment, it is all an internal matter of the royal family, how can outsiders know about it?Others only know that she is the orthodox heir of the Yinyue family, and in the future, she will be an outstanding monarch like her predecessors.

As for the reason for the coldness of the capital city, it is very simple. Most of the residents were transferred to the underground spare capital city due to Xiuborn's order. Eighty percent of them were transferred back, either to the east for assistance, or to enter the ground as a reserve force.

It can be said that the Mingyue Empire on the surface is already an empty shelf. Given time, the Mingyue Empire will temporarily disappear from the ground.

At this moment, the enthronement ceremony has come to the second half. As long as Biyona takes over the battle of royal power passed to her by Xiu Boen in the eyes of the ministers, then she will officially become the Mingyue Empire. The seventh generation queen, the 130th second generation monarch.

And just when Biona took over the Canglan Moon from her uncle, suddenly, a beast's roar resounded through the sky, and she saw a giant creature with a volume stretching for a kilometer flying to the palace. above.

Seeing it, all the people present showed horror.

"Here, what the hell is this?"

"Why does this thing pass through the city defense?"

"Then, look at that, it's a passing flag! It has a demon stamp, is it a demon?"

Everyone is talking about it, but no one is sure. The Mingyue Empire and the Demon Race have always been close, but who knows, no, they have never heard of the Demon Race having such a thing?Moreover, the official also issued an invitation to the Demon Race, and the new emperor's ascension to the throne was only known to the officials in the capital. It stands to reason that the Demon Race could not have come to participate in the enthronement ceremony.

As for the people present, who knew that thing?I am afraid that only Biyona has seen it once. When she returned to the Ancestral Dragon Empire from Feilongbao, she saw that kind of behemoth on the road.

At that time, Biona didn't know what it was, but after thinking about it, the huge creature came from the north, that is, the direction of the west of the Divine Grace Theocracy at that time, and at that time there was news of some bugs from the west, Describe them as an unstoppable disaster.

Biona wasn't stupid. With the combination of the two, she guessed that the huge monster might be a member of the bugs.

Seeing the huge monster that she identified as a bug came to her country, or the imperial city, on top of her head, Biyona couldn't help frowning, it was a disaster!
"No! Although I don't know why it has a traffic flag with a demon print, but we must not let the bugs come here!" Gritting her silver teeth, Biona made up her mind.

Afterwards, Biona picked up the Canglanzhiyue, jumped off the ceremony platform regardless of her identity, and pointed at the giant beast in the sky.

Canglanzhiyue, this is not just a scepter that represents full strength. According to legend, a long, long time ago, the first monarch of the Silvermoon Empire, Enola Yinyue, who was called the Light of the Moon God, She once faced the goddess of the moon directly, and this blue moon is the gift bestowed on her by the goddess of the moon on that blue moon night.

This is an artifact, an artifact created by God himself. At this moment, Biona's magic power was multiplied by the Canglan Moon, and the brilliance shining on her body seemed to set the surrounding space Generally in the sea.

The magic power surged, and its magic power fluctuations also increased, and it spread out. Xiao Hei, who was resting in the nest of the fortress, suddenly opened his eyes, and he felt the suffocating magic power fluctuations. Call it the very familiar... magic wave.

"Bionna! It's her!" In just a split second, Xiao Hei recognized who the familiar wave of magic power came from, and he was pleasantly surprised, but of course there was also a lot of embarrassment.

It seems that he recognized the other party, but the other party didn't recognize him. Moreover, looking at the growth rate of the magic power, it revealed a violent wave of magic power in its stability. There is no doubt that this is going to fire at him!

This magical power is extraordinary. The nest of the fortress has no protective means similar to a barrier. If this is done, let alone half-mutilate the nest of the fortress that is more than a thousand meters away, I am afraid that it will be turned into pieces on the spot.

Sitting still?How could it be possible, it is not shameful to be beaten, but to be killed by an own goal would be embarrassing.

Without saying a word, Xiao Hei escaped directly into the sub-dimension. After leaving the nest of the fortress, the psychic signal went straight into Biona's heart.

"Old friend! Such a big gift as soon as we meet! I can't bear it!"

When Xiao Hei's spiritual sound came into Biyona's heart, upon hearing that familiar spiritual sound, Biyona's movement of concentrating magic power froze immediately, then her eyes widened, and she looked at the giant monster in the sky in disbelief. The beast said: "You! Are you Xiao Hei?"

The answer is of course no, just when Biyona's spiritual sound reached Xiao Hei's heart, he had already appeared in front of Biyona accompanied by powerful thunder and lightning, with a beast face showing With a playful smile, he said, "Am I that ugly? Listen to me, but it's very heartbreaking!"

 what!I'm exhausted, working on the construction site is so tiring!From dawn to dusk!When will I be free?This is not life at all!
(End of this chapter)

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